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Tag: delivering

SEO, Content, and Email Work Better Combined

Search engine optimization, content marketing, and email marketing can work together to create a virtuous cycle attracting customers to your ecommerce store, encouraging...

Bookings vs Billings vs Revenue: Simplifying the Top-Line SaaS Metrics

It’s a regular Tuesday. Or it could have been, but you’ve just been given the task of preparing a revenue report. There’s a...

Xilinx and Cortical.io Rescue Corporate Productivity from the Deluge of Enterprise Email

It’s no secret that the flood of digital communications from email, messaging, social networking and other sources exasperates our daily lives. Enterprises, in...

We’re opening a new office in Cincinnati!

We’ve come a long way as an ioby community in the last decade. We’ve opened up offices in Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Memphis;...

Sorry if this seems latency obvious, but… you can always scale out your storage with end-to-end NVMe

Comment Data storage is one of the most complex areas of IT infrastructure, as it needs to fit in with a range of...

HOLT CAT Selects Augmentir to Drive Innovation and Improve Worker Efficiency within its Service and Repair Operations

The company adopts Augmentir’s AI-powered Connected Worker platform to help accelerate on-boarding of new technicians and close skills gaps in real-time HORSHAM, PA...

Interview: Abid Mumtaz, TransferWise for Banks, Global Head

Abid, fantastic to speak with you. Are you able to explain a little bit more about your role and what TransferWise for Banks...

China’s Spaceplane Projects: Past, Present and Future

This article is the second and final part of a two-piece blog post by China Aerospace Blog on Chinese spaceplanes. The first part discussed China’s historical approach to reusability, and more specifically to spaceplanes. This part extends the discussion by reviewing current Chinese spaceplane projects, and provides a map. Mapping Current Chinese Spaceplane Projects Below is a map of all Chinese spaceplane projects, including abandoned …

Look Outside of Silicon Valley to See How Founders Can Be Successful Post-COVID-19

500 Startups kicked off a new series called Innovation Coffee Breaks. Experts from leading companies, venture capital firms and startups join us every...

Vigilant Aerospace Systems CEO Joining a Panel of Speakers Discussing Drone Pandemic Response in a UAS Cluster Initiative Webinar

Vigilant Aerospace Systems has been invited to present a webinar on “COVID Operations: How drone companies are responding to help stop the Coronavirus pandemic” at 1:00 PM CT on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Hosted by the UAS Cluster Initiative of Oklahoma and Kansas, the webinar will feature a small panel of speakers discussing how drone […]

The post Vigilant Aerospace Systems CEO Joining a Panel of Speakers Discussing Drone Pandemic Response in a UAS Cluster Initiative Webinar appeared first on Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc..

Most Cases of COVID-19 Are in the United States: 5 Updates on the Pandemic

As of March 26, 2020, the number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States has surpassed that of all other...

Myth-busting on YouTube

In mid-March, Izabella Pena received a WhatsApp text from a friend in Indianapolis, Indiana. “He said, ‘Oh, I got your...

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