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Tag: coordination

Top 5 Trends for Supply Chain Control Towers in 2022

Supply chain management has become increasingly complex and involves more coordination among network partners. Control tower technology was introduced to provide greater visibility and more efficient collaboration within the evolving ecosystem. Over time, the technology has adapted from a narrow solution that spanned transportation management to a more comprehensive and holistic capability to fit the growing demand for wider system integration, efficiency, intelligence, and speed. Here are a few of the most exciting and critical supply chain control tower trends in 2022 that help build flexibility, agility, and resilience.

Possible International Trade Consequences of Further Escalation of Conflict in Ukraine

Key Takeaways:

  • The U.S., EU, and UK are coordinating a significant sanctions and export controls package to be implemented if Russia takes further action in Ukraine.
  • Restrictions are likely to target key Russian industries including finance, energy, and defense and would be far more severe and far-reaching than past sanctions.
  • New export controls could include restrictions on foreign-produced items made using U.S.-origin technology or software,…
  • More

The post Possible International Trade Consequences of Further Escalation of Conflict in Ukraine first appeared on IPO, Then What?.

4 Smart Tips to Optimize Support Ticketing Workflows

Investing in a ticketing system is a good start, but how do you get the most out of it? To keep your customer service team running like a well-oiled machine, you need to optimize your support ticketing workflows. This article gives you the recipe for reduced handling times and increased agent productivity and responsiveness when addressing customer queries and concerns.

The post 4 Smart Tips to Optimize Support Ticketing Workflows appeared first on Inbenta.

Argos: Making Good Course Design Easy and Fun

How courseware could work with real product/market fit in mind.

The post Argos: Making Good Course Design Easy and Fun appeared first on e-Literate.

Cannabis Retail Job Descriptions Template | Green CulturED

In most respects, running a cannabis dispensary is just like running any other retail operation. You have customers coming to your store to...

12 Powerful Email Marketing Software for Marketing Teams in 2023 📧

In this roundup, we are going to talk about some of the best email marketing services and software on the market for effective delivery,...

“T-Shaped” People

One of the challenges for organizations, when they move to agile ways of working, is…

Optimize supply chain performance in healthcare

Logisticians often seek to improve supply chain performance and efficiency to increase productivity and provide a better competitive advantage for their business. Optimizing the supply chain can mean many things and be done in many ways such as improving the picking processes, decreasing the processing time for shipping goods, improving inventory management, and much more. […]

The post Optimize supply chain performance in healthcare appeared first on Globalior.

What Happened to the London Spitfire in the Overwatch League?

Cloud9-owned London Spitfire is one of the founding members of the Overwatch League. The team won the inaugural season but instead of leaving a legacy in the game, London Spitfire has spiraled down to inconsistent performances and poor results.

Time for a Supply Chain Reserve Corps

As I am sure every supply chain professional and logistician is doing now, I am spending quite a bit of time thinking about the overall supply chain in the United States and wondering if it is truly set up to service the Country in a time of national emergency.  We heard the Governor of NY today in his press conference say that the states are basically bidding against each other to get needed (and scarce) health care supplies.  Rather than going where they are most needed they appear to be going to the highest bidder.

We have also heard the President tell the states this is substantially a state problem and the feds are there to help and backstop.  Finally, we are hearing about the shear lack of ventilators and hospital beds when (just a few weeks ago it was "should") a pandemic hit the United States.  All of this makes me wonder if this is truly the best way to deal with a national emergency.

By now many of you have also seen the incredible Ted talk Bill Gates gave back in 2015 where he essentially predicted this COVID-19 outbreak.  While not predicting this one in particular, Mr. Gates did say something like this would happen.  I highly encourage you to watch this:

Here are some key points from the talk (March of 2015):
  1. The next big crisis will be from "microbes" not "missiles".
  2. We have insulated ourselves from huge war catastrophes (i.e. a nuclear war or another world war) because we have spent a trillion dollars plus on national defense and the infrastructure required to defend the United States.
  3. We have a military which can scale up dramatically in a short time to fight or deter a war.
  4. We should model our fight against microbes after the structure of the military.  You have a permanent "active" force and you have a large "reserve" force which can be called up and which actively practices, trains. and stays functional. 
When I saw him say this I was absolutely floored.  When I was in the Army in Germany we used to practice going to our "General Defensive Position (GDP)" and we would periodically go visit the warehouses set up all over Europe with stockpiles of tanks, trucks etc.  We would start them up, move them, practice deploying them etc. and we would do that in conjunction with our reserve forces.  We called it "REFORGER" which stood for "Return of Forces to Germany".  It was all a preparation for scaling up the military in Germany to over 1 million soldiers if the war started.  Similiar exercises were done in Korea and other places.

So, the question I am thinking about now is if it is time to have a "Reserve Supply Chain Force"?  This would be something you would sign up for just like the military reserves.  You would have a role / rank, you would go and practice once a month on the weekend, you would do a 2 week summer training and you would be available to be called up if the government activated the reserves.  We would have needs for coordination with civilian industry, you would run a huge reserve of trucks, trailers and drivers and you would work for a leader of this organization.

If your civilian job was in an "Essential industry or company" you may get activated but stay embedded in that company to coordinate all the work.

There are a lot of details to work out but perhaps we need this force that can work in the complex civilian world of supply chain and tie it to the needs of a pandemic so we can scale up the supply chain and distribution / logistics network very quickly.  What would this accomplish:
  1. It would allow us to scale up almost instantaneously.  Get the expertise in place, get the trucks / trailers along with drivers and immediately establish the infrastructure for leadership.
  2. It would prioritize the loading of the nation's supply chain after huge "air in the pipe" is created (Think the run on TP).  This could be done in conjunction with FEMA.
  3. It would allow us to train so we are ready right away.  By being trained we don't take months to just figure out "how things work".
  4. Finally, it would establish a professional "corps" which is qualified, ready and willing to get called up as needed. 
In the end, we have the model on how to build an infrastructure to fight a huge event which comes up on us like a black swan.  The model is the military and the reserves.  We should follow it.  Perhaps CSCMP can help with this and build out the model.  

12 Ways to Improve Climate Change Communications and Campaigns

BY MICHAEL SHANKCOMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, CARBON NEUTRAL CITIES ALLIANCE Why 12 Ms? Environmentalists have long depended on good data and sound science to determine the direction of...

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