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Tag: Currency

Riding The Blockchain Train: These Companies Changed Their Name, And Their Stock Price Soared

Many others had done it, but nobody quite as blatantly as beverage maker Long Island Iced Tea Corp, which on Thursday became the...

Just Around The Healthcare Block: Feature Interview With Hermann Kamp, CEO of ClinicAll

Point-of-care digital solutions provide many advantages for today’s healthcare delivery model. This is a focal point of ClinicAll, a software solutions firm and...

Why Every Bitcoin Miner Needs A VPN

The need for a VPN has shot up over the past few years. As we get closer and closer to living our entire...

VEIL – What makes privacy coins better in blockchain technology

INTRODUCTION To begin with, we have to make a revision here: we're discussing "privacy-centered coins," on the grounds that these digital forms of money...

PayPal CFO On Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

PayPal has been working on blockchain and cryptocurrency and is looking forward to taking it mainstream someday. In a recent interview with Yahoo...

Some Popular Online Places Where You Can Use Your Bitcoins

We are well past the era when people used to wonder what cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins are. In fact, nowadays you can find various off-line...

Charting The Blockchain of DNA

David Koepsell has been examining the future of genomic data for nearly a decade. An academic philosopher, entrepreneur, and retired attorney, Koepsell keeps...

OnePlus teases video for Blockchain, cryptocurrency ahead of April Fool’s Day

By: Tech Desk | New Delhi | Published: March 29, 2018 4:56:08 pm ...

Clinicall: Empower everyone with easy access to healthcare-related services

Digital transformation continues to impact all sectors of business, from healthcare to retail shopping, changing how we store money, how we shop, and...

Blockchain, Part I: Introduction and Cryptocurrency

It seems nearly impossible these days to open a news feed discussing anything technology- or finance-related and not see a headline or two covering bitcoin...

Brazilian Medical Records Getting Blockchain Boost May Be The Route To Digital Identity Adoption

Nurse Cristina Ulrich, left, vaccinates Luzia Castro for yellow fever at a municipal health center... in Rio de...

Introducing the Process of Mining in Blockchain

Mining is a process by which new blocks are added to the blockchain. Blocks contain transactions that are validated via the mining process...

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