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Tag: energy consumption

How ditching carbon will boost your triple bottom line

Gone are the days where corporate leaders focused on a profit-centred bottom line. Or are they?This approach implies embedding two additional elements within your...

Examples Of How The Physical Marketing Industry Is Going Greener

Almost regardless of where you look, you will see examples of businesses and industries that are striving to work in more environmentally friendly ways. Consumer pressure, legislation, and a realization that everyone needs to pull together to literally save the […]

The post Examples Of How The Physical Marketing Industry Is Going Greener appeared first on The Environmental Blog.

Kazakhstan Shuts Down Internet Amidst Government Crisis

Internet service in Kazakhstan has been interrupted once more after the government declared its resignation. Nation-wide Internet blackout Since Sunday, thousands have taken to the streets in order to protest against the rising fuel prices in Kazakhstan. Earlier, the Kazakh government had rescinded price controls on liquefied petroleum gas, which caused the price hike. On […]

The post Kazakhstan Shuts Down Internet Amidst Government Crisis appeared first on CryptoCoin.News.

Road Tripping with an Electric Vehicle: An Ultimate Guide

Road tripping is a quintessential American experience. The open road, the beautiful scenery, and the freedom to go wherever you want without being tied...

5 strategies for reducing Scope 3 emissions

Scope 3 carbon emissions can account for up to 95% of the overall carbon footprint for some businesses. You don’t have direct control over...

How to Run an Environmentally-Friendly and Ethically-Sourced Coffee Shop

Coffee has become a mainstay in many people’s lives across the globe. People visit coffee houses to catch up over a sip of their...

Tezos Jumps Following Partnership With Gaming Developer

Open-source proof of stake blockchain Tezos (XTZ) received a boost this week from a partnership with the gaming company behind hits like Assassin’s Creed, Tom Clancy, and Far Cry. In a press release, French video game company Ubisoft announces a partnership with Tezos to create Ubisoft Quartz, a platform for playable and energy-efficient non-fungible tokens […]

The post Tezos Jumps Following Partnership With Gaming Developer appeared first on Coin Bureau.

Mainland China Truck Market Continues to Deteriorate

Mainland Chinese Truck Market Continues to Deteriorate, Supply Constraints Add to Production Woes

The policy-induced pre-loaded consumption has given mainland Chinese medium- and heavy-duty truck (MHDT) market a chill since July, with production cutting by nearly 60% as compared with the same period of last year. The current supply chain constraints caused by semi-conductor and power shortages will weigh on production activities into 2022. In our November 2021 forecast, we expect the mainland Chinese MHDT production to further loose around 25,000 units for the second half of 2021 and 15,000 units for the first quarter of the next year.

High inventories of China 5-level trucks remain the biggest dragger

Owing to the OEMs' price competition, the pre-buy activity in preparation for the China 6 emission rules were greatly amplified, resulting in an over-storage of China 5-level trucks across dealer channels in the first half of 2021. By the end of October, nationwide MHDT inventories are calculated at 260,000 units, still way higher than the typical rates of 150,000-170,000 units. Roughly two thirds of inventories are China 5-level trucks, despite a closure of registrations in major markets such as Hebei, Shaanxi, and Shandong. A part of the unsaleable trucks has flowed into the second-hand market with price depreciating up to 50%. Such price differential, coupled with common concerns over increasing usage cost, makes China-6 level trucks even less favorable. Although the final chance to register a China 5-level truck is set on December 31, 2021 in some regions, the high inventory pressure will likely deepen into early 2022 before the full clearance of new China 5-level trucks in the market.

Semiconductor shortage gets worse but under control

The global automotive semiconductor shortage has worsened by the pandemic resurgence in Malaysia and Vietnam since the summer months. To minimize losses under the tighter resources, some OEMs have prioritized production to bestselling models or new models that need to be pushed to the market, while some OEMs have placed orders of key accounts the first in line. Moreover, there have been cases of pausing acceptance of advanced orders because of the uncertainty about final deliveries. As a result, the average lead time of new trucks in most manufacturers are extended from one week to above four weeks. The sophisticated premium models that account for less than 10% market share suffered the most, with production line rates almost halved for several brands. We expect the semiconductor supply chain to stay gloomy for the coming months, but its impacts on the MHDT production should be manageable under sluggish sales of China 6-level trucks.

Power shortage risk may persist in the medium term

The coal supply disruption stemming from the mainland Chinese government's energy consumption control has triggered a severe power crunch across the nation, with more than 20 provinces experiencing different degrees of load shedding measures since mid-2021. Except for three northeastern provinces - Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang where the residential sector is affected, most provinces have kept power rationing measures within energy-intensive industries. Some energy-intensive industries such as aluminum, electronics, and steel are ordered to curtail capacity by 20-30% in the second half to meet carbon reduction commitments, posing more hurdles to automotive supply chain and industrial freight transport. On one hand, the softening demand for China 6-level trucks has hindered truck makers to pass the inflating producer cost on to retail prices. On the other hand, the continued downswing in industrial output will undermine the road freight recovery. Although the government has fine-tuned policies to ramp up coal production and reined in coal and power prices, an upturn is not likely to emerge until the second quarter of 2022 when the winter heating season ends. Given the government's anti-pollution ambitions, the supply disruption risks may sustain for quite a while.

With de-stocking of China 5-level new trucks, we predict MHDT inventories to rebuild from the third quarter of 2022, supporting some improvements in production. However, the expected slowing economy as well as economic reform measures including property deleveraging, financial de-risking, and industrial decarbonization will continue to act as a drag from the demand side. The recently released State Council's guideline on antipollution campaigns which highlight a nationwide elimination of China 1-3-level trucks by 2025 may bring a turn to the market, while its practical enforcement and impacts remain uncertain before the issuance of more specific measures.

Carbon neutrality and the role of business on the path to net zero emissions

1. Introduction Climate change is a global problem caused by increased levels of greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions accelerated after the middle of the last...

The Green DeFi platform Energyfi is about to launched on mainnet

Quick Take

  • Energyfi is designing green and cost-effective Decentralized Finance by providing a comprehensive set of DeFi features on Energy Web, Avax, Near and Bsc, all while accelerating their adoption.
  • Energyfi raised $200,000.00 in a private token sale.
  • The Green DeFi platform Energyfi is about to be launched on mainnet with the release of EnergyPad, it's ILO platform.
    The Green DeFi platform Energyfi is about to launched on mainnet

Decentralized finance in brief

Decentralized Finance (commonly referred to as DeFi) is a blockchain-based form of finance that does not rely on central financial intermediaries such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks to offer traditional financial instruments, and instead utilizes smart contracts on blockchains, the most common being Ethereum.

Introducing Energyfi

Newly, Decentralized Finance faces two major problems: high transaction costs and a huge carbon footprint on the environment due to excessive energy consumption (especially on Ethereum).

Energyfi is addressing these issues by designing a comprehensive set of DeFi features on Energy Web Chain, Avalanche, Near and Binance Smart Chain, which will accelerate their adoption at the same time. Indeed, to move towards mass adoption, a blockchain needs more users, and to have more users, it needs more dApps. In order to foster the emergence of decentralised applications (dApps) and to support developers who wish to build on these networks, a fast and reliable all-in-one platform like Energyfi is crucial. Both a cornerstone and a catalyst, Energyfi aims to lead the industry towards: decentralisation, transparency, environmental awareness and cross-chain interoperability. These core values can be seen in the main features of Energyfi.

Energyfi's Features

The Energyfi platform includes a wide range of features, all designed to enable the adoption of green networks and the emergence of environmentally friendly decentralised finance.

This includes:

  • Launchpad (permissionless fundraising platform)
  • Dex (decentralised exchange platform where you can easily buy and sell your crypto-currencies on the network of your choice)
  • Staking/Farming (savings product)
  • Lending (lend and borrow crypto-currencies.

Energyfi Token (EFI)

EFI token will have multiple use cases such as governance and platform utility. Holding EFI token will also be necessary in order to use some of the Energyfi services. Also, to promote EFI token holders, a frictionless yield and burn mechanism is included.

This will respectively provide a passive income and fight against inflation.

Energyfi raised $200,000 in a private sale and the public sale will be scheduled

The token private sale round was supported by several investors including INBlock ventures, Blu Ocean capital and whitelisted private investors.

$200,000.00 were raised during the private sale and a public sale will be organised in the near future on EnergyPad, the Energyfi launchpad.

Website: https://www.energyfi.io

Telegram: https://t.me/Energyfi_official

The Imminent Extinction of the Diesel Car

The sales of diesel cars are falling – according to the SMMT, diesel car registrations are down by more than 60% since 2020, with...

Buying New Construction vs Existing Home | 15 PROs & CONs

A new construction home can be very appealing especially when compared to an existing home, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons.

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