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Tag: Cell

Games Like Black and White You Should Already Have Played

We’ve all wanted to play god, right? Whether creating vast, beautiful worlds or using your divine powers to smite the unbelievers, many gamers have...

Supersonic Flights: Sustainable, Responsible and Game Changing Transportation

Written for Abu Dhabi Ideas 2019 In 1966, I left a remote desert village in India, with my mom, on a camel. A few weeks later, we were on our first 747 aircraft to London. That was 53 years and 38 countries ago. That one experience made all the difference in opportunities available to [...]

15 Cannabis Terpenes Explained (Complete Visual Guide)

You might have noticed that not all strains smell the same. Pine, berry, mint… There are more than a few distinctive fragrances in cannabis. Cannabis...

Pre-Soaking in Water Germination Technique

A common germination method for cannabis is to soak the seed overnight in a glass of water that is at room temperature because this...

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