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Tag: capsule

Want to Quit Booze, Try Shrooms! – Psilocybin Cuts Alcohol Cravings According to New Medical Studies

Psilocybin has been used for centuries by native tribes as well as in religious ceremonies. In recent decades, its therapeutic use and benefits in the medical setting have been discovered. One new study examines its benefits for treating alcohol use disorder. The researchers analyzed the impact of alcohol addiction on the frontal cortex of rat models with alcoholism, after which they examined how psilocybin worked on a molecular level. Psilocybin is one of several psychedelic drugs that are currently being studied today for their promising benefits on behavioral disorders, one of which is addiction.

Taiko Launches Novel NFT Project on Binance NFT: Featuring Celebrity Cats

The NFC-NEKO collection will be available in Mystery Boxes and can be initially purchased on the Binance NFT Marketplace, the largest curated NFT marketplace in the world. The collection will also be subsequently launched on other secondary NFT marketplaces on January 7, 2022. To add to its allure, the NFC-NEKO will represent five high-profile global-internet-sensation […]

The post Taiko Launches Novel NFT Project on Binance NFT: Featuring Celebrity Cats appeared first on Asia Crypto Today.

Turbo-compressor Technologies for Aviation Fuel Cell Systems: Operational Requirements and Development Trends

Introduction Fuel cells are an important driver in the current energy system landscape with significant impact on the technology base and economic growth. Global fuel cell system shipments saw a 10% increase in 2020, totaling 1.3GW. The transport sector continues to lead with a growth of 25% on the number of units shipped globally. The Read More...

The post Turbo-compressor Technologies for Aviation Fuel Cell Systems: Operational Requirements and Development Trends first appeared on Turbomachinery blog.

Review Of Reakiro’s New Broad-Spectrum CBD Product Range SOOL

After the massive success that the award-winning brand has been having with its full-spectrum CBD products, Reakiro now went on to release a new...

A Historical Perspective on Chinese Spaceplanes

This piece is the first of a two-part blog post by China Aerospace Blog on Chinese spaceplanes. It sets the context of spaceplanes in China, and goes over past attempts to make such vehicles. Part 2 will provide an analysis of current projects under development from Chinese state-owned and private companies. Table of Contents 1 – Introduction to spaceplanes 2 – China’s take on the …

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