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Ledger Nano S Plus Review 2023: Top Security for Altcoins & NFTs

<!-- --> There is no getting around the fact that 2022 was rough. Our portfolios are down, our funds are locked...

How can you maximise your time at an online casino as a player?

Playing at online casinos offers numerous benefits. There are numerous inexpensive ways to gain access to the best casino games. The instantaneous benefits...

Going the distance: Maximum, RWF and ultra running

“I don’t know if there’s anything like it in gaming or many things like that in life.” Liquid Guild’s Raid Leader and Guild Master,...


CBD vs THC: What does it matter? When it comes to misunderstood plants, cannabis tops the list. The simple green plant has been stigmatized for...

Agents of Change Assemble to Solve Supply Chains & Global Commerce Challenges

As the leading minds from the worlds of retail, technology & supply chain converged on Miami (for the first time in-person since 2019), we...

Retail Returns: The Key to Driving Business Growth

Retail returns occur when a customer returns the purchased items to a seller in exchange for a refund, store credit, or a similar product. Returns...

What Do You Need To Do To Reach Your Financial Goals?

Financial goals are long-term, short-term, and intermediate objectives that form the cornerstone of an overall financial plan. The best financial goals are those that...

AI innovations in gaming.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is nothing new. Many people probably think that AI is something that has been developed during the 2000s, but already...

Ways to keep tabs on what your site’s visitors are doing

Keeping track of URL visits and user actions like button clicks, or text inputs is essential for any website owner who wants to know...

Splinterlands: Blockchain’s TCG Powerhouse?

<!-- --> Trading Card Games (TCGs) are undoubtedly one of the most popular genres of gaming, in both physical and digital...

Seniors search what they see, using a new LensSeniors search what they see, using a new LensKeyword contributor

Technology shines when it helps us get things done in our daily lives, and that’s exactly why a group of around 100 very eager seniors gathered in Odense, Denmark. All older than 65, many up to 85, they decided to stay on top of the latest technological tricks and tools. On this March day, the eye-opener was the often overlooked potential in searching for information using visual tools, like Google Lens.

So now the seniors searched their surroundings directly: Scanned trees, plants, animals and buildings, used Translate to get hold of Turkish language menu cards or Japanese sayings, and found product declarations through barcode scanning.

The group was taking part in a training set up by Faglige Seniorer, which organizes 300,000 seniors in total. They first partnered with Google back in 2019 to train seniors in using voice to search, and now the time had come to use live images.

“Often, when I go for a walk, I stumble upon an unknown flower or a tree. Now I can just take a picture to discover what kind of plant I am standing before,” Verner Madsen, one of the participants, remarked. “I don’t need to bring my encyclopedia. It is really smart and helpful.”

Seniors in a country like Denmark are generally very tech savvy, but with digitization constantly advancing — accelerating even faster during two years of COVID-19 — some seniors risk being left behind, creating gaps between generations. During worldwide lockdowns, technological tools have helped seniors stay connected with their family and friends, and smartphone features have helped improve everyday life. One key element of that is delivering accurate and useful information when needed. And for that, typed words on a smartphone keyboard can often be substituted with a visual search, using a single tap on the screen.

Being able to "search what you see" in this way was an eye-opener to many. As the day ended, another avid participant, Henrik Rasmussen, declared he was heading straight home to continue his practice.

“I thought I was up to speed on digital developments, but after today I realize that I still have a lot to learn and discover,” he said.

Google is an eye-opener to many, including seniors who found themselves a new — and fun — tool to search for information.

IamUkraine studio Launches NFT collection to pave the way towards an iconic artform to aid Ukraine

IamUkraine studio Launches NFT collection to pave the way towards an iconic artform to aid Ukraine
The IamUkraine studio has announced the release of its NFT collection, which will pave the way for an iconic creative form to benefit Ukraine. The collection, which is aimed at improving the domestic humanitarian environment, is likely to help the struggling populace. With the debut of the Zelenskyy NFT collection, IamUkraine is elated to announce […]

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