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Tag: cryptocurrency

Thailand is becoming a critical country for blockchain

While United States regulators are still trying to figure out how to think about cryptocurrencies, Thailand’s government is already mapping out its own central...

Is Blockchain Winning or Losing? — 4 Stages of Blockchain Evolution

The hype over blockchain has picked up steam and enterprises rush to apply blockchain to their industry or even just add it to...

Francis Pouliot separates Bitcoin from blockchain

At TNW2019, Francis Pouliot, CEO and co-founder of Bitcoin exchange BullBitcoin, gave a technical overview of the cryptocurrency’s network, focusing on how it works,...

North Korea Has Reportedly Caught the Blockchain Fever

North Korea is developing its own cryptocurrency—at least according to Alejandro Cao de Benos, a Spanish aristocrat and IT consultant who serves as...

Past Bitcoin to Making Money from the Blockchain

Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but it can do so much more than just digital payments. There are currently applications...

ICOs delivered at least 3.5x more capital to blockchain startups than VC since 2017

Recently, we found that, for 2018, the amount of money being raised by blockchain and blockchain-adjacent companies via traditional VC rounds is on pace...

Rakuten will roll its $9B loyalty program into a new blockchain-based cryptocurrency, Rakuten Coin

Messaging apps have seen a surge of popularity in recent years as people seek ways to communicate more directly than on social networks....

JPMorgan’s blockchain head is leaving to start her own business

JPMorgan’s key blockchain executive is departing the bank for the world of startups, it has emerged. Amber Baldet heads up JPMorgan’s Blockchain Center of Excellence, which...

What Is Blockchain?

All of a sudden, blockchain is everywhere. The technology, which was invented in 2008 to power Bitcoin when it launched a year later,...

Here’s Why Putting Porn in the Blockchain Won’t Kill the Technology

Last week the internet jumped on a new research paper proclaiming that the bitcoin blockchain contains child pornography. The authors of that paper...

THALER: Now we can easily achieve the mass adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency

The blockchain industry for sure is the next technological revolution and as we all are aware that most global sectors are now having...

North Korea is “Developing its Own Cryptocurrency”

The North Korean government is reportedly working on developing its own cryptocurrency to avoid international sanctions and counter a financial system dominated by the United States and Western Countries. According to a report from VICE, the North Korean government is hosting a second cryptocurrency conference in February of next year, after bringing together “experts with […]

The post North Korea is “Developing its Own Cryptocurrency” appeared first on CryptoNewsReview.

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