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Tag: Defending

Prior use, concurrent use and concurrent registrations – no defence to trademark opposition in Australia

Australia Legal updates: case law analysis and intelligence The decision confirms that the arguments available to an applicant in defending an opposition...

RealCISO Announces Partnership with Center for Internet Security (CIS)…

We are thrilled about our partnership with IST and CIS in bringing the Blueprint into the hands of organizations to prepare...

Swimlane Introduces Low-Code, Automation Approach to OT Security

Automating security for OT infrastructure can help organizations combat a rising volume of cyber threats in an era when security professionals are in short supply.

So, You Wanna Play Junker Queen?

Overwatch has over 30 characters that each play differently and similarly to one another, this makes strategizing critical to a match’s success and could...

WiFi loophole allows drones to see through walls, power law defines football defending

Don’t panic, but researchers in Canada have created a drone-based system that can see through...

Better weapons, complex training bolster US submarine force

ARLINGTON, Va. — The U.S. Navy has combined two undersea warfare courses that pit two platforms against each other, according to the commander of...

The Chertoff Group’s Security Risk Management Consulting Methodology…

"In today’s volatile security environment, it is more important than ever to validate that security controls are effective in defending against...

Binary Defense Raises $36 Million From Invictus Growth Partners to…

Bob Meindl, CEO Binary Defense “I am excited for the backing and knowledge of the Invictus team as we expand our...

Team Liquid Map Contest #17: Results

It's time to announce the winners of TL.net Map Contest #17!Before we announce the results, we'd like to extend our gratitude to all of...

10 Games Like Darkest Dungeon

Developed by Red Hook studios, “Darkest Dungeon” is an intimidatingly deep RPG game. In this side-scrolling 2D perilous adventure, you lead a group of...

ESL Open Cup #146: ByuN doubles, MaxPax wins EU

Week #146 saw ByuN win a Korea-Americas double, beating Dark and Solar to win the respective cups. In Europe, MaxPax beat both DH: Europe...

Your Pricing Project Starts Here

Editor’s Note: This article was first published on June 24, 2021. We’ve found that the hardest part of running a pricing project is the initial...

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