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Tag: collateralized

What the financial sector should expect from blockchain in 2023 (Alisa Dicaprio)

We are entering 2023 with tighter belts this year. However, we leave 2022 with unmatched blockchain experience, both good and bad. Will trends from...

What is CIAN?

CIAN is an automation decentralized finance (DeFi) tooling protocol that allows blockchain users to develop and optimize complex multi-protocol yield strategies.  With...

xBacked Launches xUSD, a 110% Over-Collateralised Stablecoin for Algorand Positioned to Transform the DeFi Realm

MEDIA RELEASE xBacked is a permissionless over-collateralized stablecoin protocol built on Algorand that allows anyone to use cryptocurrency without the volatility xBacked's decentralised stablecoin xUSD is...

Bitcoin Mining 2022 Review: A Tough Year for Public Miners

The mining data site Hashrate Index has released a report reflecting on the state of the Bitcoin mining industry throughout 2022.  The analysis examines...

SEC Files Complaint Against Gemini and Genesis for Allegedly Selling Unregistered Securities

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed a complaint against Genesis Global Capital and Gemini Trust Company for allegedly selling unregistered securities...

Crypto && Coffee 130

Crypto && Coffee 130January 11, 2023CipherTrace EngineeringTechnology Recap:BitcoinWhat is Bitcoin? The term "Bitcoin" can either refer to Bitc... More:Peter Todd announced a patch on top...

Djed Review: Cardano’s Algorithmic Stablecoin solution.

<!-- --> Despite what the name implies, many stablecoins haven’t proven to be very stable in recent years. The ramifications of...

Pace of Huobi Withdrawals Subsides as USDD Sees Renewed Slide

The pace of withdrawals from crypto exchange Huobi slowed on Sunday, according to data from Nansen, despite a recent slide in the price of...

Crypto Crackdown Intensifies as NY Hits Coinbase and Mashinsky

NY Attorney General Alleges Celsius Founder of Defrauded Customers; Coinbase Fined $50M In a one-two punch, New York state authorities slapped Coinbase with a...

Lido Finance Now Has Highest TVL in DeFi Surpassing MakerDAO

Lido’s liquid staking protocol has a total market cap of $5.96 billion in TVL. Lido finance had the largest portion of staked ETH...

The Question of Liquidity

While many people consider valuation to be the most challenging aspect of NFT lending, the real issue is liquidity. When taking an NFT as...

KuCoin vs Bitget Review 2023: Which Exchange is Best for You?

<!-- --> Welcome to another edition of our head-to-head exchange comparison series, where we break down the top crypto exchanges to...

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