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Tag: empirical

Aliens Could Be ‘Walking Among Us’, Harvard Researchers Say – Decrypt

A new research paper from a team at Harvard University and the University of Montana suggests that aliens have likely visited Earth—and could still...

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Scientists Are Working Towards a Unified Theory of Consciousness

The origin of consciousness has teased the minds of philosophers and scientists for centuries. In the last decade, neuroscientists have begun to piece together...

Generation Z has it tougher than millennials: TransUnion report

While both Generation Z and millennials are maturing during difficult financial times, TransUnion’s study Solving for Z shows Generation Z has it harder. Solving...

Carbon pricing works: major meta-study

MCC Director Ottmar Edenhofer. Media release | Carbon pricing systems achieve between 5% and 21% emission reductions in their first few years of operation, according...

Trailblazing Silent Skies: Brazilian Scientists Nominated for European Inventor Award – ACE (Aerospace Central Europe)

Innovative Minds from Embraer’s Silent Aircraft Program Lead Sustainable Aviation Advances Embraer’s pioneering scientists, Micael Carmo and Fernando Catalano, have been selected as finalists for...

Can lemon-smelling weed cause less anxiety than others?

Top study takeaways:Ever eat mangos to help you get higher? Maybe pound some lemonade to prevent anxietyTest subjects who vaped lots of the terpene...

16 Best Research Papers on AI: ICLR 2024 Outstanding Paper Awards

Introduction The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) is one of the most prestigious and sought-after conferences in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). This...

How LotteON built dynamic A/B testing for their personalized recommendation system | Amazon Web Services

This post is co-written with HyeKyung Yang, Jieun Lim, and SeungBum Shim from LotteON. LotteON is transforming...

Space weather requires our attention now more than ever

Today we are in the middle of Solar Cycle 25, which began in 2019 and will last approximately until 2030, going through cyclical highs...

Does AI Know What an Apple Is? She Aims to Find Out. | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionStart talking to Ellie Pavlick about her work — looking for evidence of understanding within large language models (LLMs) — and she might sound...

Insects and Other Animals Have Consciousness, Experts Declare | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn 2022, researchers at the Bee Sensory and Behavioral Ecology Lab at Queen Mary University of London observed bumblebees doing something remarkable: The diminutive,...

Charting a New Course: Why the US Navy Must Confront Unrealistic Optimism

At the 2024 Sea-Air-Space defense conference hosted by the Navy League from April 8-10, U.S. Navy leadership and major defense contractor executives convened in...

What is the purpose of prompt engineering?

It’s not just about teaching a machine to talk; it’s about teaching it to think. Prompt engineering lies at the heart of this transformation,...

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