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Tag: Charles

Kerry Emanuel, David Sabatini, and Peter Shor receive BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge awards

The BBVA Foundation awarded three MIT professors Frontiers of Knowledge Awards for their work in climate change, biology and biomedicine,...

Device-independent quantum key distribution with single-photon sources

Jan Kołodyński1,2, Alejandro Máttar2, Paul Skrzypczyk3, Erik Woodhead2,4, Daniel Cavalcanti2, Konrad Banaszek1,5, and Antonio Acín2,6 1Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies, Centre of New Technologies,...

The first law of general quantum resource theories

Carlo Sparaciari1, Lídia del Rio2, Carlo Maria Scandolo3, Philippe Faist4,5, and Jonathan Oppenheim1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London WC1E 6BT,...

When 2 Become 1 (Tyne Pedestrian and Cyclist Tunnels, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

Unless your journey is really necessary you shouldn’t be travelling at the moment. If you’re not passing through the subject of today’s article...

Improving Variational Quantum Optimization using CVaR

Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos1, Giacomo Nannicini2, Anton Robert1,3, Ivano Tavernelli1, and Stefan Woerner1 1IBM Research – Zurich2IBM T.J. Watson Research Center3École Normale Supérieure, PSL University,...

Kolmogorov extension theorem for (quantum) causal modelling and general probabilistic theories

Simon Milz1,2, Fattah Sakuldee3,4, Felix A. Pollock2, and Kavan Modi2 1Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Boltzmanngasse 3, 1090...

Time-dependent Hamiltonian simulation with $L^1$-norm scaling

Dominic W. Berry1, Andrew M. Childs2,3, Yuan Su2,3, Xin Wang3,4, and Nathan Wiebe5,6,7 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia2Department...

“My God – It’s Full of Stars” (Bund Sightseeing Tunnel, Shanghai, China)

Warning: flashing lights in this article. We might all be required to stay at home for the moment, but one day we’ll be let...

Why women feel pressured to shave

Written by Marianna Cerini, CNNCNN Style has launched a dedicated Beauty section. Read more Beauty stories here. Type "When did women start..." into...

Ghent start-up uman.ai raises half a million euros

Ghent, February 14, 2020 – The Ghent start-up uman.ai has just completed a venture round of 500,000 euros. The investors are imec.istart, Skyhaus...

What Is Cardano? | The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Cardano is a smart contract platform that seeks to deliver more advanced features than any blockchain protocol before it. Developed using a strict,...

Kindhumans Ethical Store Accepts Crypto: Why This Matters

When mass adoption? That’s the question on the minds of so many crypto fans. The short answer is that nobody knows ‘if’ or...

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