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Tag: detecting

Lost in Translation: Language Gap Holds Back GenAI in Life Sciences Industries – DATAVERSITY

Across industries, organizations continue to seek out a range of use cases in which to deploy advanced intelligence. With the development of generative artificial...

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Risk Management in Live Casinos: Preparing for Unpredictable Game Outcomes! – Supply Chain Game Changer™

Live dealer platforms are gaining more traction as players seek the brick-and-mortar experience. However, as a casino operator, you already know live table games...

‘Sleepy Pickle’ Exploit Subtly Poisons ML Models

Researchers have concocted a new way of manipulating machine learning (ML) models by injecting malicious code into the process of serialization.The method focuses on...

Best antivirus software 2024: Keep your Windows PC safe from malware and spyware

Best antivirus software for Windows PCs 2024: Reviews and top picks | PCWorld Skip to content <!-- --> Image: PCWorld / Foundry Antivirus software is a necessary...

Harnessing the Power of Data in Healthcare, Retail, and Energy Industries

Data is like a modern-day gold mine. It’s an invaluable asset that powers business moves and keeps companies one step ahead of the game....

A novel approach for detecting a particular biomolecule associated with several diseases

Jun 13, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Researchers at Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University report in Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X ("A novel aptamer-antibody sandwich electrochemical...

What is TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)? | Definition from TechTarget

What is TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)? Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard protocol on the internet that ensures the reliable transmission of data between...

Achieving Zero Defect Manufacturing Part 1: Detect & Classify

Whether the discussion is about smart manufacturing or digital transformation, one of the biggest conversations in the semiconductor industry today centers on the tremendous...

Nanostring sensor loses ‘almost no energy’ while vibrating – Physics World

A new “nanostring” has the highest quality factor ever recorded for a room-temperature mechanical resonator, vibrating for unprecedented periods of time while dissipating hardly...

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