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Tag: Colorado

The Potential of Weed Legalization: 1 Million Jobs and Over $130 Billion in Revenue

Image Source The latest statistics about weed legalization make it seem like it has the potential to save the USA from an economical crisis....

The Best Cannabis Edibles for 2020

Over the past decade, communities across the globe have changed their minds about cannabis. Though the herb was once unanimously prohibited, more people...

Cole Memorandum Rescinded

While this raises many questions for state regulators and the industry, this act should not cause fears of immediate federal enforcement actions.  The...

Weed Is Almost Legal in California. Here’s what you need to know.

Image Source The State of California has been touted as the sixth largest economy in the world. As one of the world’s greatest producers,...

Behind Honest Marijuana Company Mission

Image Source When and where did Honest Marijuana start? Honest Marijuana started in 2015, a few years after recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado. I...

Healthcare Technology Startup Launches Standardized Dosing Platform

GoFire, a leading digital healthcare company, has created an innovative vaporization device with an intuitive dosing app that allows for controlled dose consumption...

Want to Make Your Own Glass Pipe?

As cannabis slowly approaches full re-legalization, more and more glass blowers keep popping up, but how many of them will actually teach you...

How To Find A Weed Dealer And Types Of Marijuana Dealers

Finding a consistent dealer in your area is one of the biggest problems for a stoner in states without legal marijuana. Having a...

How to “Legally” Grow Over 6 Plants in Colorado

What, you thought you could only grow 6 marijuana plants in Colorado? Why… because that’s the number that both Amendment 20 and Amendment 64...

Thoughts Thursday: The Stealthiest Ways To Smoke Your Weed

Marijuana has changed a lot since it was made illegal in 1937. It has changed drastically within the last 10 years. Umpteen states...

7 Common Misconceptions About the Colorado Red Card

Having just gone through the process of getting my “Colorado red card” for the first time, I thought I’d clear the air on...

How to Get a Colorado Support Employee Medical Marijuana Badge

Getting a Colorado MED Badge? First check to get a Colorado marijuana badge is age. If you’re at least 21 and want to legally...

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