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Tag: Credits

A Historical Perspective on Chinese Spaceplanes

This piece is the first of a two-part blog post by China Aerospace Blog on Chinese spaceplanes. It sets the context of spaceplanes in China, and goes over past attempts to make such vehicles. Part 2 will provide an analysis of current projects under development from Chinese state-owned and private companies. Table of Contents 1 – Introduction to spaceplanes 2 – China’s take on the …

Bleeding Edge April 30 update patch notes adds new character Mekko the dolphin

In its latest major update, Ninja Theory's Bleeding Edge is getting a dolphin who rides a mech. Say...

Dana Q1 Net Income Falls, Revenue Slips

Vehicle component manufacturer Dana Inc. saw net income fall 62% and revenue decline in the first quarter amid a pileup of weakness in...

Jaguar Envisions Car Design for a Post-Pandemic World

Adapting to the coronavirus lockdown and the move en masse to working from home has been easier for some professions than others. We've...

Florida will start to reopen May 4 without certain counties

"We will get Florida back on its feet by using an approach that is safe, smart, and step by step," DeSantis said on...

Tesla turns Q1 profit on cost reductions, rising car margins, credits

Tesla reported Wednesday that it earned $16 million and generated $5.985 billion in revenue in the first quarter, results buoyed by improved...

U.S. Department of Transportation Organ Drone Delivery Case Study

Thumbnail Photo by Karl Greif from Karl Greif Video www.karlgreifvideo.com According to The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT), blockchain can be used to...

Alpha-Testing Blox and the Qudo Proof-of-Gameplay Crypto Reward System

The integration of blockchain technology into games is one of the seismic industry shifts of recent times, with some believing that gaming is...

Manufacturing startup Divergent 3D reduces staff by one-third

Divergent, the Los Angeles-based startup aiming to revolutionize vehicle manufacturing, has cut about one-third of its staff amid the COVID-19 pandemic that has...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the lone Democrat to vote against the latest stimulus bill, tells Republicans to start legislating ‘like rent was due’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat from New York, said Republicans care more about big business than "mom and pops," and urged her fellow...

Credit card issuers like American Express and Capital One are adding new ways to earn and redeem rewards during quarantine

This article is brought to you by the Personal Finance Insider team. It has not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any...

5 Ways To Leverage AI Research In Marketing & Advertising

Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can drive effective solutions to lots of marketing challenges. It can help you optimize your advertising budget, personalize your customers’ experience, suggest the most accurate attribution model, boost your marketing analytics, and even generate original brand content, including images and advertising slogans. However, AI is evolving so fast these days that […]

The post 5 Ways To Leverage AI Research In Marketing & Advertising appeared first on TOPBOTS.

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