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Tag: Continuous Improvement

What the Economic Outlook Means for Demand Planning

4 Ways Demand Planners Can Cut Through the Economic Haze  Demand planning is facing unprecedented challenges due to the current economic uncertainty. Factors such as...

Common Wealth’s WLTH Token ICO Sale Aims to Raise $9 Million

Quick Overview Common Wealth opens early-stage crypto investments to retail investors, traditionally reserved for venture capitalists. WLTH token sale starts on 22 May, aims to raise...

6 Free Courses on MLOps Offered by Google

Introduction Do you know, that you can automate machine learning (ML) deployments and workflow? Yes, you heard it right. This can be done using Machine...

How AI Will Transform Project Delivery in Advanced Manufacturing

This post has already been read 2410 times! How generative AI is poised to disrupt project delivery and accelerate and amplify business value for manufacturers In...

Adaptive Data Governance: What, Why, How – DATAVERSITY

In DATAVERSITY’s 2023 Trends in Data Management survey, about 64% of participants stated that their companies had Data Governance (DG), the formalization and enforcement of data operations across the...

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR): Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency

In the complex world of supply chain management, the pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness is unending. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) is a...

Ben Goldin, Founder & CEO of Plumery

Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of FinTech Profile. Today we’re featuring digital banking royalty in the form Ben Goldin, the Founder and...

Navigating security challenges in communication platforms: Insights from Interpillar

In this article, we look at the most common security threats to communication platforms and how Interpillar Limited, a specialist in communication platform management,...

“With GoClimate, not only do we become CO2 transparent but together create a more sustainable colocation industry”

Conapto offers secure and flexible data center colocation as well as cloud connectivity – all with a focus on sustainability. Switching to renewable...

Microsoft Will Hold Execs Accountable for Cybersecurity

Microsoft will make organizational changes and hold senior leadership directly accountable for cybersecurity as part of an expanded initiative to bolster security across its...

Reviewing IETA’s latest guidelines for high integrity use of carbon credits

The Importance of Carbon CreditsIETA recognizes carbon credits as a valuable tool, particularly for the private sector, to bridge the gap between current emission...

Minimum Viable Compliance: What You Should Care About and Why

In the IT security space, we have to care about everything. Any issue, no matter how small, can become the vehicle for remote code...

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