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Tag: educate

Meet the Founder of Income Marketplace

When investing, your capital is at risk.  __ Inflation is rapidly increasing worldwide, meaning the value of money is falling by the minute. The UK inflation rate reached a decade high of 5.1% , whilst Europe was ever so slightly behind at 4.9%.  The best way to beat inflation is through investing. The issue is [...]

The post Meet the Founder of Income Marketplace appeared first on Seedrs Insights.

Building An NFT For The Photography Community With Peter Hurley – The New Trust Economy

NFTs are fast becoming an ubiquitous part of the digital economy. Once largely a digital art medium, NFTs are starting to encompass other art...

Tips to Banks for Optimizing Security Level in their Mobile Banking Apps

Tips to Banks for Optimizing Security Level in their Mobile Banking Apps The popularity of mobile banking services is on top of in-branch banking systems. Nearly 75% of bank account holders are installing banking apps...

5 strategies for reducing Scope 3 emissions

Scope 3 carbon emissions can account for up to 95% of the overall carbon footprint for some businesses. You don’t have direct control over...

When Dental Practice Meets Carbon Neutrality

By Pianpian Wang“Our mission is to serve five key stakeholders, patients, team, suppliers, community and environment”, says Scott Andersen, the co-founder of Artisan Dental.Artisan...

Keeping 2U and Coursera Accountable

Universities should buy shares in the publicly traded companies they want to hold accountable.

The post Keeping 2U and Coursera Accountable appeared first on e-Literate.

The 13 Best Sales Enablement Software & Platforms in 2023

Sales enablement platforms are to feed sales representatives with productive content and give them opportunities to sell.It has become a necessity for sales enablement...

How Nature Captures and Stores Carbon [Webinar]

Grassroots Carbon Presents: “Soil Carbon Sequestration: How Nature Captures and Stores Carbon” A free webinar featuring Blue Nest Beef’s CEO Russ Conser. Watch...

4 Education Resources You May Have Missed This Month

Take a moment to read our roundup of content and resources to bring ideas, insight and inspiration into the week ahead – and beyond. While districts still face many challenges due to COVID, we also want to  share the resilience and adaptability many districts have shown as they work to educate students in a “not so normal world.“ 

5 ideas to get involved in local elections and boost civic engagement

As we edge closer and closer to Election Day on November 3, folks across the country are heading out to the polls to cast their votes and let their voices be heard. And although there are many things about this election that make it different from those of years past, one thing remains the same: … Continue reading 5 ideas to get involved in local elections and boost civic engagement

The post 5 ideas to get involved in local elections and boost civic engagement appeared first on ioby.

Extreme Ownership in Supply Chain Management

I think it is well known that the supply chain area becomes somewhat of a hub for the corporation.  Just about every activity either flows into or flows out of the supply chain area.  Great ideas turn into products through the supply chain; Great sales of products cause great products to flow out of the supply chain and into the customer's hands.  Through the S&OP (Sales and operations planning) process, just about all planning activities move through the supply chain. 

This is why Extreme Ownership is so critical for the supply chain manager.  There is a saying in the safety world:  "You see it, you own it" and that is true for the supply chain manager.  You see the issue, you own the issue and since you are going to see just about all the issues you have to take ownership to get those issues solved.  Product defects?  You will see it in inflated returns - You see it, you own it!  Inventory problems (Too little, not enough) the distribution center manager will see that in his/her distribution center - You see it, you own it!

These ideas are built from a fantastic book called: "Extreme Ownership: How US Navy Seals LEAD and WIN by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.  This book is written for all leaders but especially for the supply chain leader.  We see it all and therefore we have to own it.

While there are many types of leaders I think one large macro category could be that there are two types:  Victim and Owner.  The victim is the one who lists off all the things that have happened to him or her and therefore that is whey they cannot get their job done.  If only forecasts were better!!  If only we made products which cubed better... If only.... .Well, you get the picture.  This person sits back and plays the "if only" game as a complainer, not a participant.

The Owner (in the way of Extreme Ownership) sees the issues and regardless of origin takes ownership.  Rather than play the "if only" game as a spectator the Extreme Owner takes action to solve the issue(s).  If only forecasts were better! - Action: I am going to meet with the head of planning to discuss how I can give an early warning indicator to things which are not selling (Planning is in supply chain but the early warning indicator may come from outside the planning department).  If only products cubed better! - Action: I am going to participate further upstream in product development to educate others on the costs of not cubing properly and how we may be able to meet all the customer needs and ensure a cost efficient way to cube transportation conveyances (Design for Logistics).

My advice here is to take ownership and move out of of your "sphere of influence" and into your "sphere of concern" (Covey).  Take action, own the issue and work with your other partners across the company to bring to a resolution. 

After reading this book and contemplating for over 1 year (Read it last year), I really have concluded this separates out the great from the good.  The great take extreme ownership, the others observe and say "If only...".

Technology in Cardiometabolic Health • Medtech Impact On Wellness

This partner blog is from The Cardiometabolic Health Congress (CMHC). In collaboration with MedTech, CMHC will host the Cardiometabolic Tech Summit on October 10th to...

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