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SyncDAO teams up with MANTRA DAO to use ZENDIT Launchpad for IDO

DeFi startup SyncDAO has announced that it will be partnering with MantraDAO to use their decentralized launchpad Zendit for their IDO.

Through the use of Layer 2 solutions, Zendit will help SyncDAO reach a wider audience and introduce more users to the opportunity to participate in DAO governance, an exciting new development that is allowing people the opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to the communities they choose to be a part of. MANTRA DAO's use of proven Layer 2 scalability solutions will ensure that these services are fast and compatible between both projects.

“Working with a team that is focused on improving the whole space was super important to us, that's why we chose to work with MANTRA DAO. Their objective to give financial control back to the people was philosophically aligned with our goals at SyncDAO and made it an easy choice to partner with them.” - SyncDAO Co-founder Paul Holland

“Launching SyncDAO on Zendit is a great opportunity for us to introduce our community to a DeFi solution that is sorely needed and has been missing in the space.  The combination of SyncDAO's Perpetual Vaults and their affiliate smart contract layer is a killer product”– MANTRA DAO Co-Founder John Patrick Mullin.

The partnership with MANTRA DAO is just one of several that the SyncDAO team is announcing ahead of its official launch.

SyncDAO seeks to give new users a simple introduction to DeFi where they will ultimately be able to access the best of DeFi returns from multiple protocols from inside the SyncDAO interface, saving the user from understanding the complexities of multiple platforms.

With their unique Perpetual Vault architecture, users simply stake their Perpetual Vault Tokens (PVT) to choose the return they want to earn. Working with MANTRA DAO will serve to introduce a wider community to all the opportunities of decentralized finance as well.



SyncDAO is a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (a DAO) founded by Rossco Paddison and Paul Holland. SyncDAO aims to bring DeFi to the mass market by incentivising referrals to its easy to use platform that offers the best of DeFi yield generating protocols via its Perpetual Vaults. SyncDAO is launching the first Perpetual Vault in November.


The process of working with the Perpetual Vaults is easy. Users mint Perpetual Vault Tokens and deposit these into the high interest vaults. They can choose to earn interest in Stablecoins or may instead choose to be paid in a volatile currency like Ethereum, giving them the ability to continually dollar cost average into a blue chip asset that may appreciate over time.

Through the SyncDAO affiliate smart contract layer, anyone can be rewarded for referring new users to the Perpetual Vaults. These rewards will be a percentage of the interest earned on the deposits made by their referees. This is all managed in a permissionless manner through fully audited smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.


Mantra DAO is a community-governed DeFi ecosystem focusing on staking, lending, and cross-chain DeFi products. MANTRA DAO has built a suite of DeFi services including a multi-asset staking platform, money markets lending protocol, gamified lottery pool, and token issuance launchpad. The suite is natively built on Ethereum, with cross-chain products currently on Binance Smart Chain and Polygon, and is currently working on launching these services on Solana, HECO, and Polkadot in the near future.

EmiSwap Integrates with Polygon to Provide Nearly Free Transactions, Offer 365% APR Liquidity and Farming Pools

-- EmiSwap (https://emiswap.com), the only community-governed decentralized exchange (DEX) paying out high rewards for liquidity providers, today announced its integration with Polygon blockchain, the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. The new integration will aim to reduce the transaction costs without compromising output, enabling quicker and cheaper user transactions. The integration will allow users to execute trades instantly using the EmiSwap interface and pooled liquidity utilizing Polygon's full-stack layer 2 scaling solutions.

While the Ethereum network currently hosts the bulk of EmiSwap activity, it is not always a viable option for traders, due to ongoing network congestion and high gas and transaction rates. Even with the recently reduced capacity, spending over $25-$250 dollars for a single transaction fee is quickly becoming unjustifiable to many crypto investors. EmiSwap's new integration with Polygon will offer a viable layer 2 solution: making Ethereum much more usable and cheaper with a 0.001 MATIC gas fee on the platform. 

“We are delighted to be working with Polygon to bring their scalability solutions to the market, as it enables new innovative and value-adding services for our users,” said Grigory Rybalchenko, founder and CEO of EmiSwap. “Now, EmiSwap users will have the option to swap and provide liquidity on EmiSwap DEX with fast and nearly free transactions due to the Polygon integration. This is the next phase in the development of a multichain decentralized platform that will allow us to provide additional value to the DeFi market and our community.”  

EmiSwap aims to become the go-to multichain AMM DEX providing users with simple and affordable transactions. The new Polygon integration will provide the EmiSwap community with several advantages including:

  • Users will be able to stake their LP tokens into the new farming pool and win a 365% APR airdrop (per liquidity) plus additional percentage APR for farming with 0.25 percent of the platform fees paid by the token swappers. The reward amount grows with the amount held in the liquidity pool.

  • The 180 percent airdrop that will provide liquidity in any pool with ESW token and will receive 180 percent APR (per liquidity) + 0.25 percent of the platform's fees will be paid by token swappers. Similarly to the 365 percent APR airdrop. 

  • Users can check here (https://emiswap.com/farm) the percentage APR Farming pool in which users can provide liquidity or stake their LP token in farming pools and receive high percentage APR rewards daily. Again, 0.25 percent of the platform's fees will be paid by token swappers. The XXX percent APR farming pool will launch on November 23,2021. Users will also have access to migrate liquidity from QuickSwap. Pairs available for liquidity migration are WETH-USDC, WETH-WMATIC, WETH-WBTC, USDC-USDT and WMATIC-USDT.

Additionally, the Referral Program will work with both 365/180 percent airdrops. With three referral levels, users will be able to receive a percentage from the rewards of users they have invited to the EmiSwap platform:

  • Level 1: If a user invites USER1 by their referral link, the user will receive 3 percent of their reward.

  • Level 2: If USER1 invites USER2, the original user will receive 5 percent of USER2 rewards.

  • Level 3: IF USER2 invites USER3, the original users will receive 7 percent of the USER3 reward. 

EmiSwap now supports Ethereum, Kucoin, and Polygon blockchains with Near Protocol, Avalanche and Binance Smart Chain currently under development. 

For more information, please visit EmiSwap's official Website and Medium as well as follow the EmiSwap Telegram group.


About Polygon

Polygon is the leading platform for Eutherum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, datavailabilit solutions and more. Polygon's scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with more than 1200 applications hosted, about 600M total transactions processed, about 60M unique user addresses and more than $5B in secured assets. Learn more about Polygon by visiting their WebsiteTwitterEcosystem TwitterRedditDiscordTelegram and Instagram.

About EmiSwap  

EmiSwap is an audited, cross-chain AMM DEX that allows users to safely extract over high APR daily from liquidity mining and farming on Ethereum, Kucoin and Polygon. EmiSwap distributes 0.05 percent of the exchange volumen to ESW token holders, compensates 100 percent of the ETH gas users pay and features unique and yield-boosting NFT Magic Cards that increase user's yield. EmiSwap is audited by Hacken and BluSwarm and constantly adjusts APR, launches new farming pools and distributes additional rewards for liquidity providers. Learn more about EmiSwap AMM DEX and join the decentralized family by visiting the Website, Twitter, Medium, Telegram, Discord and GitHub

ZUNA Coin Listed on Coinmarketcap and Coingecko, Price Rises by 250,000%

ZUNA coin was recently listed on coinmarketcap and coingecko, the top crypto trackers in the space. Since then, its price shot up abruptly by 250,000% and gained 14,000 more holders in less than a month with no sign of slowing. 

ZUNA Makes Big Strides in the Crypto Market

With an official launch roughly two weeks ago, ZUNA is already gaining massive traction. The main mission of the ZUNA project is to progress its growing community and reach out to more people. The platform has rapidly climbed up in the coinmarketcap rankings from position 6000 to around 3000 in less than two weeks. 

ZUNA boasts some unique features that are built to reward investors. 5% of every transaction is redistributed to all existing hodlers.

In addition to rewarding ZUNA investors, according to their official website, ZUNA's liquidity pool (LP) is vital in stabilizing its prices. In every transaction, ZUNA takes 5%, which is automatically locked for stability.

ZUNA Future Plans

This project is still new and has plenty of room for growth. With a growing community behind them, ZUNA will begin working on their exclusive NFT collection drop scheduled for January of 2022. 

According to ZUNA's  roadmap, the team will follow up their NFT collection drop with plans on building an NFT marketplace where artists can create and sell their artwork. ZUNA also has future plans to introduce a crowdshare feature where multiple investors can own and sell a fraction of highly valued NFT's.

Exchange listing is an essential step in the roadmap of ZUNA that the team project will boost its adoption status in the crypto community. Currently, PancakeSwap is the exclusive exchange offering ZUNA. However, ZUNA plans to launch an all-around exchange suitable for both beginners and expert traders. The exchange will be accessible via mobile, where users can securely store the assets. 

ZUNA is community-oriented and invites early investors to be part of its innovative trajectory. With everything they have planned it is clear that ZUNA is a project to keep your eyes on in the coming months.

Please connect with us by joining our Telegram Group or following us on Twitter for more information.

CardanoEvo – The First Cardano Token Reflection Project

Having already paid out over 1/2 million dollars' worth of Cardano rewards to investors, CardanoEvo strives to mirror the ethics, transparency and charitable status of Cardano.  Since the beginning, the team behind CardanoEvo built a strong and supportive community inclusive of investors who are interested in the long-term performance of this particular project.

Unique Features:

  • CardanoEvo is based on the BSC blockchain which is a smart contract that stands for frictionless yield and liquidity generating. 

  • The blockchain rewards holders with reflections in Cardano that are funded by transaction taxation. 

  • The CardanoEvo token also comes with in-built investor protection which means there is a limit on how many tokens a wallet can hold and transact. 

  • There is an anti-bot function embedded in the fabric of CardanoEvo to avoid running into hackers and scammers.

  • Panic sell-off and hoarding which are inevitable woes of several crypto projects are discouraged in CardanoEvo smart contract.

  • There is an auto-added liquidity option that adds 3% of each transaction into liquidity providing.

  • Burn functions are not automatically activated but require manual indication so that deflation can be maintained when it is needed.

  • The Cardano evolution ecosystem applies a 15% ‘buy' and a 17% ‘sell' fee to each transaction respectively. Wallet transfers are also included in this fee which has several functions.

  • The various functions of the CardanoEvo smart contract help stabilize token price and thus the market capitalization.

Detailed Tokenomics Data:

Cardano is already one of the most prominent cryptocurrencies due to its decentralized nature and use-cases. But cardanoEvo in itself has an interesting token model that we have explained below:

The CardanoEvo token's majority (around 66.4%) is available on Pancakeswap. Developer wallets make up 2% of the total. The taxation model requires all buy transactions to bear 15% tax out of which 5% goes to marketing wallet, 3% to enhance liquidity, and 7% to Cardano token reflections. On the other hand, sell transactions levy 17% of sell tax out of which 8% is used for Cardano token reflections, 3% for liquidity, and 6% for marketing wallet.

The way the members of the community of CardanoEvo, contract, and the token reflections communicate with each other is exemplary and it unfolds as follows:

  1. Investors put capital into a project

  2. A tax is collected for each buy/sell transaction

  3. A fraction of the tax goes to the buyback system

  4. 7% of the remaining taxes are swapped into Cardano to be redistributed among holders.

CardanoEvo token is under the process of getting listed in several well-known crypto exchanges and is already listed and traded on Coinsbit. For now, you can track all information of the token at CoinMarketCap, Crypto.com, Coinbase, and on Trustwallet.

What is EvoSwap Beta?

EvoSwap is a decentralized exchange that the CardanoEvo dev team has launched in its Beta mode. It is a system that would allow the swapping of cryptocurrencies. Using EvoSwap, any crypto can be swapped on the Binance Smart Contract.

According to the official notice, EvoSwap Beta is the first stage in the EvoSwao system. This decentralized exchange platform by the CardanoEvo team would also support future staking and more pairings in the days to come. 

Roadmap of CardanoEvo

A glance at the project's ambitious roadmap and achievements completed tells us that CardanoEvo has a long way to go. According to the roadmap available on their website, the project has already completed its phase 1 & 2. It is currently in phase 3 at the moment and the dev team has planned until phase 5 of this unique project. Information regarding the upcoming phase would be released soon.

During phase 1 of its development, CardanoEvo achieved the following:

  • Token design & collaboration with associated contract designers

  • Draft whitepaper and creation of a roadmap

  • Confirmed the leadership team to guide the project.

  • Created International and ancillary boards along with Telegram main.

  • Started negotiations with influencers

During phase 2 of its development, CardanoEvo achieved the following:

  • Launched main website design

  • Social media presence built

  • Released the whitepaper

  • Completed contract testing

  • Marketing campaign awareness

  • Fairlaunch

  • Applied to CoinMarketCap and Coingecko

  • Added Cardano news blog

  • Coding started for EvoSwap DEX

  • Coding started for EvoNFT marketplace

  • Held AMAs in various Telegram group chats

Now in phase 3 of development, CardanoEvo is working on improving its service to cater to professional investors and all other community members. By now they have already;

  • Launched daily AMAs

  • Applied on Blockfolio App

  • Completed listing on Coinhunt and Gemfinder

  • Applied for Binance Smart Chain

Upcoming Plans for CardanoEvo

The best thing about CardanoEvo is its constant evolution. So far, CardanoEvo has launched its official website, EvoDashboard, EvoSwap beta, and also a merchandise store. 

Prior to the end of 2021, the team is wrapping up some extremely ambitious enhancements and features to the CardanoEvo ecosystem includomg;
- Updates and enhancement to EvoSwap
- Staking abilities
- Additional currency pairings within EvoSwap
- NFT Marketplace
- A new companion utility token
- A new buyback mechanism
- A new boost mechanism

And while the CardanoEvo team won't go into specifics, they say two of the upcoming releases before the end of 2021, will include features never before seen on the BSC.

Being a community-led project, CardanoEvo shows immense potential to grow into something useful for investors professionally, ethically, and legally.

Coingecko : https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cardanoevo

CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cardanoevo/ 

Website: https://cardanoevo.com 

Merch Shop: https://cardanoevo.shop 

Telegram: https://t.me/CardanoEvo 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cardanoevo

The GreenGold Project Proposes To Redirect Trillions Of Dollars From The Crypto Industry Into Sustainable Investments That Eliminate World Hunger

GreenGold Project is a revolutionary new blockchain technology project that allows you to have the best of both worlds; Investment in cryptocurrencies and green projects that improve the planet.

GreenCrypto Corporation has unveiled its groundbreaking green fundraising crypto project that aims to become the next big thing in the sector. Never before has there been such a unique, interesting project presented to investors, many of whom missed the train on major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and others.

What is GreenGold Project?

GreenGold Project is a crypto ecosystem like no other. allows the raising of massive funds from millions of people around the globe with the intention of investing them in green and sustainable projects, the GreenGold project will be releasing different tokens that will be used to fund underlying projects that will improve the lives of humans and the planet.

Its name derives its roots from the Avocado industry which has turned into a literal green Gold for everybody involved in it. According to the WBOC, the Avocado sector alone is worth more than $10 billion right now and is likely to reach more than $16 billion by 2026. This single industry has transformed agrarian economies across Central America from Mexico, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Peru and Indonesia. Therefore it is often referred to as Green Gold. 

Inspired by the Success of Avocados

The GreenGold project is inspired by the rapid progression of the Avocado sector and aims to provide a new platform that systematizes the rapid development and fundraising of new green initiatives in countries across the globe. At the heart of the GreenGold project is a blockchain-driven ecosystem that uses disruptive technologies to deliver safe, sustainable and traceable green products. The use of IoT and Agro4.0 technologies is the solution to decrease waste, care for natural resources and protect the planet. It is essential to double and improve food production for the coming years and GreenGold Project enables massive investment to people from all over the world to achieve it.

Powered by GreenBlocks Blockchain Ledger (Solana)

The platform is powered by the GreenBlocks blockchain Decentralized Ledger Technology (DLT) which is a Blockchain 4.0 system, way ahead of the conventional 3.0 (PhS) systems currently under development in much of the crypto world. GreenBlocks utilize the full power and sustainability of the only blockchain that uses Proof of History (PoH) as consensus. eliminating power-based consensus (PoW) and delivering the lowest fees and maximum transactional power, SOLANA.

Why the Need for the GreenGold Project?

Such a revolutionary system is the need of the hour as the farming sector is still often reliant on decades old technology and funding sources that are outdated and designed to suppress farmers and deprive them from financial independence.

The GreenGold ecosystem is powered by a fast, reliable and cost effective mechanism. Transaction costs are set at the lowest among all such token-based fundraising systems in place. 

The GreenGold project is a completely open, transparent and decentralized approach to human enhancement. Its “points without borders” approach, enhanced privacy features and instant transactional capability make it a lucrative option for investors. 

According to a UN statement:

“It is essential to double food production, reduce waste and take care of the planet's environment”

“The Green Gold Project allows to redirect the trillions of dollars that are currently in crypto market capitalization and direct them to solve food production, food security and world hunger, taking care of the planet and sustainability... our invitation to the world is to invest in our crypto tokens which improve the lives of humans on earth enjoying the benefits of crypto disruption, profits, capitalization, secondary markets, and decentralized trust. Are you going to invest in Bitcoin that destroys the planet because of the need for energy, or in AvocadoCoin, Green Token that helps world hunger and gives you profits from the avocado industry?” - Gonzalo Araújo Cabarcas, co-founder and CTO GreenCrypto Corporation.

What is GreenGold Project Backed by?

GreenGold is backed by several tokens from all successful industries. These are security tokens and are backed by real-world investments and agricultural innovation including Avocado Coin (AVDO), Lemon Coin, Berry Coin and others. Currently, the Avocado Coin is being promoted by the GreenGold project in a first offering. 


While the platform itself is primarily supported by GreenGoldCoin (GGLD), various other security tokens as mentioned above also come into play for raising funds and other economic purposes. 

Avocado Coin

Avocado Coin is the first one of these digital security tokens to be offered by the company. The total supply of AVDO is set at 21 million coins, which is exactly the same as Bitcoin itself. If you missed the chance to become a millionaire through Bitcoin, this is a good option.

AvocadoCoin starts with a value of $1,000 and is expected to surpass the current value of bitcoin in the next few years.

GreenGold Coin

The platform itself is primarily the circulating supply of the fundraising ecosystem. Due to its nature, it is a much more liquid option than AVDO and its total supply is set at 21 trillion GGLD tokens. 

The current price of one GreenGoldCoin is set at $0.02. But this is only the launch price of the new token. The price is expected to rise strongly in the coming months as early harvest projects are funded and executed. 

Visit the official GreenGoldCoin: http://www.greengoldcoin.com/ 

Visit the official AvocadoCoin: http://www.avocadocoin.com/ 

Contact: info@greengoldcoin.com

Injective Protocol Launches its Mainnet for Fully Decentralized Derivatives Trading and a $120 Million DeFi Incentive Program

Injective, the first universal DeFi protocol for cross-chain derivatives trading, has announced the successful public launch of its main network alongside a $120 million protocol incentive program named Astro for traders, market makers and DeFi projects.

A newly minted unicorn, Injective streamlines fully decentralized trading with a fast and secure layer-2 exchange that allows individuals to create unlimited financial markets for assets such as crypto, commodities, NFTs, forex, and much more. Injective enables 24/7 trading and allows its users to trade with zero gas fees. All transactions are entirely transparent and secured by Tendermint-based proof-of-stake consensus with instant finality. Recently, major institutions such as Siam Commercial Bank and Binance have put their institutional weight behind Injective as well as they act as validators for the protocol.

Injective is a Cosmos SDK based chain that enables decentralized trading for a diverse array of financial instruments such as perpetual swaps, expiry futures, and traditional spot markets. Unlike its counterparts such as FTX and dYdX, every component of the Injective is built to be fully trustless, censorship-resistant, publicly verifiable, and interoperable while providing an intuitive user experience comparable to centralized exchanges. 

Injective has already seen substantial levels of adoption with over one billion dollars in daily trading volume across more than 25,000 unique monthly users. Renowned market makers and funds such as Cumberland, QCP Capital, CMS, and Bitlink are all early backers of the project and helped provide advice on the initial design and development of the protocol itself. Injective rose to prominence last year as they became one of the first protocols to list commodities such as gold on the exchange.

To accompany the mainnet launch, Injective is also releasing a $120 Million incentive program named Injective Astro to help promote liquidity and trading on the protocol. To help put this number into perspective, $120 Million will make Injective's Astro program one of the largest liquidity incentive programs within the orderbook DEX space and by far the largest within the entire Cosmos ecosystem.

The program will begin by allocating the funds specifically to market makers and traders who utilize the protocol. Through the Trade & Earn program, traders will be able to earn a rebate for every trade that they place on the exchange rather than having to pay a fee as is the case on all other platforms today. To further encourage user loyalty, Injective has introduced a decentralized VIP system to progressively reward users as they increase participation and volume. This is the first time an exchange VIP system has been implemented fully on-chain with zero intermediaries.

Injective Astro will extend far beyond the trading incentives to further catalyze ecosystem growth through a multi-stage process. Injective Labs also plans on assigning more funds toward incentivizing new projects to build on Injective. So far Injective Labs has publicly backed NFT auction house Burnt Finance which famously worked with Injective to burn Banksy painting and minted an NFT after the act. The news was covered across all major media and the video itself has garnered over ten million views in China alone.

The frontend interface created by Injective Labs called Injective Pro was released last month. Injective Pro restricts all US users in order to properly comply with guidelines set forth by governing bodies such as the CFTC. Uniquely however, developers can build new exchange interfaces on top of Injective which allows individuals to rapidly create region or asset specific exchanges while being able to leverage the powerful backend protocol. For instance, a developer can deploy a decentralized exchange that only focuses on futures trading.

Over the past few months, Injective has taken steps to ensure complete decentralization of the protocol itself. Every transaction on Injective is verified by a decentralized group of validators that currently secure some of the fastest growing projects in the industry today such as Cosmos and Terra. Users can view all trades on-chain via the Injective Explorer regardless of whether the trade was placed via a frontend interface or the institutional grade Injective API. All markets launched on Injective must be approved by a DAO vote from which Injective Labs abstains. All of these aspects empower the global community to dictate the future of Injective.

The launch of Injective mainnet and the Astro incentive program follows the release of the Injective Bridge – an IBC-enabled cross-chain bridge that supports seamless Cosmos and Ethereum-based token transfers. Injective also touts its fast withdrawal times back to Ethereum which currently stands at less than 10 minutes which is far lower than other layer-2 solutions where withdrawals can take up to a week to process.

“Our mission at Injective has always been to build the most powerful cross-chain protocol for completely decentralized derivatives trading. As Injective interconnects new chains, the ecosystem will continue to serve as a DeFi gateway for trading across the multi-chain universe. Injective's Ethereum-native tooling allows users to simply create and trade new cross-chain markets without the typical roadblocks associated with making transactions across distinct blockchain networks,” said Eric Chen, the 23-year-old computer science dropout co-founder and CEO of Injective Labs.

The team at Injective Labs has been building it since 2018 and validated the product  with the largest funds, market makers, and institutional traders. Injective was one of the first projects to be incubated by Binance Labs and recently raised a $10 million round from the likes of Pantera Capital and Mark Cuban.

About Injective

Injective is the first cross-chain protocol built for decentralized finance applications. On the Injective exchange, anyone can access, create, and trade unlimited DeFi markets such as futures and perpetuals. Developers can also build cross-chain Ethereum-compatible projects that are lightning fast and achieve instant transaction finality. Injective is backed by a prominent group of stakeholders including Binance, Pantera Capital and Mark Cuban. For more information please visit https://injectiveprotocol.com/ 

BuffedShiba Prepares Its Holders for the Upcoming Free NFT Airdrop

BuffedShiba is making the necessary arrangements for the airdrop event set to kick off on November the 24th. As such, it continues to encourage investors to get $BSHIB token before the event's day. 

The BBC club will open more doors for the BuffedShiba platform expansion, including its plans on the roadmap. To participate in the airdrop, you need to own between 1 billion to 100 billion $BSHIB as the minimum requirement; however, you can hold more than 100B $BSHIB.

The amount you have determines the level you will gain during the airdrop, divided into three: Gold, silver, and bronze. The set token for you are 100 billion, 10 billion, and 1 billion for the gold, silver, and bronze levels, respectively. 

The primary benefits of any user being a member of BBC include gaining advantages for the future play-to-earn like minigame, getting free drops from the upcoming Swole Dogs NFT collection, and automatically joining future giveaways. It will incentivize the membership of its NFTs further by offering its holders automatic participation in the giveaways for top tier IRL prizes. 

Strengthening Its Community

The platform's roadmap still holds more for its community, expecting that BBC members will have better returns as it progresses. The BuffedShiba platform and its token $BSHIB are community-based, giving their complete control to users. The NFT airdrop is a chance to bring more people on board with its objectives, including renouncing its ownership of the $BSHIB token.

It also campaigns for fair participation in its ecosystem, putting in place different measures to avoid bias. As such, one of its notable features is the anti-whale feature, preventing any holder from owning more than 0.5% of $BSHIB's total supply, protecting small investors. 

$BSHIB is a token inspired by Shiba Inu, willing to provide worth to its users. During its fair launch on PancakeSwap on October 25, the platform locked 100% of its initial liquidity into the Unicrypt liquidity pool. A point worth noting is that it does not distribute anything to its team, advisors, or private sales.

Boosting $BSHIB's Value

$BSHIB is a deflationary token that burns 1% of each transaction. This never ending mechanism already burned 5.5% of the max supply in the first three weeks of its existence. Additionally another 1% goes to BNB/BSHIB liquidity which is also burned. This process is getting popular among the crypto sector to improve the value of coins.

The $BSHIB developers believe that its marketing strategies combined with community efforts will shoot the token up to being the top memecoin in the market. The team also ensured the project's smart contracts underwent audits by the blockchain security firm, Solidproof. The contract is built on the Binance Smart Chain, leveraging the advantages of a BEP-20 token. You can view the full report from the firm here

Get your Metamask wallet ready for the chance to be part of the BBC club free NFT airdrop; you can buy the $BSHIB token on PancakeSwap. Follow BuffedShiba on Telegram and Twitter for more updates on what is happening in its ecosystem.

StandPoint Finance is Negotiating the Opening of Its Own Bitcoin Mining Farm…

Standpoint Finance (STF) announces its resolve to establish its Bitcoin mining farm, hinting that negotiation is ongoing. The farm will house high-powered computers that would solve complex computational math problems. According to Investopedia, a leading source of financial content on the internet, Bitcoin mining is the process of creating new bitcoin by solving those computational maths puzzles. Tom Wood, Standpoint Finance's VP business development, stated in a statement on Friday that the company decided to join other companies that already own or are planning to own their Bitcoin mining farm. The decision comes after the company deliberated on a report submitted by the company's team of crypto market analysts. The company's analyst team had earlier been charged with a responsibility to investigate the prospect in the Bitcoin mining business.

“After carefully examining the crypto ecosystem in general and specifically the bitcoin market, we can see long-term constant growth in the daily trading volumes as more and more general services, online e-commerce as well as a traditional offline business willing to accept crypto as a legal tender. We believe that this constant rise in demand will inevitably lead to a rise in price which we believe will send bitcoin beyond the 100,000 USD marks in 2-3 years” Tom Wood said.

From the report submitted, Bitcoin price is projected to continue to rise, as available market statistics show a long-term upward trajectory. STF market analyst team projects that Bitcoin price will surpass the 100,000 USD mark in the next three years. Owing to that projection, the group of analysts believes that Bitcoin mining would become a top-flying investment opportunity. STF intends to harness the opportunity by owning a Bitcoin mining farm. As part of the ongoing negotiation, the company is considering the possibility of a joint venture or independent initiative.

Although it is unclear how STF will eventually proceed, the company has opened its doors to investors and other companies that would be interested in partnering to own a Bitcoin mining farm. One clear thing is that the company intends to replicate the success it has recorded so far in its brokerage business in this new venture. Tom Wood further stressed that the company would be employing the best hands to ensure the Bitcoin mining farm do not only come to fruition but be successful.


StandPoint Finance is a leading broker with a revolutionary customer-centred trading platform that allows newbie and established traders to trade smartly. Apart from having years of experience in the industry, the firm has hired the best hands for the job. Their well-trained analyst, account managers, and customer service professionals make trading seamless for users.

Website: https://www.standpointfinance.com/
Email: support@standpointfinance.com

CoinAgenda and BitAngels Present Fifth Annual Caribbean Blockchain Investing Conference Dec 7-9

CoinAgenda (www.coinagenda.com), the premier global conference series connecting blockchain and cryptocurrency investors with startups since 2014, and BitAngels, the leading network of bitcoin and blockchain investors, today announced the fifth annual CoinAgenda Caribbean event to be held at the Miramar Events Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico on December 7-9, 2021. Tickets and agenda are available on the event page.

The three day event will include topics around: the Future of Digital assets, Crypto Banking, the Growing Utility of NFTs, Play-to-Earn Gaming, the DeFi and TradFi relationship, Latin America and Crypto, Stablecoins, Scaling Solutions, Blockchain Companies in Public Markets, Creating a Clean Crypto Future, Smart Cities, Crypto Investing Strategies, and Structuring to Protect Assets.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Brad Garlinghouse, CEO at Ripple

  • Dan Morehead, CEO at Pantera Capital

  • Brittany Kaiser, Executive Chair at Gryphon Digital Mining

  • Michael Wagner, Co-Founder & CEO of Star Atlas 

  • Robert Viglione, Co-founder & CEO of Horizen Labs

  • Brock Pierce, Chairman of Bitcoin Foundation

  • Bill Barhydt, Founder & CEO of ABRA

  • Edward Boyle, CEO of Medici Bank

  • Miles Paschini, CEO of FV Bank

  • David Johnston, COO at DLTx

  • James Haft, Chairman at DLTx

  • Jason Cooner, President & CEO at SDG Exchange

  • Dean Thomas, Global Head of Institutional Capital at Polygon

  • Michael Terpin, Founder and CEO of Transform Group and CoinAgenda

  • Austin Davis, Co-Founder of CommunityElectricity.io

  • Erika Zapanta, Global Director of Events at Transform Group

  • Irina Litchfield, Partner at Percival Capital; BitAngels City Leader Austin

  • Adryenn Ashley, NFT Community Designer at Wow! Is Me, Inc.

  • Justin Litchfield, CEO of Quantum Machines

  • Warren Whitlock, CEO of Stirling Corp; Advisor of BitAngels

  • Mario Nawfal, CEO of NFT Technologies

  • Matt McKibbin, Founder of DecentraNet

  • Emma Rose Bienvenu, Chief of Staff at Pantera Capital

  • Brian Santos, COO at Fly Air

  • Ben Sigman, CEO of Make Sense Labs

  • Sean Walsh, Founder of Redwood City Ventures

  • Dr. Steven Waterhouse, CEO of Orchid Labs

  • Alex Nascimento, Co-founder of Blockchain at UCLA

  • David Namdar, Co-founder of NFT.com

  • Joel Comm, Co-Host of Bad Crypto Podcast

  • Travis Wright, Co-Host of Bad Crypto Podcast

  • Brian Bourgerie, InvestPR

  • Joey Krug, Co-CIO at Pantera Capital

  • Bryan Bullett, CEO of Bit Digital Inc.

  • Liat Aaronson, COO at Horizen Labs

  • Jeff Crane, CEO and Exec Producer of NFT the Movie

The conference will also feature a startup contest (in collaboration with BitAngels) where a mix of angel and VC investments (as well as tokens trading on exchanges) will pitch in a Demo Day environment to judges and the CoinAgenda audience of investors and entrepreneurs. Judges may consist of crypto funds, family offices, VCs and strategic partners. Upon completion of the presentations, three winners will be announced and 1st place will walk away with a marketing package (valued up to $10,000).

In addition, all presenters will receive a recording of their presentation, have access to the full CoinAgenda event and parties and most importantly have their decks sent to a select group of investors unable to make the event in-person, but have expressed their interest in allocating capital into new deals within the next year. To apply to pitch and inquire about the presenter fee, email contact@coinagenda.com by November 30.

This cryptocurrency investor conference will conclude each day with an all-inclusive, high-end party where speakers, sponsors and attendees can mingle at some of the most memorable venues in the city. CoinAgenda's main party, known as the “Legendary Dinner” will be held at the Conservatorio de Música de Puerto Rico, with four courses of delicious local fare, drinks, and live musical entertainment under the night sky.

“This year has been one of incredible growth in the sector, we've even seen the cryptocurrency market hit $3 trillion for the first time,” said Erika Zapanta, Global Director of Events for CoinAgenda. “We are excited to return to the growing blockchain hub of Puerto Rico to discuss the mainstreaming of digital asset investing.”

Confirmed event sponsors include:

  • DLTx - DLTx is a public company listed on the Norwegian Oslo Børs Stock Exchange and is the enterprise vendor for DAOs and blockchain protocols that offers unique access to the public blockchain markets & well-priced access to funding. DLTx has developed a novel way for investors to access compelling and predictable economic returns based on the changes created by the decentralization & disruption of major global industries.

  • Transform Group - Transform Group is the world's leading blockchain public relations, advisory, events and social media company, with offices in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Toronto and global headquarters in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Transform Group is dedicated to creating and sustaining industry leadership positions for its clients through superior strategy, relationships, market intelligence and consistent execution.

  • Rair Tech - RAIR is a blockchain-based digital rights management platform that uses NFTs to get access to streaming content.

  • Raiinmaker - Raiinmaker is a blockchain-based social engagement platform where creators and brands grow, incentivize and reward fans to build community, together.

  • Blockchain Wire - Blockchain Wire is the industry's first blockchain press release distribution service focused exclusively on news about blockchain, distributed ledger technology companies, ICOs, STOs and other blockchain and cryptocurrency-related announcements. Our global reach includes broadcast and online media outlets, social media sites, industry trade publications, leading blogs and blockchain industry influencers.

For more information regarding CoinAgenda, please visit  www.coinagenda.com

To purchase tickets for CoinAgenda Caribbean, visit the event page: https://coinagenda.com/coinagenda-caribbean-2021/

For the CoinAgenda Caribbean schedule, visit https://coinagenda.com/coinagenda-caribbean-2021-schedule/.  

To learn more about Puerto Rico Blockchain Week, visit www.prblockchainweek.io.

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Now in its eighth year, CoinAgenda is the leading global conference series connecting professional investors, traders, family offices and digital currency funds with top entrepreneurs in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors. CoinAgenda Caribbean focuses on international blockchain investing trends, with world-class speakers from around the globe, plus a special focus on blockchain economic development, friendly jurisdictions, the rise of security tokens, enterprise applications, and changes in digital currency funding vehicles and digital currency exchanges. CoinAgenda is an experience that allows all attendees to meet, mingle, and get to know the leading thought leaders, entrepreneurs and investors in the sector, including memorable parties at unique locations. 

Chainlist.finance, The First Decentralized Crosschain NFTs Bridge & Marketplace

Chainlist.finance will further assist them to launch their NFTs on different blockchains. Chainlist.finance is compatible with cross-chain blockchain and cross-chain social media. 

Chainlist.finance offers multiple new and updated features that have not been offered by any other blockchain project. This project, however, explores different areas of improvement, and tries to stick two incomplete pieces in order to create a single masterpiece.

Besides, social media is no longer confined to entertainment. Many people have made a good fortune out of it, and the number of those individuals is only increasing. Individuals that are already monetizing social media, and those who create content only as a hobby, both, are provided with a passive income opportunity through Chainlist.finance. NFTees trading volume surged in the third quarter of 2021 to $16.67B. Considering that number chainlist is offering passive income where an artist can earn upto $50k on average

Users of Chainlist.finance will be able to convert their digital content into NFTs, without going through the hustle of creating a digital currency wallet, purchasing native tokens and utilizing them to create NFTs. On the contrary, users will be able to convert their digital content into non-fungible tokens relatively easily, through just a few clicks.

As the diagram explains for itself, Chainlist.finance will use its NFT bridge to offer interoperability. Users will be able to buy and sell in different blockchain marketplaces without having to shift to other crypto wallets.

Once users authorize their social media accounts with the application, they will be able to mint or buy/sell NFTs. In addition to that, users who do not want to connect their social media accounts, will be able to directly convert their organic data into NFTs.

Chainlist.finance takes up on the challenge to amalgamate both industries to create a by-product that is enabled to transform usual digital content on social apps into NFTs, and launching them on different blockchain marketplaces. Aside from creating NFTs, Chainlist.finance offers exciting features.

What Chainlist is offering ?


Chainlist.finance offers metaverse with augmented and virtual reality to enable influencers and their followers to conduct virtual events. Users will be able to request their celebrities for personalized content that can be published on either marketplace with the consent of both parties.


Chainlist.finance offers staking with its native token $Clist in return offers upto 509,555.25% APY. Users can do staking in two ways: $Clist-$Clist or $BNB-LP $Clist pools


Chainlist.finance is a decentralized structure with its native token $Clist which can be used to participate in governance structure of the platform.

Cross chain interoperability

Through the Chainlist NFT bridge users will be able to access multiple blockchains through cross chain interoperability feature. In addition, users will be able to make transactions on different blockchains with a single wallet through Chainlist NFT bridge.

Desktop and Mobile application
Chainlist.finance has compatible applications for desktop and mobile sets in order to offer better user experience.

Third party use-case and applications
Chainlist will have its own open source code on github, third party platforms will be able to adopt usability and scalability within the open source ecosystem. They will not have to write code from scratch, as they can adopt it from the open source.


Chainlist token is already minted on the binance smart chain and has a total token supply of 1 Billion Clist token which will be distributed below;

  • Private-sale 5% Tokens will be sold to Venture Capitalists and Long Term Investors.

  • Pre-sale: 30% of tokens will be sold at 1 BNB = 300,000 Clist to Early Investors.

  • Initial liquidity pool: 20% on Pancakeswap

  • Marketing and strategic partnership: 8% (locked for 6 months vesting)

  • Team pool: 5%, where 2% for development and 3% for R&D (tokens locked for 6 months vesting)

  • ILO platform fee 2%

  • Tokens locked for staking reward in contract: 30%

Mission and vision

Chainlist has the mission to create an integrated space for social media platforms and blockchain. It is on the mission to create a source of passive income for social media users through non-fungible tokens, and staking for Chainlist.finance community. 

The platform is designed in a way to facilitate users to easily transfer their digital content into non-fungible tokens. It also helps users to launch their NFTs across different blockchain marketplaces, which is a big flex for a project of this nature.

Chainlist.finance is a one-stop marketplace for social media users to monetize their personal content that includes images, GIF, videos and music. Users can turn their viral content into NFTs and sell for fortune including the 5% royalty on each trade. So what are you waiting for?

Social Media

$5,000 Overcooked! All You Can Eat Community Tournament by Nobility…

Who's excited for the next Nobility Community Tournament? The contest will take place on the hugely popular Overcooked! All You Can Eat, for those that don't know this game is a cross-platform cooking simulation game like no other.

Have a go at serving up a wide range of different dishes such as cakes, burgers, sushi and pasta to waiting customers in a crazy collection of different kitchens. Don't think you're safe to focus on your cooking because you'll need to watch out for all sorts of hazards like the floors caving in, fires breaking out and your work surfaces floating away!

The tournament will be taking place on November the 19th at 3pm EST, entry to this community event is free for anyone that holds a minimum of 1 million NBL tokens and the winner will take home $5,000 in BUSD.

Registration is open now and must be completed on the Nobility website here: www.nobilitytoken.com

Nobility's goal is to fuse blockchain technology and decentralized finance with Esports in order to create a thriving global community where all members are rewarded fairly.

Be sure to follow their socials below:    
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nobilitytoken/
Telegram: https://t.me/thenobilitytoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nobilitytoken
Website: https://nobilitytoken.com/
Medium: https://medium.com/@NobilityToken
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/nobilitytoken
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/nobilitytoken
Via The Crypto Press Association

Leading Incubator, Starter to Host Token Sale for the Financial Layer Protocol of the Metaverse, StripFinance

-- Recently crowned #1 launchpad by average ROI, Starter (https://starter.xyz), today announced it will host the Initial Dex Offering (IDO) of StripFinance (https://www.strip.finance/), a decentralized platform protocol for easing liquidity in the NFT space. 

As the Non-fungible token (NFT) space continues to vastly expand on the blockchain, hundreds of thousands of creators and enthusiasts interact daily, creating millions of dollars in value within the NFT space. The growing transfer and value of NFTs has created a liquidity challenge in the market that will be solved by StripFinance. The protocol will allow users to provide loans against the value of NFTs as collateral and unlock millions of liquidity currently locked away in ‘Blue Chip NFTs.'

“StripFinance will be offering something we have yet to see normalized in the NFT space: NFT collateralization. Their DeFi protocol will add another staple to NFT utility by allowing lenders and borrowers to use NFTs to conduct transactions and provide additional utility, “said Lionel Iruk, special counsel at Starter. “It's great to be a part of StripFinance's process to see how the protocol will further push the boundaries of the blockchain!”

Within the DeFi protocol, lenders will be able to provide stable coins as liquidity, matching lenders to borrowers who are interested to borrow against their valuable NFTs. The lenders will have control over the interest rate and the Loan-To-Value (LVT) they are willing to offer borrowers. 

The value of the collateralized NFT will be directly retrieved from the NFT Marketplace, creating a fair and transparent collateralization process. Once accepted, the NFT will be transferred and held in escrow. If the installments are paid within the timeframe, the NFT will be returned to the original owner. However, If there is a default, the ownership rights are transferred to the lender. 

Additionally, users will have the option to opt for a pool, where investor and lender funds and NFTs will be pooled and create a stronger collateral and better security for all parties involved. 

StripFinance is founded by veterans of the industry including Varun Satyam, Yuvraj Chhibber and Yash Jejani. So far, the protocol has recently completed a $1.5 million raise so far from LD Capital, Old Fashion Research, Nothing Research, Tenzor capital, Exnetwork Capital, Valhalla capital, Block0, Shima Capital, Lancer Capital, MEXC Global Exchange, Kryptos Research, The NewField Fund, ZBS Capital, Starter Capital, J10M Capital, Wave 7, among others. 

During the Initial Dex Announcement (IDO), $STRIP tokens will be made available for purchase at $0.40 USD. The tokens will offer additional leverage value in the event of the NFT price reduction into the risk threshold. Additionally, $STRIP will function as a native platform utility token to pay fees for other platform services and will be considered within the project governance regarding decisions for project updates, airdrops, burn schedules and developer and community grants. 

Starter's community has provided hassle-free funding to many well-known IDO launches and now adds StripFinance to its list. For more information on Starter's IDO launch of StripFinance, please visit https://starter.xyz/.

About StripFinance

Strip Finance is building liquidity easing solutions for the NFT space, initially launching a collateralized NFT borrowing and lending platform on Binance Smart Chain. The platform's ability to collateralize NFTs through its liquidity protocol enhances the value proposition for both asset owners and yield-seeking investors. 

The idea was conceptualized in response to the global explosion of interest in digital ownership by a team that comprises experienced crypto entrepreneurs, operators, and stalwarts of the crypto industry as advisors and investors. 

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Announcements | Github | Medium

About Starter

Starter (https://starter.xyz) is the leading IDO launchpad, incubator, and investor network for @0xPolygon, $ETH, $AVAX, $FTM, and #BSC, having raised over $25M for 40+ projects, including Cake Monster, Wall St Bets, Nasdex, and Enjinstarter. Starter provides projects access to funding opportunities without the hassle of bureaucratic hurdles or complex KYC requirements. Starter's suite of products include a venture arm Starter.capital, launchpad Starter.xyz, and token vesting and liquidity locking StartVesting.xyz.

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