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Tag: compliance

Five Essential Criteria for Effective Patch Management

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe WannaCry ransomware attack, which was one of the largest cyber attacks faced recently, was based on exploit of a...

Arcimoto & NASDAQ – a new paradigm for Reg A

Today marks a watershed moment for the Reg A industry as Arcimoto, led by WR Hambrecht + Co, successfully closed their offering...

How do we keep our customers’ data safe at Unbabel?

Every day at Unbabel we handle tens of thousands of translation requests across all kinds of content. Whether it’s directly via our API and...

Blockchain for Finance Conference @ Aviva Stadium October 3rd & 4th announced

There’s a high-profile blockchain finance event which was announced for Dublin’s Aviva Stadium on October 3rd & 4th this year. We’ll have some...

Dare Okoudjou of MFS Africa

This week on FinTech Profile, we talk to Dare Okoudjou, founder and CEO of leading Pan-African fintech company MFS Africa. Operating the largest...

5 Points to Consider When Evaluating Next-Generation Endpoint Security Products

Reading Time: 3 minutesEndpoints are extremely vulnerable to security breaches. Hackers find endpoints to channel out infectious attacks through advanced persistent threats and...

WordPress Development Solutions that Can Suit all Business Models

Content is the buzz word in the industry at the moment. Churning out quality content and ensuring it reaches the right audience will...

The Information Commissioner, the Royal Free, and what we’ve learned

Today, dozens of people in UK hospitals will die preventably from conditions like sepsis and acute kidney injury (AKI) when their warning signs...

Google Proposes: Managed CAs to Issue Symantec Certificates

Reading Time: 3 minutesOn May 19, 2017, in the Blink Process forum, Ryan Sleevi of the Google Chrome team wrote:”Chrome will require that...

Testimonials for CrowdfundSuite

“Crowdfund Suite has proved to be a very professional and trustworthy company for my team. They will help you on any matter in...

Endpoint Security Glossary

Reading Time: 9 minutesHere’s an A to Z glossary of terms related to Endpoint Protection- A Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) – An unauthorized person gaining...

What I Learned This Week – 11/18/16

Another week of vast information consumption, headlines, breach reports, security bulletins and client concerns. Learning everyday in the security consulting business...

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