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Tag: cultivation

Our Top 10 List of CBD Brands

FINDING THE BEST IN A BOOMING MARKET There are so many CBD brands out there that choosing which one to go for,...

Why Fonts Matter

USING FONTS TO CONNECT As the U.S. continues to legalize the use, cultivation, and sales, of both medicinal and recreational cannabis, industry...

Cannabis: a New Political Celebrity for Partisan Rhetoric?

CANNABIS: A NEW POLITICAL CELEBRITY FOR PARTISAN RHETORIC? On one side of the fence sits Senator Elizabeth Warren (Democrat) and Senator Cory...

Hey Massachusetts! What’s the Recreational Cannabis Hold-Up?

HEY MASSACHUSETTS! WHAT’S THE RECREATIONAL CANNABIS HOLD-UP? Almost two months ago, on July 1st, Massachusetts was given the legal go-ahead to sell...

The USDA’s Proposed National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard

On May 3, 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) released its much-anticipated proposed rule to establish a national standard for the disclosure...

Here’s Where You Can Study Cannabis In College

Image Source Interested in making cannabis your career? While cannabis programs are few and far between, progressive universities have begun to develop cannabis curriculums. From...

The Best Cannabis Edibles for 2020

Over the past decade, communities across the globe have changed their minds about cannabis. Though the herb was once unanimously prohibited, more people...

Weed Is Almost Legal in California. Here’s what you need to know.

Image Source The State of California has been touted as the sixth largest economy in the world. As one of the world’s greatest producers,...

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