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Tag: dissatisfied

Best Practices to Keep Your Warehouse Clean

Warehouse cleaning can be an overwhelming task solely due to the size of modern-day warehouses. If not regularly maintained, warehouses can quickly become messy...

Michael K Barbour: Get January updates and see how fans are engaging with you

January 12, 2023 Michael K Barbour: Get January updates and see how fans are engaging with you Filed under: virtual school —...

Probability and Number Theory Collide — in a Moment

IntroductionTheir ambitions were always high. When Will Sawin and Melanie Matchett Wood first started working together in the summer of 2020, they set out...

Gross Churn Vs. Net Churn 

For SaaS and subscription companies, churn is one of the most important metrics to track for business success. Customer churn has a massive impact...

Bitcoin Creates Hope For A Generation Found Hopeless

This is an opinion editorial by Trey Walsh, the senior director for youth programs at the MassHire Metro North Workforce Board of Somerville, Massachusetts.Our...

Due To Rising Legal Bills, Celsius Wants To Extend The Claims Deadline

The defunct cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius Network intends to submit a motion that, if successful, would buy consumers one additional month to present their...

Business Use Cases Create Momentum for Citizen Data Scientists

As businesses plan for data democratization, it is essential to include a strategy to ensure that business users will accept augmented analytics solutions and adapt...

Stellantis accused of trying to ‘force the market’ despite failure to deliver cars

Stellantis franchisees have accused the car manufacturer of trying to “force the market” with pre-registrations despite an inability to deliver on customers’ new vehicle orders. The...

A Journey Through Safety Stock, Part 3

Missed the beginning of the series? Catch up on part 1 and part 2. In this series of blog posts, we have been talking about...

A Journey Through Safety Stocks, Part 3

Missed the beginning of the series? Catch up on part 1 and part 2. In this series of blog posts, we have been talking about...

How to choose the right electricity contract – a guide

There are many different electricity contracts to choose from, and it can be difficult to know which contract is best for you. So here...

Digital Transformation, Tokenomics, is not Economics

Preface  The New Killer App – Web3 and Customer Experience (CX) (Digital CX) –  Culturally there is a global transformation taking place, and a New Killer...

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