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Tag: Credits

The Weave – enterprise blockchain platform for a better healthcare experience

In this article we discuss shortfalls of the current healthcare information experience, and an evolutionary solution. Once we explain that solution, we’ll walk...

How to Nail Your Pitch with Writer Ryan K Lindsay

Over the past several years, Ryan K Lindsay has heard the word “yes” from Black Mask, IDW, Dark Horse, DC, ComixTribe and many...

Creating a Professional Development In-Person Event for Comic Creators – Tyler James Hotseat [MasterMind Session]

Tables are turned and ComixLaunch Host Tyler James finds himself in the hotseat. In this session, Tyler talks about a calling and vision...

How Do I Do Less Conventions and Not Lose Connection to My Fans? – Dirk Manning Hotseat [MasterMind Session]

As his writing demands increase, Nightmare World creator Dirk Manning realizes he’s going to need to cut back on his convention schedule. However,...

I’m Having My Best Year Ever, But It’s Still Not Enough – Russell Nohelty Hotseat [MasterMind Session]

Russell Nohelty has made more money every year he’s been a creator and 2019 is on track to being his best year ever....

IDA meeting discussing support for Blockchain in Ireland

The IDA, the semi-state responsible for foreign direct investment in Ireland hosted a meeting on May 27th at their HQ in Dublin. I...

Charting The Blockchain of DNA

David Koepsell has been examining the future of genomic data for nearly a decade. An academic philosopher, entrepreneur, and retired attorney, Koepsell keeps...

AI can write just like me. Brace for the robot apocalypse

I’ve seen how OpenAI’s GPT2 system can produce a column in my style. We must heed Elon Musk’s warnings of AI doom Elon Musk,...

New AI fake text generator may be too dangerous to release, say creators

The Elon Musk-backed nonprofit company OpenAI declines to release research publicly for fear of misuse The creators of a revolutionary AI system that can...

13 major Artificial Intelligence trends to watch for in 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the peculiar ability to simultaneously amaze, enthrall, leave us gasping and intimidate. The possibilities of AI are innumerable and...

City in Japan uses AI technology to analyse cases of school bullying

“Through an AI theoretical analysis of past data, we will be able to properly respond to cases without just relying on teachers’ past...

Musk and Zuckerberg are fighting over whether we rule technology—or it rules us

In the public imagination, the Amish are famous for renouncing modern technology. In truth, many Amish farms hum with machines: milk vats, mechanical...

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