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Tag: Conducting Market Research

2024’s Leading IT Courses For Aspiring Tech Leaders

If you want to stay relevant in the world of technology, investing in the right IT related courses is essential.  With 70% of employees upskilling...

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Is Hiring a Product Marketer as Your First Marketing Hire Beneficial? | Insights from SaaStr

When it comes to building a successful marketing team for your SaaS company, making the right first hire is crucial. One common question that...

Space Force may launch GPS demonstration satellites to test new tech

The Space Force is exploring options for expanding the capabilities of its GPS satellites and is asking companies to propose ideas for delivering low-cost...

Tips to Improve Your Marketing Campaign! – Supply Chain Game Changer™

As 2021 unveils, devising an effective marketing campaign is paramount to target the audience and make sales. Whether you are a B2B or B2C...

20 Technologies in Data Science for Professionals

Introduction As internet usage grows, companies leverage data for innovation and competitive advantage. With 66.2% of the global population connected to the internet as of...

The Marine Corps is looking at small drone boats for spying on vessels

The Marine Corps is conducting market research into small drone boats as part of a push to boost the service’s reconnaissance capabilities and prepare...

How to build an Effective Procurement Strategy

When your company’s procurement strategy is aligned with business goals, there may be a 4x higher return on investment. But a procurement strategy may...

The Influence of Conversion Rate on Performance Marketing Outcomes

The Influence of Conversion Rate on Performance Marketing OutcomesIn the world of digital marketing, conversion rate is a crucial metric that directly impacts the...

Mastering Procurement Management: Your Gateway to Success

In today's competitive business world, mastering procurement management is essential to unlock growth and maintain a competitive edge. A well-executed procurement strategy can make all the difference in achieving business success....

How To Choose a Profitable Niche For Your Website [in 2023]

Discovering a profitable niche is crucial for establishing a successful online business. By focusing on a specific market segment, you can better cater to...

French privacy watchdog raises concerns about the legality of Worldcoin’s data collection practices

French privacy watchdog raises concerns about the legality of Worldcoin's data collection practicesIn recent years, concerns about data privacy and the collection of personal...

“Entrepreneur’s Guide: Understanding the Ups and Downs of DTC Brands through 4 Key Strategies”

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands have been gaining popularity in recent years, with more and more entrepreneurs opting to sell their products directly to consumers through...

Optimizing Pricing and Packaging for Scaling Product Management from Series B to IPO

As a product management team scales from Series B to IPO, one of the most critical aspects to consider is pricing and packaging. This...

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