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Tag: Compensation

Autonomous-Driving Startup Pony.ai Takes on Last-Mile Delivery

With autonomous-vehicle companies parked by COVID-19, Pony.ai has teamed up with Los Angeles-based e-commerce site Yamibuy to deliver packages and groceries in the...

Layoffs and furloughs hit holding companies WPP, Omnicom, and MDC Partners as advertisers slash spending

Furloughs and layoffs have begun to hit all the major ad holding companies as the coronavirus pandemic has ground the economy to a...

Exclusive: Major U.S. airlines eyeing government loans after grants – sources

(Reuters) - Several major U.S. airlines are preparing to apply this week for a $25 billion U.S. government loan program after winning billions...

White Tile Tunnels (Greenwich and Woolwich Foot Tunnels, London, UK)

Travel delayed by fog. These days it’s aircraft and airports that struggle with it. But at the end of the 19th Century, you...

Leaked memo reveals cruise industry giant MSC will not be paying some crew members stuck onboard its ships

A number of MSC Cruises crew members stuck onboard will not receive a salary as they await to be repatriated to their country...

Mnuchin Rebuffs Airlines, Holds Firm on Repayment for Rescue

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is not budging on strict repayment guidelines for airlines that want taxpayer aid, according to people familiar with the...

Colorado’s marijuana businesses can remain open during pandemic, but they say they’re still struggling

Cannabis companies, and the consultants and lawyers who aid them, not eligible for federal stimulus moneyAs the coronavirus fueled changes in regulation for...

Coronavirus pandemic to test China’s unemployment safety net

BEIJING (Reuters) - The coronavirus pandemic is expected to cause millions more people in China to lose their jobs, leaving many of them...

Bitcoin Regulations by Country (Updated for 2020)

Americas: AnguillaRegulatedRegulatedThe Anguilla Utility Token Offering Act (the AUTO Act) was introduced in 2017 to regulate how ICOs and security tokens should...

FDIC Urging Against Bank Runs: Is There a Crypto Connection?

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, recently posted a video urging the public not to rush to banks for cash withdrawals. Does...

Airlines want U.S. Treasury to scrap proposal to make some grant money repayable

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) - Major U.S. airlines were urging Treasury officials and the federal government’s outside advisers on Saturday to scrap or revise a...

$2M Crypto Scam Allegedly Funded Man’s Lavish Lifestyle

A trust has sued businessman, Brock Flagstad, over allegedly misappropriating over $2 million in funds that were purportedly designated for cryptocurrency trading.Despite Flagstad...

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