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Tag: CRP

ETS consultation: ‘signal versus noise’ suggests eventual price rise

PHOTO: Scion   By Murray McClintock COMMENT: Although changing prices makes a good soundbite, the key driver of ETS prices is unit supply and demand.The unit settings...

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Impact of orally administered cannabidiol (CBD) on fitness and health among healthy adult individuals – Medical Marijuana Program Connection

In a recent study published in the Nutrients Journal, researchers evaluated the effects of oral cannabidiol (CBD) administration on the health and fitness of...

3 Ways to Access GPT-4 for Free

Image by Author  Open AI recently unveiled its latest AI model, GPT-4, which can process both text and image inputs to generate various types...

ChatGPT in Education: Friend or Foe?

Image from Bing Image Creator  The newest plague — or partner — of educational systems is ChatGPT. News outlets are scrambling to gather teachers’...

How to Transition into Data Science from a Different Background?

Bing Image Creator  If you are from a non-computer sciences background, you know the amount of work it is, to crack a job in...

What is K-Means Clustering and How Does its Algorithm Work?

Image from Bing Image Creator Fundamentally, there are four types of machine learning algorithms; supervised algorithms, semi-supervised algorithms, unsupervised algorithms and reinforcement learning algorithms....

Introducing Healthcare-Specific Large Language Models from John Snow Labs

Sponsored Post  By David Talby and Veysel Kocaman, John Snow Labs Large language models (LLM’s) unlock new use cases in Healthcare NLP. From automating clinical data...

Open Assistant: Explore the Possibilities of Open and Collaborative Chatbot Development

Image by Author | Bing Image Creator  We are seeing rapid development of ChatGPT open-source alternatives, and some of them, like Vicuna, are producing...

Overview of the AI Index Report: Measuring Trends in Artificial Intelligence

Image by Author  The year 2023 has been a blast with the continuous release of AI applications. We’ve had ChatGPT, Google Bard, Baby AGI,...

Dealing With Noisy Labels in Text Data

Image by Editor  With the rising interest in natural language processing, more and more practitioners are hitting the wall not because they can’t build...

MiniGPT-4: A Lightweight Alternative to GPT-4 for Enhanced Vision-language Understanding

Image by Author  We are seeing rapid development of ChatGPT open-source alternatives, but no one is working on the GPT-4 alternative, which provides multimodality....

11 Best Practices of Cloud and Data Migration to AWS Cloud

Image by Editor  One of our customers – Ubicquia – A Provider of Intelligent IoT-based Smart City Solutions, wanted to migrate their workloads from...

Chatting with the Future: Predictions for AI in the Next Decade

Image by Author This one is a no-brainer. We’ve had ChatGPT, Google Bard and god knows what else has come out of the woodwork...

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