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Tag: content management

Data Modeling and Data Models: Not Just for Database Design – DATAVERSITY

“The main purpose of a data model is actually not to design a database – it’s to describe a business,” said Christopher Bradley, information...

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Commercetools vs Adobe Commerce: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Platform comparisons Commercetools vs Adobe Commerce: Weighing Pros and Cons When you embark on your journey in the ecommerce realm,...

Why You Need Immutable Backups and How They Work

May 30, 2024Immutable backups are now critical for data protection and disaster recovery. Immutable Backups are data copies that do not change for a...

Pepper Raises $30M to Propel Independent Food Distributors with its SaaS E-Commerce Platform

Retailers that offer food at their locations, such as coffee shops, restaurants, grocery stores, and cafeterias, rely on food distribution companies within the supply...

Dropshipping: Make Money From Home (A Beginner’s Guide)

If you want to get into selling things online but you’re not quite ready to deal with all the details like making, storing, and...

Critical Security Flaw Exposes 1 Million WordPress Sites to SQL Injection

Attackers can exploit a critical SQL injection vulnerability found in a widely used WordPress plug-in to compromise more than 1 million sites and extract...

Enjoy More Data-Driven Capabilities For Migrating to Drupal 9

AI is changing many industries, including web development. The market for AI in web design is projected to be worth over $7.7 billion by...

Data Warehouse vs. Database – DATAVERSITY

What are data warehouses and databases? How are they different, and when should you use a data warehouse vs. database to store data? Below,...

How to Create an SEO Strategy for 2024 [Template Included]

Here‘s a cliche among digital marketers: Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t what it used to be. Here‘s a true statement you don’t hear as often:...

How to Create a Great Social Media Strategy in 2024 (+New Data)

Creating social media strategies can be overwhelming, especially when you're just launching your brand or just building your online presence for the first time....

How to Use WordPress: Ultimate Guide to Building a WordPress Website

When you‘re just getting started with making a website, I know that the process of learning how to use WordPress can feel overwhelming. We’ve...

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