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Tag: Bug

By the time you start thinking about churn, it’s too late

There’s something about the idea of task forces that always makes me cringe.A task force can mean a number of things, but in...

Newsblog – Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ripple: Bitcoin rutscht unter die 7000-Dollar-Marke

Bitcoin-Logo Der Bitcoin ist die älteste und weltweit wichtigste Kryptowährung. (Foto:& Reuters) Viele...

Newsblog – Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ripple: Bitcoin sinkt nach schlechten Omen auf neuen Tiefststand

Bitcoin-Logo Der Bitcoin ist die älteste und weltweit wichtigste Kryptowährung. (Foto:& Reuters) Viele...

The State of Crypto Interoperability. (Explained in Pictures).

There’s been a lot of talk about blockchain interoperability recently with the launch of Cosmos and the potential threat...

How personalized customer service can turn a bad experience into a good one

Customer service is not an easy job. Solving customers’ issues on a daily basis can often come with an unsolicited side of negativity...

Identifying and eliminating bugs in learned predictive models

This is not an entirely new problem. Computer programs have always had bugs. Over decades, software engineers have assembled an impressive toolkit of...

Litecoin Core v0.17.1 Release Candidate

Follow the Google+ page or Twitter for the latest dev news.We are pleased to release Litecoin Core 0.17.1 release candidate. This is a...

Password managers are not invulnerable. But don’t tell anyone

Password managers are great. But they are not infallible. It turns out, doing the right thing is not always the best idea.What we mean...

Building your best team with customer-centric sales

Customer experience is something of a holy grail for business leaders around the world. Every company is looking into delivering the most seamless...

The Race Towards Setting the Public Blockchain in Stone

“The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of...

If you don’t like apps touching, Qubes 4.0.1 is a good place to jump in

Invisible Things Lab pushed out a point release of Qubes OS this week in the form of version 4.0.1 The update, which is...

Introducing STEEMITALIA.COM the new Italian platform for the Steem blockchain

@steempostitalia is a dynamic project created almost two years ago by a small group of Steemit Italian users. Since the beginning, our goal...

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