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Tag: driver

Coding as conversations: Pair programming

Coding as conversations: Pair programming January 26, 2019 tags: programming Recently, I saw Aatish Bhatia share...

Blockchain Fighting Back Against Commoditizing Workers

Sometimes modern technology comes at a price. For all of Uber ’s roaring successes in providing users worldwide with basement priced transportation and...

CannabisCoin: 1:1 Cannabis Cryptocurrency

As blockchain continues to disrupt processes across industries, niche coins — with hyper-specific purposes — have been grabbing their own little pieces of the...

My Reflections on CES 2019

I just returned from my first CES experience. People are not kidding when they say that the crowds, the lines, and the sheer magnitude of the conference are on another level; nothing could have prepared me!  I was, however, mentally … Continue reading

Do Driverless Vehicles Require Drivers?

This may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but just about every driverless vehicle deployment has at least one operator in the vehicle. This article highlights how all Uber test vehicles will have “two employees in each autonomous vehicle.” Lyft and Aptiv … Continue reading

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry is facing tumultuous times with technology shaping the way it operates. And, in a bid to cover the possibilities and...

Top 10 Benefits of RPA in Business

Robotic Process Automation is gaining tons of traction for its promise of improving business efficiency, making employees more productive, and leading to an...

Customer Service after hours: what the Dark Web can teach us

Legend holds that the first thing to be sold online, through ARPANET, the seventies’ precursor to the modern internet, in a deal struck...

It’s not you, it’s me: how to deal with angry customers

As someone who has worked in Customer Service before, I wish I could have stuck to the same script Kelly Kapoor did every...

Survival of the fittest: are BPOs ready to evolve?

The most successful businesses respond to market pressures much in the same way Darwin’s famous Galápagos finches responded to food scarcity: adapt or...

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare – A Comprehensive Account

To say that the role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare is intriguing, would be an understatement. AI and Machine Learning can bring about...

Slow your roll: VMware urges admins to apply workarounds to DoS-inducing 3D render vuln

VMware has warned users about an "important" denial-of-service vuln in ESXi, Workstation and Fusion that hinges on a problem with 3D rendering. The...

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