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Tag: business

How Does an Artist Build Winning Writing Habits? [MasterMind Session]

Drawing has never been a problem for illustrator Dawn Griffin. However, she’s now finding it challenging to sit down and write out her...

Driving the innovation engine as you scale

We’ve heard the stories. Nokia. General Motors. Kodak. At their peak, they all held very prominent market shares in their respective markets. They...

Customer Experience Trends for 2020: same same, but different

The end of every year usually plays out as follows: either people look back at past 12 months, brooding about what could have...

QTUM Review: Bitcoin Based dApp Development Platform

Qtum is a project that has been around for some time now. It is also one of the most interesting cryptocurrency to come...

How eXtended Reality is Redefining Marketing Promotions for Movie Production Houses

Augmented Reality, (AR) is a disruptive technology and while it is been getting adopted by several...

The Road to TEDx

This article is written by Daryl Hatton, CEO of FundRazr. Daryl was invited to give a TEDx talk on the topic “Philanthropy as...

Satellite broken? Smart satellites to the rescue

When satellites break, which is surprisingly often, there isn't much you can do about them. They become expensive and dangerous flotsam, orbiting Earth for...

Nutanix: There have always been losses. You know what’s really fattening? Our subs

Hyperconverged infrastructure purveyor Nutanix posted the biggest quarterly loss in its short history last night – but still got some love from Wall...

7 Phishes You Don’t Want This Holiday

Reading Time: 4 minutesEvery year as we approach the holiday season, millions prepare to celebrate a popular Italian annual tradition: the...

Menu Digitization with OCR and Deep Learning

Introduction This article will take you through how these companies can automate several procedures like menu digitization or invoice processing that are traditionally done manually...

SaaS Free Trial Conversion Rate Benchmarks + Interactive Calculator

Do you know if your product’s Free Trial is hitting industry conversion benchmarks? If not, you could be leaving a lot of money...

Don’t be a fool! Why knowledge matters in life (and in NLP)

To read and understand a word or phrase, not only must we know the language it’s written in (with all its grammatical rules,...

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