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Indian Aviation Industry Is ‘Chronically Ill’, Says IndiGo CEO

IndiGo’s Chief Executive Officer Ronojoy Dutta calls the Indian airline industry ‘chronically ill’ and requests the central Government to implement some life-saving reliefs quickly. The COVID-19 pandemic crippled India’s domestic airlines. They witness a drop in passenger numbers and suffer […]

Live updates: IP offices implement measures in wake of coronavirus crisis

As the novel coronavirus epidemic continues to spread across the globe, WTR provides an updated look at measures that national IP offices have launched in response.

Important Indian Trademark Cases – 2021

In this post, we bring to you Important Trademark Cases decided by Indian Courts in the year 2021 Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd and Anr. V/S. Maa Tara Trading Co. and Ors In this case, the Calcutta High Court passed an interim order against the Defendants, restraining them from using the trademark ‘Amul’ in connection with their products. The case was instituted by Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd., who are the proprietors of the trademark ‘Amul’.…

The post Important Indian Trademark Cases – 2021 appeared first on BananaIP Counsels.

Ethereum is Losing Out to Solana in NFTs, Claims JPMorgan

Ethereum Loses to Solana

Ethereum’s dominance in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is declining due to high gas fees and excessive congestion, investment banking giant JPMorgan said in a report. In a note published last week, analysts led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou even highlighted that Ethereum’s NFT market share has already dropped to 80% from 95% at the beginning of 2021. The blockchain network could be specifically losing its NFT market share to rival Solana, which has been gaining massive traction over the last year. The bank cautioned that if Ethereum’s loss of NFT market share continues this year, it could be a bigger problem for its overall valuation. Another area of Ethereum’s falling dominance is in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. Last week, in a note to clients, analysts Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, wrote: “It looks like, similar to DeFi apps, congestion and high gas fees has been inducing NFT applications to use other blockchains.” Scaling is also required to maintain its dominance in the DeFi sector. According to the strategists, the final phase of the sharding won’t happen before 2023. With sharding being critical for scaling, this means full-blown scaling is at least a year away. In that period, the Ethereum Mainnet risks continued losses of market share to competing networks like Binance Smart Chain, Terra, Fantom, Avalanche, Tron, Polygon including Solana as they have been gaining the biggest share of the DeFi market. These blockchains have already attracted a lot of funding and increased their own user base. The bank noted that by the time sharding of Ethereum is implemented, other ecosystems will grow so extensively that activity won’t return to Ethereum.

The post Ethereum is Losing Out to Solana in NFTs, Claims JPMorgan appeared first on Cryptoknowmics-Crypto News and Media Platform.

Inflation, Healthy And Unhealthy Economies, And REITs

Despite the rise in inflation, other "vital signs" of the U.S. economy look healthy.

Meta Quest’s v37 Update Hands Some Magic to Owners

Do more with Meta Quest's latest update.

Russia to Pilot Digital Ruble for Payments Between private Individuals

Twelve Russian banks are preparing for the first phase of testing the digital ruble. The CBDC will be available for payments between private individuals.

Terraria’s “Journey’s End” Update Has Tunnelled its Way Onto Nintendo Switch

Terraria's Journey's End update has landed on the Switch, adding a host of new features to the popular side-on crafting game.

The post Terraria’s “Journey’s End” Update Has Tunnelled its Way Onto Nintendo Switch appeared first on GameSpew.

Sony expect Microsoft to keep Activision games on PlayStation “due to contractual agreements”

Sony expects that Activision games will still come to PlayStation consoles if Microsoft’s buyout is completed, keeping some of the biggest franchises in video games as cross-platform titles and not turning them into Xbox exclusives. You might be doubting them, but they cite existing contractual agreements between PlayStation and Activision as the reason for their belief. A Sony spokesman told the WSJ that “We expect that Microsoft will abide by contractual agreements and continue to ensure Activision games are multiplatform.” Activision and Sony have had a long-standing content exclusivity agreement with PlayStation for the Call of Duty franchise, dating back to the 2015 release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Since that point, Activision has given timed exclusivity on DLC expansions (when paid map packs were still a thing), bundled in PlayStation exclusive game modes for Modern Warfare and Black Ops Cold War, or simply offered specific XP boosts and other perks to PlayStation players. That should allay some of the fears that many have had over the $68.7 billion Activision Blizzard buyout announced earlier this week, with Microsoft expected to shift previously cross-platform franchises to become Xbox, PC and Xbox Game Pass exclusives. Additionally, when asked directly about this by Bloomberg earlier this week, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said “I’ll just say to players out there who are playing Activision Blizzard games on Sony’s platform: It’s not our intent to pull communities away from that platform and we remained committed to that.” All we have to do is look at Microsoft’s track record with their blockbusting gaming acquisition to find out what their most likely plan is. The company has never taken a hardline stance at acquired studios make their in-progress game releases into Xbox exclusives. Psychonauts 2 was a cross-platform release, albeit with an Xbox Series X|S exclusive upgrade for the new generation, while Wasteland 3 was released with Koch Media publishing. Similarly, despite having acquired Bethesda at the start of last year, Microsoft is honouring the exclusivity agreements that have made Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo into timed PlayStation 5 exclusives. Of course, where there hasn’t been an existing agreement, Microsoft and Bethesda have confirmed that Starfield, Redfall and The Elder Scrolls VI will be Xbox console exclusives. Further Reading: What does Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard mean for gamers? So, what can we expect to happen with Activision and Blizzard games? Call of Duty: Warzone is likely to be a permanent fixture across all platforms, the free-to-play game a money-spinner that nobody would sensibly want to shut down at this point. The main Call of Duty releases will likely stay as cross-platform games, while there’s still a contract to honour – historically this contract ran for five years from 2010-2014 when on Xbox, and would likely have been renewed in 2020 by Sony and Activision for PlayStation. This could see Call of Duty games remain on PlayStation until 2025, or until a set number of games have been released. Outside of Call of Duty, and if Activision ever produce any games based on their collection of IPs that include Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, you can bet they will be Xbox exclusives from the off. On the Blizzard side of things, Overwatch will be receiving a significant overhaul so that the game will remain in lockstep with Overwatch 2’s multiplayer content. That will likely continue to be the plan, though there’s a question mark over whether Overwatch 2 will be released on PlayStation, or if they’ll leave players with the old game. Diablo IV and all other future game releases will surely be Xbox console exclusives, though. Of course, that depends on whether either game is released before or after any Microsoft buyout can be completed. That’s a big if, as the last twelve months have seen much greater scrutiny on tech giant acquisitions by government regulators. Source: WSJ (paywalled)

Arctic Bearz – The NFT That Plans To Save Polar Bears

It takes years of planning to think of a project that will save endangered animals. You have to consider probably a hundred different aspects and then come up with the plan. For many, it may seem like an impossible task. To the team of Arctic Bearz NFT, it was a straightforward approach; they wanted to involve animal lovers in the mix so that they could be a part of their program. That led to the development of an NFT that would give investors a chance to adopt polar bears. Plan to save endangered animals The team of Arctic Bearz includes

The post Arctic Bearz – The NFT That Plans To Save Polar Bears appeared first on The Merkle News.

Aussie extends gains on jobs data

The Australian dollar is in positive territory for a second straight day. In the European session, AUD/USD is trading at 0.7233, up 0.30% on the day. On the fundamentals front, Australian employment numbers were sharp. In the US, it’s a relatively quiet day, highlighted by the Philly Fed Manufacturing Index and unemployment claims. Australia unemployment […]

Cryptojacking Malware Is Stealing Millions

Chainalysis has published a report, stating that cryptojackers are by far the most successful malware type to steal crypto assets. While most tend to focus on high-profile ransomware attacks against big corporations and government agencies, cybercriminals are using less sophisticated types of malware to steal millions in cryptocurrency from individual holders. Learn how here. https://t.co/zVkAHB56Np […]

The post Cryptojacking Malware Is Stealing Millions appeared first on CryptoCoin.News.

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