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Tag: caveat

Thank You (2022 Edition)

You know, this is the time of year where Chris normally publishes a big ol’ reflection of the past year. The first one was...

Is the Crypto Bear Market Coming to an End? 3 Key Indicators to Look

Valuations in the cryptocurrency market have dropped significantly from their all-time highs, with the total market capitalization losing around $2.2 trillion – a...

JWST is performing ‘phenomenally’ one year on, say scientists

A year after its launch, astronomers are revealing the secrets of the universe, as the first scientific results from observations made...

Home buyers get some relief as mortgage rates come off 7% highs

In October, mortgage interest rates topped 7% for the first time in two decades, the latest milestone reached this year amid a surge in...

Are 100% Security Guarantees Possible?

There is no software without bugs, right? While this is a common sentiment, we make assumptions that rely on the premise that software has...

Run fault tolerant and cost-optimized Spark clusters using Amazon EMR on EKS and Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

Amazon EMR on EKS is a deployment option in Amazon EMR that allows you to run Spark jobs on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon...

High On Life Review

A few things are certain in life. We are born, we die, and comedy as a concept is inherently subjective. Nowhere is that...

The 10 best strains for sleep

Before we dive into our favorite sleepy strains, a quick caveat: the best strains for sleep will be unique to your body. Chemical profiles...

Unchain My Inaccessibly-Labelled Heart

Suzy Naschansky from the HTMHell Advent Calendar: <h2 id="article1-heading">All About Dragons</h2> <p>I like dragons. Blah blah blah blah blah.</p> <p> <a id="article1-read-more" aria-labelledby="article1-read-more article1-heading">Read...

A Week With: 2022 Rivian R1S

At a time when Tesla dominates the battery-electric vehicle sales charts, there are a number of EV startups that see the opportunity to crack...

How to Use Analytics to Accelerate Business Growth?

Analytics is often associated with understanding why a particular event happened by analyzing historical data. It is more of a diagnostic approach to finding...

Investing in Web3: culture and entertainment

A simple strategy for where to put your money is to search among your passions, hobbies and obsessions. Culture is the new currency....

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