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Tag: build

Productive Remote Work (When Your Mental Health Says “No”)

Remote work is not easy. It sounds like a dream (and it honestly is in a lot of ways), but there’s a darker...

Forms, File Uploads and Security with Node.js and Express

If you’re building a web application, you’re likely to encounter the need to build HTML forms on day one. They’re a big part...

Why blockchain can help block false news

In 2018, a video of former President Barack Obama appeared on YouTube explaining how easily technology can be used to manipulate video and...

Cannabis Industry Training Optimization

You’ve finally found it… the “treasure map” to building an unstoppable career or business in the cannabis industry. We call it the “Cannabis...

The Key To Communication in Psychologically Safe Teams

Communication. Such a vast topic and one that’s undoubtedly cornerstone to the existence or absence of Psychological Safety. What does effective communication look like...

How to Get Involved in the Booming Python Job Market

From finance to artificial intelligence, data science to web development, there isn’t an area in which Python isn’t consolidated and flourishing. So let’s...

What Is Node and When Should I Use It?

So you’ve heard of Node.js, but aren’t quite sure what it is or where it fits into your development workflow. Or maybe you’ve...

Bitcoin SV Review: Complete Beginners Guide to BSV

Bitcoin SV is one of the more controversial coins in the cryptocurrency space. Despite this, the intense interest in BSV has seen extensive...

Top 2020 WordPress Plugins for Supercharging Your Website

This sponsored article was created by our content partner, BAW Media. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.WordPress has become...

‘Breaking Bad’ actor’s opens doors to his Idaho retreat

"Breaking Bad" actor Aaron Paul's idea of the perfect family getaway is simple: a log-clad, cabin style home in rural Idaho, where he's...

How to Make a Simple JavaScript Quiz

“How do I make a JavaScript quiz?” is one of the most common questions asked by people learning web development, and for good...

Getting from fintech to techfin

Fintech progress seems to be as unclear in Asia as most other regions. China is probably the leading fintech market, but as a...

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