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Tag: cohesive

6 Trends to Make Supply Chain Managers the Heroes of Their Company!

Supply chain leaders and heroes will face the year with uncertainty and opportunity. Digital technologies are becoming more prevalent in basic supply chain functions,...

Accidental discovery produces superfluorescent light at room temperature

Researchers in the US have created nanoparticles that emit pulses of superfluorescent light at room temperature. Unusually, the emitted light is...

Remarkable Tips for Listing and Selling Items on Multiple Platforms!

It’s no secret that listing and selling items on multiple platforms can help increase your reach and sales. However, knowing which platform best...

Upscale Your eCommerce Business with Growth Best Practices – CommerceNow’ 22 Recap 

This summer, founders, CEOs, marketers, sales reps, and revenue leaders in the eCommerce space gathered virtually to share their experiences, best strategies, and ultra-powerful...

The Bill of Materials (BOM) Beginners Guide!

Manufacturing contributed 10.8% to the total US GDP in 2020. Manufacturing businesses are at the heart of eCommerce and retail businesses. If you’re...

//WAVE// EliGE & Bjergsen: NA’s Greatests

In that heavy hype style native to Riot’s promotions, Jatt announces that Bjergsen is the greatest LCS player of all time. “He defined how...

Enhancing The IoT Ecosystem With Data Interoperability

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when hearing the term "Internet of Things or IoT?" We are pretty sure it...

How to Build And Lead a Successful Catering Business?

Catering companies across the globe made a total of $187.64 billion in 2021 and are expected to reach $378.39 billion in 2026 at a...

How the boy band BTS is using IP to build its legacy

March 2022 By Ana Clara Ribeiro, Intellectual Property attorney, Curitiba, Brazil The Korean boy band BTS is one of the most successful groups of all time....

Building software from scratch, the user-centric approach – Codementor Events

As a developer, it may be tempting to just start building features and products. However, before you take things to the keyboard, you should...

Dragon Age Inquisition Area Levels Guide | Stay Safe

Dragon Age Inquisition is an incredible game. The story is second to none, and the game mechanics bring together everything that’s great about the...

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