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When ranking boss fights, Miyazaki is “most proud” of the Old Monk from Demon’s Souls

Game developers share their favorite Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro bosses Not every boss out of From Software is a winner,...

The post When ranking boss fights, Miyazaki is “most proud” of the Old Monk from Demon’s Souls appeared first on Destructoid.

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Pokemon Legends: Arceus: Alpha Pokemon Explained

Pokemon come in many shapes and sizes, especially in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. This open-world Pokemon spinoff incorporates a variety of Pokemon ranging from teeny-tiny to elephantine. Alpha Pokemon just happen to be the largest of them all, and the game recognizes them as such with the special name. Naturally, because alphas are new to the series, even long-time fans have plenty of questions. Here are the basics of what you need to know about alphas in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

What are Alpha Pokemon?

A domesticated alpha Floatzel cries out in might

Alpha Pokemon are the largest possible Pokemon in the game for their respective species. Just in case you don't realize it, they remind you with their unique traits and looks; they're red-eyed, aggressive creatures that attack you on sight. Thankfully, they lose that aggression and their eyes fade to a normal color once you catch them.

Where to find alpha Pokemon

An alpha Shinx ponders its next move from faraway

There's at least one alpha Pokemon in each region. However, not all of them will appear at once. For example, alpha Floatzel appears across the bridge in the Obsidian Lands, which you can cross after receiving your first star. Meanwhile, Bibarel appears at the bottom of the hill before Grandtree Arena.

I hadn't seen any alpha Pokemon before crossing the bridge in Obsidian Fieldlands. However, when I returned at a later level, I found an alpha Bidoof and alpha Rapidash in the area before the bridge, too.

The first alpha Pokemon players should meet is alpha Kriketune. This Kriketune is special because it's the only alpha Pokemon that will remotely be close to your level at this stage of the game. It won't respawn if you kill it.

How to catch alpha Pokemon

Drifblim uses Hypnosis on alpha Snorlax to lull it to sleep

Catching alpha Pokemon works basically the same as catching a regular Pokemon. The highest hurdle will be staying alive, considering many of them appear when players are still underleveled for the particular area they inhabit.

First off, you have to fight them. There's no getting lucky with throwing a Poke Ball while an alpha's back is turned. However, you can initiate a battle from behind to catch them unaware. The unaware condition gives you a headstart in battle while your opponent gathers their senses.

It's relatively easy to catch a normal wild Pokemon with any combination of low HP or status effects. Heck, even just throwing a Poke Ball can work. However, alphas tend to be trickier to catch. Players should play it safe, whittling down their HP as much as possible, inflicting a status effect, and then throwing their most powerful Poke Ball at them.

Oh, and of course, save before the encounter. I've admittedly killed more alphas than I wish were true, and I'm glad I saved beforehand so I didn't need to deal with the consequences of my actions.

Tip: If you still can't seem to catch an alpha, try raising your star rank. The higher the star rank, the higher the capture rate.

Will alpha Pokemon respawn if I KO them?

Luxray and alpha Floatzel have a staredown

There are two types of alphas. Only thefirst type will respawn in the same area, even if you already capture or KO it. However, it can be difficult to tell which type of alpha it is if it’s your first time seeing it. Alphas that respawn tend to be evolved forms or uncommon Pokemon in the area.

However, alpha versions of commonly found Pokemon in the area tend to be random encounters that won’t necessarily respawn if you defeat or capture them.

Using Obsidian Fieldlands as an example:

  • Alphas that respawn: Floatzel, Rapidash, Magikarp, Bibarel, Snorlax
  • Alphas that pop up as a random encounter: Bidoof, Shinx, Buizel

This isn’t a comprehensive list, but just a few examples from one area. You won’t find regular-sized Floatzels, Bibarel, or Rapidash roaming around Obsidian Fieldlands. Magikarp is an exception to the rule. Many Magikarp appear upstream, even when a resident alpha respawns with the school every day.

Don't stop at alpha Pokemon, though! Also learn how to catch Shiny Pokemon, how to catch legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia, and how to capture the mythical Manaphy to round out your Pokedex.

The Best (And Worst) Part Of Each Sims Game

There aren't many series that can claim to have created an entire language, and even fewer that can proudly state they got Katy Perry, Carly Rae Jepsen, and My Chemical Romance to sing some of their most iconic songs in it. But then again, there also aren't too many series like The Sims.

First released 22 years ago today, The Sims is one of the most iconic video game franchises of all time and for good reason. Not only did the simulation game revolutionize the genre upon its release and act as a major entry-point into games for so many, the series keeps improving upon it, and remains one of the most inclusive and inviting gaming experiences around. However, while many of The Sims' innovative changes seen throughout the series' 22-year run have been winners, we can't deny there's been a few duds in there as well--such is the cost you pay when constantly reimagining one of gaming's most beloved series. So, here's a list of all the features we simply can't get enough of, as well as the parts we've been glad to see go.

The Sims

The Sims

The best part? Its progressiveness.

From both a technological and sociological point of view, the first Sims game marked a massive turning point for video games. Though both simulation games and role-playing games were alive and thriving in the '90s, The Sims was unique in how it mashed the two genres together--letting players assume various personas, hone their skills, and lead them through human stories, all while also providing a challenging and incredibly intelligent simulation experience. It was also socially significant, allowing players to play out different social scenarios, try on different lives, and explore empathy and relationships in an entirely new way. When I picked up the game as a 7-year-old, it was the first time I had played something that allowed for gay relationships, and that feature ultimately made me more aware of my own bisexuality. The amount of room The Sims gave its players for social exploration cannot be overstated and remains incredibly important.

The worst? Limited gameplay quickly makes the game feel repetitive.

While impressive at the time, The Sims series' humble origins were ultimately just that: humble. With limited character customization, ways to interact, careers paths, and lots available to move into, it didn't take long to feel as if I was ultimately telling the same story over and over and over again. Sure, it can absolutely be argued that it takes a certain degree of imagination and projection to make The Sims games enjoyable in the first place and that monotony is part of their charm, but the first entry in the series required a lot more give than most of us would probably be comfortable dishing out nowadays. While I still poured an ungodly amount of time into the game--and adored nearly every moment of it--much of that time was also spent yearning for more options. The game's fantastic expansion packs helped make the game more charming and wild, but compared to later titles, it lacked the feeling of infinite possibilities.

The Sims 2

The Sims 2

The best part? Its immersive and completely-and-totally-out-there stories.

The Sims has always been weird--just pick up The Sims Makin' Magic or Livin' Large and you'll see what I mean. But whereas every other Sims game has players opt to dive headfirst into the series' strangeness, The Sims 2 grabbed your mouse-wielding hand and yanked you right in. There are three neighborhoods where you can live in the base version of The Sims 2: Pleasantview, Veronaville, and Strangetown. And while you might be under the impression a big, empty sandbox awaits you in each--as is the case in every other Sims game--you would be wrong to assume that here. In The Sims 2, each town is filled with capital-D Drama and loads of preexisting relationships. In the Shakespeare-inspired Veronaville, you can play out modern versions of Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and more. In Strangeview, you are drawn into a tale of alien abductions, and while Pleasantview seemed the normal option, the whole town was essentially one, big telenovela--filled with infidelity, gold digging, distrust, and more. Jumping into these preexisting character's lives--filled with new little cutscenes and silly stories--was a blast, and I truly wish the series still built its worlds this way.

The worst? Needy sims.

While they might have been the most quirky and fleshed-out characters to ever grace The Sims series, the good folks of The Sims 2 were also the neediest. Despite having the same number of needs as The Sims 1, it often felt like you just couldn't keep up with your Sims' demands in the series' second entry because of their rapid mood decay. Sure, the game offered significantly more things to do and some of the best expansion packs to ever grace the series, but actually enjoying them is pretty difficult when you're too busy whipping up grilled cheese sandwiches and showering all the time.

The Sims 3

The Sims 3

The best part? Its ambitious open world.

While the technological leaps between Sims games are always substantial and interesting, the ones between The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 are by far the most game-changing. One of the biggest selling points of The Sims 3--aside from the inclusion of traits and the Create-a-Style feature--was the game's open world, which sought to put an end to those pesky loading screens and make your Sims journey more seamless and freeing. The idea worked, and--when coupled with the new background time progression feature--made for a Sims game that let you feel more like a member of a living, breathing neighborhood than ever before. It was a vital evolution, and if it weren't for the next point on this list, I'd be way more frustrated it was ultimately scrapped in the game's next installment.

The worst? The game chugged.

Unfortunately for us Sims fans, the best part of The Sims 3 was also the biggest contributor to its worst: The Sims 3 ran extremely poorly. Presumably due to the game ditching loading screens in favor of an open world and implementing the Create-a-Style feature, the game had the tendency to make your PC sound a bit like a jet engine--even if you had a fairly beefy build. On top of that, the game was also prone to crashing, making frequent saves an annoying but incredibly necessary task. While The Sims 4 decision to ditch 3's open-world concept and CAS feature seems like a devolution of the series' on paper, those who struggled through The Sims 3 know it was ultimately a necessary sacrifice.

The Sims 4

The Sims 4

The best part? Its robust and inclusive character creation.

While everyone has their favorite aspect of The Sims--whether that be slowly creating your dream home, rising to the top of your sim's respective career, becoming a world-famous vampire, creating interesting neighborhoods, or watching your favorite family grow over the course of several generations--they all have one thing in common: It takes some well-made sims that you simply love playing to make these things worth doing. Thankfully, The Sims 4 features the most in-depth and inclusive character creator yet--and even includes regular, free updates to help ensure the game is keeping up with the times. In The Sims 4, you can choose how your character expresses their gender without any limitations. You also have a great deal of freedom in regards to adjusting their size, skin tone, hair, teeth, body modifications, and more. Lastly, one of the game's coolest updates--the ability to enter in your own pronouns--is just around the corner. While it would be great to see even more body diversity and the ability to create characters with disabilities, you can tell the team is striving to give us the tools to create the most realistic sims yet.

The worst? The amount of content stashed away in pricey packs and expansions.

Coming off of The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, the amount of content in the base version of The Sims 4 is a bit, well, disappointing. While the series' expansions packs have always been enticing and a fantastic way to keep the game alive, some of the packs in The Sims 4 feel required to make the game alive. As of right now, The Sims 4 offers 11 expansion packs, 10 game packs, and 18 stuff packs, making for close to $800 USD in additional content available. However, many of these add-ons fail to add all that much to the game, making it more frustrating that certain things weren't merely included in the base version. Of course, I'm a sucker and have bought quite a few of these anyway (though nearly always on sale, mind you), but it's definitely not something I'm a fan of.

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Smoking Cannabis Alters Lung Function In Different Ways Than Tobacco

According to a new study, there's a difference between long-term cannabis smokers and long-term tobacco smokers.

The post Smoking Cannabis Alters Lung Function In Different Ways Than Tobacco appeared first on The Fresh Toast.

Inside Pokémon’s Mezo Region: The Ambitious Fan Project With More Than 150 Unique Designs

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6 Reason Real Estate Agents Fail

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The post 6 Reason Real Estate Agents Fail appeared first on FastExpert.

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