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Tag: considered

The SAFE Banking Act Just Got Added Back to the Defense Bill as an Amendment, But Could It Pass on Its Own?

Though defeated in this round, the cannabis industry remains resilient in its fight for federal reforms. The removal of the SAFE Act from the defense bill is not the end of the road but rather another indication of the steep climb to federal cannabis law. Cannabis advocates and entrepreneurs need to use this opportunity to reset the conversation and seek a well-rounded bill that would ensure the capital is available to those who need it the most. Now that there is still a political advantage, advocates can point out other solutions that can be added to the bill to make the cannabis industry get access to funds at the state and local levels.

Love Hurts: British Man Loses $200K in a Bitcoin Romance Scam (Report)

A typical cryptocurrency fraudulent scheme resulted in a loss of around $200,000 for a British individual.

Gaming Sector Not Impacted by Breyer Leaving US Supreme Court: Legal Profs

Two leading experts on gambling law predict the upcoming vacancy on the US Supreme Court will not have much of an impact on the casino sector and gaming. The vacancy is because of the recent announcement that Justice Stephen Breyer is stepping down. Another liberal is likely to be nominated by President Biden. It is […]

The post Gaming Sector Not Impacted by Breyer Leaving US Supreme Court: Legal Profs appeared first on Casino.org.

Green Girl: Kelly Young of Torch Cannabis Co. | Features

Holistic approach to self-care By Jillian Manning | Jan. 29, 2022 Kelly Young owns a dispensary, but her goal isn’t ... Read More

Cannabis & Covid: Why Eastern Medicine Should Never Be Ignored

You’ve seen the headlines at this point, everyone has. It’s the new rage in covid-related discussions, and the talk at every party. That’s right, it finally broke that cannabis might be able to be used against covid-19, the pandemic that’s got everyone riled up. But shouldn’t we already know this? Why is this even news? […]

The post Cannabis & Covid: Why Eastern Medicine Should Never Be Ignored appeared first on CBD Testers.

Fidelity’s Director of Global Macro Updates His Outlook for Bitcoin Price

Recently, Jurrien Timmer, Director of Global Macro at Fidelity Investments, shared his latest thoughts on Bitcoin. Timmer took to Twitter on January 25 to call the past month a “bad trip for crypto,” noting that “the GS Bitcoin-sensitive equity basket already took out its 2021 lows.” The analyst said such a fall was “not a great […]

Recap 2021 – Indian Design Case Laws

In this post, we bring to you few Design Cases decided by Indian Courts in the year 2021:- M/S Kamdhenu Limited v. M/S Aashiana Rolling Mills Ltd In a case involving a registered design pertaining to double rib pattern of steel rods, the Delhi High Court cancelled the registration summarily stating that there is no need for a full trial. The Court came to this conclusion primarily based on the fact that the design that formed part of the registration…

The post Recap 2021 – Indian Design Case Laws appeared first on BananaIP Counsels.

How the play-to-earn model is playing a key role in GameFi adoption

Blockchain technology has been around for more than a decade, and has disrupted practically every industry where technology is a fundamental driving factor.

Report: Experts Say ‘Long Downturns’ for Bitcoin and Other Cryptoassets Are ‘Normal’

Several experts have warned investors that high volatility — including “long downturns” — in the crypto market should be considered “normal” market behavior by long-term investors. According to a report by CNBC’s “Make It”, after the price of BTC dipped below $33,000 earlier in the week, several experts it talked to said that such volatility […]

Nansen report shows crypto going multi-chain with DeFi and NFTs

Nansen, a blockchain analytics platform, has released its 2021 ‘State of the Crypto Industry Report’ showing crypto has gone multi-chain, with attractive yields and digital collectibles.

JPMorgan Lowers Its Bitcoin Fair Price Estimate to $38K Amidst Volatility

JPMorganLeading investment bank JPMorgan has changed its view on the estimate of bitcoin’s price on a long-term basis. The institution had estimated a long-term price of $146K back in November when bitcoin was over $60K. One of the most important reasons for this change has to do with the increased volatility the asset has faced […]

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