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5 Reasons Why Logistics Industry Should Embrace Artificial Intelligence

The last three decades have witnessed a prominent change in the field of technological evolution. The evolution was not only in the digital field but it proved to be a great transitory period in the life of human history.   “AI has revolutionized the industrial structure to its very core. Digital transformation has become a crucial […]

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Starting 2022 right!

Gravity, just made better for you.

6 Ecommerce Trends That Will Dictate the Industry

Even though the eCommerce industry feels oversaturated, starting a business from scratch is still tempting. Given how many people are shopping on the internet these days, it makes sense to look for a venture online.  “Brick-and-mortar stores still exist, but the ongoing pandemic lifted online stores to new heights, and it does not seem like […]

The post 6 Ecommerce Trends That Will Dictate the Industry appeared first on AiiotTalk - Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Technology.

Analytics For Talent Acquisition: 4 Things To Know

Attracting the right talent is critical to business innovation, growth, and competitiveness. This explains why many businesses are increasingly prioritizing talent acquisition. Even so, the process of acquiring the right talent hasn’t been easy for many companies.  Getting employees with the right skills mix to fill a vacancy is a long and tedious one, overwhelming […]

The post Analytics For Talent Acquisition: 4 Things To Know appeared first on AiiotTalk - Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Technology.

Gophers And Moles On Marijuana Plants

Moles and gophers are animals that run underground. They often go unseen and tend to surface in dark spaces. They can be harmful to your marijuana plants. In this article we will discuss: Moles vs gophers How to solve gopher problems Gophers in your marijuana garden There are some things that vary slightly about these two, but ...

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How To Assess the Quality of a Marijuana Bud

Just like all the fine things in life: wine, cigars, and diamonds: cannabis can also be measured in terms of quality. The sight, touch, taste, size, aroma, and sensation of a marijuana bud is all determined by the cleanliness of the air in which the plant grew, the composition of the soil, and the temperature shifts that it endured.

Knowing Quality Bud from Shwag

It's important to know the good quality stuff from the shwag. Whether you're a connoisseur or simply a novice; knowing how to assess the quality of a cannabis bud is necessary to have the best experience. If you want to know the telltale signs of top-shelf bud then read on.

Visually Inspect the Bud

Sometimes the only way to get an idea of the quality of a bud is by the way it looks. It is important to know the clues that will tell you how awesome the weed you're assessing is. One of the best visual ways to assess cannabis is by the trichome content. If the bud has loads of trichomes then you are sure to get a good buzz. Trichomes are the small crystal-looking resin glands that make the bud look frosty. These trichomes contain cannabinoids like THC and CBD.


Another visual way to assess a cannabis bud is by its color. Healthy buds are usually nice and green, purple, or may even look orange depending on the pistils on the bud and the strain. When you smoke the bud, the ashes should burn white-grey ash.

Look For a Tight Trim

The trim of the flower should be done well. Look for a tight trim; extra leaf matter should have been removed so that the bud is fully revealed. Excess stems should also be removed and the only part of the stem that should be left is at the base of the flower where it was cut from the plant. Over-trimmed flowers should be avoided as this usually results in a lower trichome content.


How to Spot Mildew or Mold

When assessing a bud be sure to check for red flags. Powdery mildew can look like trichomes if you don't look closely. A bud should glisten in the light, but if it has mildew on it will not. If you see something like baby powder on it or a cottony appearance it's probably powdery mildew.

Another red flag and type of mold is botrytis (also known as bud rot). This mold is more difficult to see as it is inside the flower. It may not be until after you purchase the bud, go home, and start breaking it up that you notice that the bud has brown or grey mold inside. You mustn't smoke it.

Gently Squeeze the Bud

Touching the bud is another good way to assess its quality. When you gently squeeze the bud, it should bounce back to its original form. Squeezing the bud can also tell you if it has properly been cured. It should have a bit of a stickiness to it, but if it hasn't been cured correctly then it will feel too wet. The stem is another indicator of how well the bud has been cured. A properly cured stem will have a definite snap when you bend it.


Smell the Bud for Quality

One of my favorite ways to check the quality of a bud is by smelling it. It's an instinctive thing we all seem to do when you open a new bag of buds: you hold it up to your nose and inhale the sweet aroma. This can also tell you if a bud has mold on it, or if it smells wet then it hasn't been cured properly. Good quality marijuana will often smell skunky, pine, fruity, cheese, or earthy.


Taste the Bud

Lastly, you can taste if a bud is of high quality. Oftentimes, the aroma of bud will match the flavor. Just like a good liquor, the taste should be smooth. When you inhale the smoke, it shouldn't burn your throat; neither should it leave a harsh taste in the back of your throat.


In Conclusion

After reading this article you can easily be on your way to becoming a cannabis connoisseur. Next time you find yourself buying marijuana don't just settle for anything. Take the time to study the bud instead of choosing one based on whatever name sounds good to you. You will be impressed by the difference that quality bud makes.

Why curing cannabis is essential for your crop

When you can’t grow large amounts of marijuana, you want to make sure what you do grow lasts for a long time. The best way to ensure your harvest lasts year-round is to cure your cannabis properly. Curing cannabis prevents mold, mildew and general spoilage. Plus, if you’ve grown anything worth smoking, and it’s more ...

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The post Why curing cannabis is essential for your crop appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.

Robotics Pioneer Exotec Raises $335M Series D to Improve Supply Chain Resilience for Global Retailers

Robotics Pioneer Exotec Raises $335M Series D to Improve Supply Chain Resilience for Global Retailers Goldman Sachs Asset Management invests

The post Robotics Pioneer Exotec Raises $335M Series D to Improve Supply Chain Resilience for Global Retailers first appeared on Logistics Monthly Magazine.

What Separates “Vital Few Metrics” from “Nice to Know” Metrics – And What Can We Learn from Tom Brady…

 I was reading an article about Tom Brady today in the Washington Post and it led me to think about metrics in supply chain.  How could that possibly be, you ask?  What does how a quarterback preforms in football have to do with supply chain?

First, in case there are those who do not know who Tom Brady is I would just ask you to google him.  Whether you like him or not as a fan you have to respect all that he has accomplished.  We literally likely will not see another like him in our lifetime, or maybe ever, as it relates to football and longevity.  9 super bowl appearances,  7 titles and 13 AFC Championship games.  When everyone thought he was done, he went off to Tampa Bay where he promptly won another super bowl.  ( I will not list them all here but if you want to know all the records he holds, I found this website).

The article in the Washington Post was titled: Tom Brady is telling his own story and doing it at his own pace(May require firewall).  The general theme was the success of Tom Brady (Besides raw talent - which a lot of NFL QBs have had and have been far less successful) can be boiled down to just a few items:

  • His ability to focus on the mission in front of him. 
  • His ability to ignore all the noise around him in terms of success (fan noise, social media noise, trappings of fame noise).
  • His discipline in controlling his time.  Everyone wants a piece of his time but he rarely provides it.  He does not have to be everywhere. 
He trains in February to win the Superbowl a year later.  That is what we would call medium to long term thinking and that is what metrics allow us to do in supply chain.  If we focus on a few, remove all the noise by ignoring the "nice to know", eliminate our natural FOMO (Fear of missing out) instincts, identify the critical outcome (spoken in the terms of a customer) and then relentlessly monitor and improve, we can be like Tom Brady and win a lot of supply chain super bowls. 

I believe people get in trouble in three areas when they devise metrics:
  • They are inwardly focused and not from the view of a customer
  • The critical few are not separated out from the "nice to know"
  • They do not have one or two (no more) clear outcome metrics.  Using our football analogy, think of the outcome metric as the score of the game.  All the individual stats that are produced (proudly by AWS) during the game are just input or driving metrics.  They only matter if they indicate and predict what the outcome of the game will be. 
Finally, we learn from Tom Brady (and Bill Belichick, the coach of New England) that it is all about improving.  You win the superbowl by winning one game at a time and not dwelling on the negatives.  My favorite press conference was after New England got destroyed by Kansas City one year and at the post game presser all Belichick said was, "We are on to Cincinnati".  Meaning, the game with KC is done, over, now it is about improving and winning the next game.  (Patriots ended up beating Cincinnati 43-17 and went on to win the Super Bowl)

Too often people are looking at "rear view mirror" metrics so much that while they are constantly reviewing the metrics they forget to look in the windshield to see what is coming next (Cincinnati).  Sometimes you have to just learn then move on.  A critical few metrics, where you isolate and ignore all the noise, will ensure you do this.   

In honor of Bill Belichick, below is the press conference I reference.  (You will have to go to YouTube to see these)

Have a great week!

As an added bonus, if you want to have a lot of laughs, here is a montage of all his press conferences which are epic:

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