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Tag: Demographics

The Importance of Human Resources Analytics 

The human resources industry is a lot more than collecting and tracking employee information today. Over time it has evolved and gained focus...


It could all be so simple, but you had to make it hard—Lauryn Hill, “X-Factor” Almost every company has more data about their business...

The Weave – enterprise blockchain platform for a better healthcare experience

In this article we discuss shortfalls of the current healthcare information experience, and an evolutionary solution. Once we explain that solution, we’ll walk...

How nonprofits can build own community from scratch and attract new donors

In the nonprofit sector, we all want people to care about our cause. That’s why community is the magic ingredient when it comes...

“Institutions have Arrived:” Who, What, and Why

Reading Time: 7 minutes 2019 is the year we can finally say “institutions have arrived,” in the blockchain / crypto industry and in a big way. Despite being a commonly cited catalyst within the crypto space, progress has felt slow. After all, these are large organizations with significant value at risk, so they want to be careful and deliberate […]

Starting Your Business: The Tools, Resources and Mindset You Need to Succeed

May 31, 2019 11 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Is one of your main goals for your life to start your...

Emerging Nonprofit Trends in Digital Fundraising in 2019 [Interview]

Recently, Daryl Hatton, a thought leader in philanthropy and our CEO, had a chance to speak with Nav Nagra from Vantage Point and discuss the...

Bitcoin is a Demographic Mega-Trend: Data Analysis

Reading Time: 6 minutes What follows is data and analysis from a survey of American adults regarding general sentiment toward Bitcoin — the survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll, on behalf of Blockchain Capital, from April 23–25, 2019 among 2,029 American adults. The survey was an augmented version of one we ran in October 2017 (we added […]

Does crowdfunding actually work? – 8 convincing reasons for your nonprofit to try crowdfunding today

Everyone in the nonprofit sector knows what it’s like to be stretched too thin. Chances are, your organization is overworked, underfunded, and putting...

The revolution will be emojified: striving for truly representative emoji

The first Emojicon took place in San Francisco, in November 2016. Emojicon is Emojination’s flagship gathering, a community that hopes, and I quote,...

Emerald Farm Tours: CannaTourism in the Regulated Market

EMERALD FARM TOURS A little over a year ago, a creative individual, with 16 years experience in both cannabis policy reform and...

Reviews, reviewed: the great ratings hoax

It’s 102 minutes of nothing interesting happening AT ALL. What happens in this movie? Is there anything interesting happening at all that anybody...

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