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CBS Home VS Wood Frame Home | Top 13 PROs and CONs

In South Florida, most of the properties will either be CBS or wood frame construction but is one type of home construction better than the other? Find out now!

How to Profit from DeFi 2.0 with Blizz Finance

Cryptocurrencies have facilitated the growth of decentralized finance (DeFi). However, not all of these protocols provide choices that are in the best interests of their users.

Blizz Finance capitalized on these flaws and devised a DeFi protocol that outperforms other well-known protocols.

Some facts about Blizz Finance

Blizz Finance is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity protocol that lets people lend or borrow. On its website, contributors may earn passive income while those in need can apply for funding in various ways.

It can exploit the Avalanche network's scalability and cheap cost per operation.

Unlike AAVE, Blizz Finance does not maintain governance systems and operates via central processes. Fees are used for token exchange and profit margins for users and liquidity providers, and are completely transparent.

Token BLZZ: Properties

Blizz Finance's token, BLZZ, emerges as the core of the dynamics inside its ecosystem and gives the idea that makes the DeFi protocol unique compared to other competitors.

That means 1,000,000,000 BLZZ will be created, with 50% of the profits going to the protocol's users, both lenders and borrowers. Unlike AAVE, which capitalizes all profits.

On the distribution of BLZZ, of the 1,000,000,000 units:

  • 50% is destined for lenders and borrowers loan applicants, distributed over a period of five years.

  • 20% earmarked as an incentive for BLZZ /AVAX liquidity providers through TraderJoe. This will also be done over a five-year period.

  • 10% for Airdrop campaigns and incentives to other associated DeFi communities., this for a minimum of one year.

  • 15% will be used to finance the development team.

  • The remaining 5% will be part of the treasury.

DeFi 2.0: Dex Liquidity Property Protocol (BLZZ-PODL)

Furthermore, Blizz has already entered DeFi 2.0 by offering a novel liquidity method that outperforms prior DeFi protocols. It's about the protocol's liquidity, which guards against whale investor migration, fixing the present major issue of impermanent loss.

AVAX's treasury incentives are now sent to this new smart contract using the PODL module. This allows users to sell their tokens to the protocol for 10% more. This preserves protocol liquidity and makes BLZZ deflationary.

DeFi protocol fee comparison:




Just take the 50%, the other half goes to the users    

All 100% goes to AAVE




Liquidity mining

Users may stake their assets, and the prizes will be disbursed throughout the three months that the funds remain vested. The money is not unavailable, since the user has complete control over them, even if a fine system is employed for 50% of the assets.

This makes no sense since the penalty imposed on customers who need to withdraw their cash will be shared among those who maintain their funds for the specified period. This encourages stakeholder commitment, rewarding those who follow the rules and penalizing those who do not.

It is important to note that everyone who participates in the Staking program with BLZZ can claim their rewards at any time, without any penalty.

The lending system

Finally, the loan system enables users to lend their bitcoin capital to people in need of cash in exchange for a guarantee and agreed-upon interest.

Anyone seeking a loan must pay it back with the same asset plus interest. If you accept the duty, you should be informed that additional interest may accumulate and your guarantee may be liquidated.

Non-compliance with the conditions increases a certain indicator, which at a certain point demands the liquidation of the guarantee to compensate the lender. This seeks to establish fair conditions for all parties without using a third party.

Cutting fees in half

Unlike other DeFi protocols, Blizz Finance and the BLZZ token are fully decentralized, using the Avalanche network's scalability, dependability, and low operating expenses, cutting Fees for market-leading DeFi protocols in half. 

For more information about Blizz Finance, the BLZZ token, and the platform's goods and services, please visit their website and social media accounts:

Benefits Of Crypto Payments And DeFi Projects For SMEs

Benefits Of Crypto Payments And DeFi Projects For SMEs And Bitpace Customers

It's been over 10 years and it is safe to say that cryptocurrency is here to stay. Since the launch of the first cryptocurrency, the Bitcoin, the crypto market has witnessed a proliferation of digital currencies. It is estimated that there are currently over 9,000 cryptocurrencies today. The crypto space has been met with resistance from governments and corporations but one can say that it is gradually winning the hearts of some governments and corporations. With the global dominance of the crypto market, the benefits of DeFi projects and crypto payments are becoming more apparent and everyone seems to be gradually catching the buzz. This article talks about what Bitpace customers and SMEs stand to benefit from crypto payments and the various DeFi projects in the crypto space. 

Understanding Crypto Payments and DeFi Projects

Governments and corporations alike are becoming more receptive to the idea of digital currencies and accepting them as a form of payment for their products and services. For example, the Venezuelan government partnered with Litecoin to be used as a means of payment in Venezuela's mainstream international payments system. The Australian government does not tax cryptocurrency transactions. In the business world, corporations such as Microsoft, which started accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment as far back as 2014 for its games and apps have been receptive to crypto payments. PayPal, Starbucks, Etsy, and Overstock all accept Bitcoin as a form of payment for their products and services.

Crypto payments simply mean the act of using any cryptocurrency to pay for goods and services as against the conventional fiat currencies. Because of the digital nature of cryptocurrencies, crypto payments can only be done online via cryptocurrency payment gateways such as Bitpace. Payment gateways provide a platform for businesses to accept crypto payments from customers in exchange for their products and services. The payment gateway sector is gradually becoming a booming space and Bitpace has established itself as a reliable gateway for merchants and customers to exchange cryptocurrencies for products and services.

For investors, cryptocurrencies can also be used as a means of payment for other cryptocurrencies. For example, someone that has Litecoin and wants to exchange it for Bitcoin can use crypto payment platforms to do this. Depending on the terms and conditions of the exchange you're using, you can exchange Litecoin for Bitcoin for the value on the crypto exchange platform. You can also use crypto to pay for fiat currency. This is also a form of crypto payment. In this case, you will be using your crypto as a form of payment for fiat currency. Most crypto exchanges like Bitpace offer these crypto payment services. With Bitpace, you can make payments with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, TRON, IOTA, and so many others. 

DeFi projects, on the other hand, are decentralized finance projects that are based on blockchain technology. DeFi platforms use smart contracts on blockchains to offer financial instruments. A good example is Ethereum. This is different from the central financial intermediaries such as banks, brokerages, or exchanges that offer conventional financial instruments. In other words, users of DeFi platforms can trade cryptocurrencies, borrow or lend funds, speculate on the price movement of different assets using derivatives, earn interest in savings like accounts and insure against risk. All these transactions are done directly between the users of a DeFi platform. It eliminates the need for intermediaries. As of October 2020, it was estimated that a total of $11 billion in cryptocurrency had been deposited in various DeFi protocols. This figure rose to $20.5 in January 2021. 

What SMEs Stand To Gain With Crypto Payments And DeFi

With the big corporations already driving up their interests in crypto payments and DeFi projects, there is no better time for SMEs to join in. They have a lot to gain in adopting the same for their businesses. Here are some benefits of crypto payments for SMEs:

  1. More Option For International Payment - If your business involves receiving payment from across the border, you will agree that it is usually fraught with issues like limited payment options and lag in transaction approval. Checks are sometimes inefficient, payment may take days sometimes, and online payment platforms are not accepted in every country. Crypto payments by nature are peer-to-peer payment systems that allow your customers to make payments without any intermediary determining the transaction. With a crypto payment platform like Bitpace, you can receive payments within minutes. 

  2. No Issue Of Chargebacks - Business owners are at a risk of credit card chargebacks when payment is reversed by the intermediary. With crypto payments, you do not have to worry about third-party intermediaries reversing payment because of the peer-to-peer technology.  

  3. Lower Transaction Fees - The different payment methods available to businesses have high transaction fees. Most payment merchants have set up fees, flat transaction fees, and a percentage of the payment made. Cumulatively, this will be on the high side and affect your business. With crypto payments, peer-to-peer transactions do not charge any transaction fee.

  4. Penetration Of Younger Market - Cryptocurrency is most popular among the younger generation. They also have a better hang of it. They will be disposed to patronize a business that offers a crypto payment option as against the one that offers only fiat currency payment. Therefore, your business gains a wider market penetration in the youth demography. 

  5. Secured Transactions - The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency guarantees a secured crypto transaction. Blockchain technology protects you from fraudsters. Blockchain technology also stops customers with insufficient funds to make payments. This prevents unnecessary time-wasting and chargebacks. 

Bitpace Crypto Payment Gateway

Bitpace is a crypto platform that offers crypto-based financial services for individuals and businesses. This crypto payment platform provides businesses with a platform that has multi-payment acceptance features and cryptocurrency trading. You also get fixed and dynamic deposit options that allow businesses to accept cryptocurrencies for their products and services from customers. You can also install Bitpace plug-in on your website and use the platform directly to receive crypto payments from your customers. In addition to serving as a payment gateway, businesses can also trade cryptocurrencies on Bitpace.  

Bitpace offers excellent crypto payment services that will ensure the smooth running of your business. Some of these services include:

  1. Fixed Deposit - This service enables you to receive crypto payments from your customers in a wide range of cryptocurrencies. It also gives you the option to withdraw the value of these crypto payments in Fiat currency. Your transactions are guaranteed to be quick and secure.

  2. Dynamic Deposit Process - This service ensures that your customer can make their crypto payment anywhere and anytime without any hassle. There are complex payment processes. There is a dedicated payment address between you and your customer.

  3. Withdraw - Bitpace allows your customers to get their balance in coins without using another platform. All transactions are done on Bitpace. 

  4. Trading - Bitpace is not only for business merchants to receive crypto payments. Individuals can also do their crypto trading on the platform. They offer the best crypto rates for traders and investors alike.

Bitpace is a reliable crypto payment gateway that guarantees easy, risk-free, secure, and convenient transactions for businesses and their customers. Once you install the Bitpace API and enter your secure login, you can begin to get paid in Bitcoin or other supported cryptocurrencies. You can choose to deposit your Fiat money in your bank account or have your crypto payment transferred into your crypto wallet.  

Benefits Of Using Bitpace For Crypto Payments

  1. Multiple Cryptocurrencies - For business owners, Bitpace allows you to receive a variety of cryptocurrencies as payment for your products and services. There is a wide range of digital coins you can receive as payment. From Bitcoin to Algorand. All you need to do is register as a merchant on the Bitpace platform and you can start receiving crypto payments for your business. 

  2. Easy and Fast Payment Processing - Bitpace offers instant payment processing services when you use the platform. You will not have to worry about delays in transaction glitches. Your customer pays you in crypto and you receive the payment instantly. You also do not need coding knowledge to be able to integrate Bitpace crypto payment on your website.

  3. No Chargeback Fraud - Chargebacks are a major issue on payment platforms, be it fiat currency or cryptocurrency. Bitpace platform ensures you do not experience chargeback frauds on the crypto payment for your business. 

  4. Affordable - The Bitpace crypto payment platform is very affordable for businesses to use. Bit Pace does not charge unnecessary fees such as commitment fees, monthly fees, or any other form of upfront charges. 

  5. Global Presence - Bitpace has a worldwide reach that is an obvious advantage for businesses using the platform. Businesses that have customers all over the world can receive their crypto payments without any hassle.

  6. Refund Process - When you have issues with your payment transactions, Bitpace offers a fast and reliable refund payment system. Whether you're underpaid or overpaid, you can initiate a refund process that will ensure you get what is due to you.

  7. Partial Payment - This feature helps build your business, especially if you're just starting. It gives your customers enough time to fully pay for your products and services. 


It is hard to deny that the world is becoming more and more digital each day; the introduction of the Metaverse, cryptocurrency getting adopted by not only businesses but also by countries, and so on. Cryptocurrency is sitting right in the middle of all these developments and the next phase of life. It is still not late to integrate cryptocurrency into your businesses, take advantage of the countless benefits the crypto payments offer and take your businesses to the next level.

Penske Truck Leasing to Acquire DeCarolis Truck Rental Inc.

Penske Truck Leasing today announced it has reached an agreement to acquire the assets of Rochester, N.Y.-based DeCarolis Truck Rental Inc. Financial terms were not disclosed.

“DeCarolis Truck Rental is a well-respected name in the region and we are excited about the opportunity to join our businesses,” said Art Vallely, president, Penske Truck Leasing. “We look forward to working closely with DeCarolis customers and associates to integrate the business into the Penske brand.”

This transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including certain regulatory approvals. The parties involved anticipate closing the transaction on December 17, 2021.

“We’re very excited about joining the Penske organization,” said Michael Margarone, president and CEO, DeCarolis Truck Rental. “The combination of both companies will elevate our technology and service capabilities and ultimately benefit our customers. We look forward to this new journey together.”

Founded over 80 years ago, DeCarolis Truck Rental is a family-owned and operated company headquartered in Rochester, N.Y. They provide truck leasing, rental, maintenance and repair services to the food processing and distribution, consumer distribution and freight hauling industries. They employ approximately 175 people, maintain a fleet of approximately 2,350 units, and service customers from 10 locations.

By Kim Harmsen

Nanoparticles in fuel could boost aircraft efficiency

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The post Nanoparticles in fuel could boost aircraft efficiency appeared first on Physics World.

Join the Ledger contest and win a Ledger pack of new custom swivels

This Contest will run from December 2nd 2021 (12pm CET) to December 7th, 2021 (12pm CET). To participate, follow the steps below, and we’ll randomly select three (3) winners to each win a pack of custom swivels. It could just be you! The prizes: Ledger Contest – get a chance to win a pack of […]

‘Antara’ $50M Feature Film to Sell Movie Rights via NFT Drop this December

Arabian Camels today announced the launch of an ‘Antara Movie NFT', that will grant buyers up to 50 percent of the intellectual property rights to “Antara”, a $50 million dollar feature film. Antara is based on the life of Antarah Ibn Shaddad, an ancient Arabian knight and poet, famous for his adventurous life. Prospective film distributors would pay the owners of the Antara Movie NFT to distribute the movie in theatres and/or streaming channels, tying the Arabian Camel community into millions of dollars worth of value in the real world. The NFT drop is anticipated this December.

The Arabian Camels envision merging Movies and NFTs with DeFi, Gaming, and the Metaverse, with a focus on community, extracting value from the booming transmedia space, and sharing the value entertainment properties with the Arabian Camel community. 

“While other NFT projects were busy manipulating their floor price and buying up their own NFTs, the founder of Arabian Camels, stayed low-key, quietly working on building long-term quality. The result is game-changing tokenomics and strategies that enable the Arabian Camels to define a new era of the movie business,”  said Alexander Amartei, Producer of Antara, and inventor of Movie NFTs. “The Arabian Camels is the only NFT community that has managed to position itself uniquely between movies and NFTs. As a new pop culture brand, we are now ready to launch our movie strategy, gaming strategy, and token launch on major exchanges.” 

Arabian Camels have also collaborated with Dominic Ryder, CEO of vEmpire, whose token has recently rocketed 1500 percent and reached a market cap of $100M. Dominic Ryder's protocol is in the process of designing and creating the ANTARA Play-To-Earn game, which has already gotten the attention of very prominent VC firms. The multiplayer raiding game is expected to plant the Arabian Camels brand and the Antara IP firmly into the Metaverse, and add another layer of value for Arabian Camels' holders. The game is set to bring fun and reliable income to thousands of players in developing countries and will run off a scholarship model. The Arabian Camels NFTs are now to be a commodity and have functionality within the game. In conjunction, they will also be launching their very own gaming token, the in-game currency that is set to be listed on major Cryptocurrency exchanges.

The production of the movie was meticulously put together with the help of professors of Arabic Literature from Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, and the School of Oriental and African studies, meaning it's not another Marvel. It has a very rich, intelligent, and powerful historical appeal. It was originally set to be shot in NEOM, Saudi Arabia, but Abu Dhabi, as a modern tech hub, has also shown a keen willingness to accommodate the production, to be credited as the ones that helped to bring this epic story to the world. The production team is currently assessing which of the Middle Eastern regions can offer the best incentives and working conditions for the production.

The story of Antara is reminiscent of both Alexander the Great and Romeo and Juliet, of the Middle East. His story has been told repeatedly for the past 1,500 years. He was a black slave in ancient/pre-Islamic Arabia, who won his freedom and became a lofty knight. He rose to stardom in the 5th century, not only due to his character and prowess on the battlefield but also, his miraculous talent as a poet. His poetry was held in such high regard, that it was actually sewn in gold, and suspended on the Kaaba in Mecca before the days of Islam. To this day, if one studies Arabic Literature in Oxford or Cambridge, the poetry of Antara is still studied and revered.

Watch the sizzle at www.antaramovie.com 

Antara is a feature film directed by one of the most sought-after Hollywood Directors, that covers the life and adventures of Antara Ibn Shaddad, a desert warrior from ancient pre-Islamic Arabia. The film is the first big-budget film to be funded by an NFT, before its theatre and streaming debut, as well as the first NFT to facilitate this type of royalty sharing. As part of the ‘Antara IP' a transmedia rollout, the film is a part of a franchise that includes 3 sequels, a crypto infused ‘Assassins Creed Styled' multi-player game, a comic, and a strong brand with a long term merchandising and licensing strategy.

Follow their story and join their community:

T: @ArabianCamels

I: @Arabiancamelsnft

W: www.arabiancamels.io

E: info@arabiancamels.io

To get access to the Antara Movie NFT, please go to: 

The Arabian Camels are the first part of the Antara NFT collection, an integral part of the Antara IP transmedia rollout. The Arabian Camels NFT acts as a pass to unlock several perks and incentives. The Arabian Camels NFTs introduced a never-before-seen utility, which allows NFT holders to be an integral part of, and benefit from the exciting world of movies, gaming, and Transmedia.

Media Contact: TransformGroup antara@transformgroup.com
Sales / Investment Contact: info@arabiancamels.io  

The Lightning Network Electrifies Bitcoin

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