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Tag: Diversity

Machine Learning that Learns More Like Humans, an AI Lip-Reading ‘Machine’, and More – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 11-11-16

1 – Artificial-Intelligence System Surfs Web to Improve Its PerformanceInformation extraction involves classifying data items that are stored in plain text, and is a...

Deep Reinforcement Learning

We have subsequently improved the DQN algorithm in many ways: further stabilising the learning dynamics; prioritising the replayed experiences; normalising, aggregating and re-scaling the...

Moving on from big blockchains

What we gain in flexibility by losing proof of workWhen it comes to using blockchains for inter-enterprise coordination, there’s an elephant-sized problem in...

A World That Speaks The Same Language

There are approximately 7.5 billion people on the third rock from the Sun. That’s 7,500,000,000 individual names, 15,000,000,000 ears, and 150,000,000,000 phalanges (give...

Top Languages of the Internet, Today and Tomorrow

English has always dominated the web. Even today, it’s estimated that 55.5% of all web content is in English. However, only around 20%...

Reach #1: Localization with Laura Gomez

In our first episode, Vasco sits down with Laura Gomez, whose LinkedIn profile speaks for itself: former Head of Localization and Internationalization at Twitter...

Free APT Assessment: Are You Under Attack?

Reading Time: 2 minutesHistorically, hackers have cast a wide net.  They put viruses into “the wild” and  where they end up nobody actually...

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