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Tag: distraction

Lucid CEO airs his latest criticism of Tesla and its EV tech

By Zachary Visconti Posted on June 16, 2024 The lead executive from luxury electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Lucid Motors says that his company is...

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Guaranteed SEO Services: Here’s the Only SEO Guarantee That’s Not a Scam

SEO guarantees are one of the biggest tools agency sales teams use to turn prospects into clients. But they can range from scams to...

Ripple’s XRP Braces for Billions In Inflows as ‘Special’ ETF Bid Likely to Trigger Institutional Goldrush

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp The recent approval of spot Ethereum ETFs by the U.S. Securities and...

Are You Bored So You Smoke Weed or Do You Smoke Marijuana and Get Bored? – The Relationship between Cannabis and Boredom

Cannabis and Boredom Boredom is a universal human experience characterized by a lack of interest, motivation, or engagement in one's current activities. It is a...

Let’s Talk About Ukraine’s Attack On Russian Radar Station, Air Base in Crimea with Storm Shadow, ATACMS

The attacks on Russia-held Crimea reflect a wider US strategy to make the peninsula undefendable for Russia, in a way that impacts its operations...

Takeaways from the voyage to Gaza for the US Army’s watercraft program

When the U.S. Army’s largest watercraft, LSV-1, cast off for Gaza in early March, it marked the start of a momentous journey. This voyage,...

Is Student Absenteeism a Growing Problem at Colleges, Too? – EdSurge News

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of children regularly miss elementary, middle and high school. Is the same pattern of absenteeism playing...

AI-Enhanced Medical Robots Are Redefining Precision in the OR

Precision and the reduction of human error are some of AI and robotics’ most valuable advantages. While these benefits are important in many use...

Virgin Galactic plans higher mothership flight rate with next-generation spaceplanes

WASHINGTON — Virgin Galactic says it will fly its existing “mothership” aircraft more frequently than previously planned with its upcoming Delta-class suborbital spaceplanes, allowing...

How CBD Coffee Can Transform Your Morning and Your Health

In the quest for a perfect morning routine, many seek a balance between invigorating their day and managing stress. Enter a unique combination that’s...

4 Star Wars Tech Tools for Teaching

Star Wars Day — otherwise known as May the 4th — is fast approaching and this year I can’t help but think about how...

Could AI Have Prevented the Houston Metro Bus Incident?

AI technology has changed our lives in many important ways. One of the biggest benefits that most people haven’t talked about is its role...

Sand Land Review – Arid, Desolate, and Gorgeous – MonsterVine

I think what worried me most about picking up Sand Land was when a trailer dropped that explained just how much of the game...

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