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Tag: carefree

What is slang for Getting High?

High on Lingo: A Global Journey Through Slang for Getting Elevated What is slang for getting high? New York to Jamaica In the wide world of cannabis...

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A Trip Down Memory Lane: Unpacking the Fall 97 Cannabis Strain

The Fall 97 cannabis strain is a nostalgic journey for many enthusiasts, offering a rich genetic heritage, distinctive cultivation characteristics, and a unique sensory...

Exploring the 5 Negative Stereotypes about Marijuana Created by DARE in the 1980s

Exploring Five Negative Stereotypes of Marijuana Stereotypes serve as a cognitive shortcut, allowing people to make rapid judgments based on limited information. While they can...

Study Suggests Half Of Automotive Techs Want To Quit Their Job

It's no secret that modern automobiles are more complex than ever. By default, that means modern automotive techs have a bevy of systems to...

“The Beatles’ Rooftop Concert: The Final Act of a Legendary Journey”

The Tumultuous Road to the Rooftop: Setting the Stage for a Historic Performance As 1969 dawned, The Beatles found themselves navigating a period of intense...

The Evolution of Surfing and Cannabis – Where Legalization Puts a Sacred Relationship

Surfing and cannabis share a unique and intertwined history, one that has seen both emerge from the fringes to become widely embraced in mainstream...

22 Video Marketing & Advertising Campaigns You’ll Actually Enjoy Watching

91% of people want to see more video marketing efforts from brands — but knowing where to start can be intimidating. We’re sharing 22...

Emerge Weirdest News Stories of 2023 – Decrypt

The emerging tech world provided a frenzied year of big bets and weird twists, dominated by an unquenchable enthusiasm for artificial intelligence. As the...

2023 A Momentous Year As Giant Strides Made In Push For Atmanirbharta In Defence

2023 A Momentous Year As Giant Strides Made In Push For Atmanirbharta In Defence Sunday, December 24, 2023 by Indian Defence News 2023 was a landmark...

How Did DOGE Become So Popular, And Will There Be More Meme Coin Millionaires?

Despite reaching its peak in market capitalisation, DOGE remains a valuable investment for some investors. Its remarkable success has ushered in a new cryptocurrency...

The Best Good Luck Songs and the Luckiest Artists

Recently, this trend has gone even further, with people using music not only to reflect emotions but to manifest good fortune into their lives...

Out-Smoking Death or the Devil’s Bong – 5 Spooky Weed-Themed Stories to Scare the Cannabis Out of You!

Oftentimes on Twitter or any social media platform for that matter, you’ll find people complaining about shows or books they didn’t like. While I...

Cannabinoids, pain, anxiety & fear: The biology of negative emotion

Pain, fear, and anxiety: What are they?Entire books have been written about what emotions are and how they relate to the brain. Here’s how...

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