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Tag: cache

Accelerated PyTorch inference with torch.compile on AWS Graviton processors | Amazon Web Services

Originally PyTorch used an eager mode where each PyTorch operation that forms the model is run independently as soon as it’s reached. PyTorch 2.0...

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Verification Tools Straining To Keep Up

Verification engineers are the unsung heroes of the semiconductor industry, but they are at a breaking point and desperately in need of modern tools...

What is OrderedDict in Python?

Introduction Key-value pairs can be stored in dictionaries, which are reliable data structures. Ordinary dictionaries, however, did not preserve the order of items as they...

How To Speed Up Python Code with Caching

Image by Author  In Python, you can use caching to store the results of expensive function calls and reuse them when the function is called...

Etched scores $120M for an ASIC built for transformer models

Following ChatGPT's debut in late 2022, GPUs – Nvidia's in particular – have become synonymous with generative AI. However, given the scale at which AI...

Feminized or Autoflower? Find the Perfect Cannabis Seeds for Your Grow

It all starts with selecting the right seed to grow. As one of the oldest plants ever cultivated by man, cannabis has survived centuries...

Scale and simplify ML workload monitoring on Amazon EKS with AWS Neuron Monitor container | Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is excited to announce the launch of the AWS Neuron Monitor container, an innovative tool designed to enhance the monitoring capabilities...

How to Reinstall Google Play Store

The Google Play Store is essential for Android users, providing access to millions of apps, games, books, and more. Occasionally, you might encounter issues...

An introduction to embedding an LLM into your application

Hands on Large language models (LLMs) are generally associated with chatbots such as ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini, but they're by no means limited to...

Manage Amazon SageMaker JumpStart foundation model access with private hubs | Amazon Web Services

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is a machine learning (ML) hub offering pre-trained models and pre-built solutions. It provides access to hundreds of foundation models (FMs)....

Run Apache Spark 3.5.1 workloads 4.5 times faster with Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark | Amazon Web Services

The Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark is a performance-optimized runtime that is 100% API compatible with open source Apache Spark. It offers faster...

NeuroHammer Attacks on ReRAM-Based Memories

A new technical paper titled “NVM-Flip: Non-Volatile-Memory BitFlips on the System Level” was published by researchers at Ruhr-University Bochum, University of Duisburg-Essen, and Robert...

Maximize your Amazon Translate architecture using strategic caching layers | Amazon Web Services

Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high quality, affordable, and customizable language translation. Amazon Translate supports 75 languages and...

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