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Tag: early adopters

We’re About To See a Lot More SaaS Debt

Debt for SaaS companies done right is a gift.  Done wrong, it can weigh you down like an anchor.  Few folks have more...

On the Burner: In-Depth Interview with Derek Du Chesne, President of Exactus Hemp

During his first foray into the the cannabinoid  industry, Du Chesne found it difficult to get a reliable supplier and manufacturer of CBD...

THE CONTENT MODERATION REPORT: Social platforms are facing a massive content crisis — here’s why we think regulation is coming and what it will...

Content moderation has become a top priority for social platforms — including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn — amid rising public and...

Ethena raises $2 million in seed funding for smarter anti-harassment software

Corporate harassment training is often defined by mandatory annual workshops, stock photo-ridden curricula and, often, outdated scenarios. Harvard graduates Roxanne Petraeus and Anne...

THE IN-STORE CHECKOUT REVOLUTION: How payments companies can take advantage of a $21 billion opportunity

Autonomous checkout market growth estimates Business Insider Intelligence Although there are only a handful of autonomous checkout stores today, the technology has...

THE DIGITAL HEALTH COMPETITIVE EDGE REPORT: How the big four US insurers rank on digital feature awareness — and what it means for customer...

This is a preview of THE DIGITAL HEALTH COMPETITIVE EDGE REPORT from Business Insider Intelligence. This report is exclusively available to enterprise subscribers. To learn...

How IBM Q Network taps partners to advance quantum computing

As quantum computing advances, IBM has been one of the key players pushing the boundaries of this next-generation computing architecture. To accelerate this...

BBC releases first beta of its Beeb voice assistant to UK Windows Insider members

Back in August 2019, the BBC made some waves with the news that it was developing a voice assistant called Beeb, an English...

Crypto Could Save Millennials From the Economy That Failed Them

In a seminal blog post by Blockchain Capital, Bitcoin (BTC) was described as a “demographic mega-trend.” And while new technology tends to follow...

What Marketers Should Know About TikTok Ad Formats and a Roundup on Partnership News

At Business Insider Intelligence, our mission is to bring you the most important insights, data and analysis from the digital world. So when...

Chevy redoubles effort to explain EV basics via new video series

Chevy told us this week that its Bolt EV will carry the weight of GM’s electric vehicle program until the company’s new wave...

SaaStr Podcasts for the Week with Facebook Workplace and Slack — May 29, 2020

Ep. 337: Christine Trodella is Head of Americas for Facebook’s Workplace product, the communication tool that connects everyone in your company, through...

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