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Tag: Dates

Why translating idioms is hard

Back when my brother and I were still in high school, one of his friends decided he wanted to write a book on...

Bad date? Crowdfunding the travel expenses isn’t the solution

Relationships Bad date? Crowdfunding the travel expenses isn't the solution Good luck to Jade Savage, who has raised £400 this way. But there are easier...

NEXO Token Holders Receive US$2,409,574.87 in Dividends

Nexo, the crypto lending platform and provider of interest bearing wallets and the recent Nexo Card, which enables you to take out instant...

The Entertainment Industry Meets Blockchain

These days, it seems, Blockchain is making its way into most industries. Every other day, a new blockchain project is announced, usually trying...

5 of the Biggest Data Breaches So Far in 2019: What Happened?

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen it comes to data breaches, 2019 already looks ominous. More than one billion records were exposed in the first...

How Do I Do Less Conventions and Not Lose Connection to My Fans? – Dirk Manning Hotseat [MasterMind Session]

As his writing demands increase, Nightmare World creator Dirk Manning realizes he’s going to need to cut back on his convention schedule. However,...

Perpetrators of Crowdfunding Fraud Can’t Hide From The Law Forever

For years, crowdfunding has been a bit like the Wild West of finance. But as the industry continues to grow, state and federal authorities are catching up to abusers of the system.

The revolution will be emojified: striving for truly representative emoji

The first Emojicon took place in San Francisco, in November 2016. Emojicon is Emojination’s flagship gathering, a community that hopes, and I quote,...

From Abacus to Zendesk: Customer Service through the ages

Once upon a time, there was a man named Nanni. One day, he bought copper from another man called Ea-nasir. The transaction didn’t...

Marriott Data Breach – You Check In and Your Personal Info Checks Out

Reading Time: 5 minutes Data breaches are occurring with increasing frequency at name-brand companies, and it’s certainly cause for concern. Millions of customers worldwide...

A Poisoned Gift for Thanksgiving Day: Emotet Comes in a New Disguise to Break into Your Bank Account

Reading Time: 4 minutesCybercriminals fond of celebration dates like Thanksgiving Day — but not for the same reason that upstanding people do. For...

Tax me if you can: VMware UK tosses shrunken offering to HMRC

Trendy social media firms and ad slingers often come under attack for hiring beanies to minimise their tax contribution, something they see as...

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