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Tag: Breakdown

FTX US Review: Crypto Trading for US Investors

Crypto exchange regulation has been frustratingly complex for crypto traders in recent years, being about as difficult to understand and navigate through as trying to play pin the tail on donkey while blindfolded and submerged in chocolate pudding. FTX have finally overcome what has felt like a bad dating show about who is dating who, […]

The post FTX US Review: Crypto Trading for US Investors appeared first on Coin Bureau.

Karura: THE all-in-one DeFi hub of Kusama

The Karura Project has a lot to live up to. Winning Kusama’s first Parachain Auction in style (somewhat predictably, some might say), brings high expectations. Rather than shy away from the inevitable scrutiny such a victory evokes, Karura boldly self-proclaim as “THE all-in-one DeFi hub of Kusama”. This article explores just how deserving this mantle […]

The post Karura: THE all-in-one DeFi hub of Kusama appeared first on Coin Bureau.

Nanoparticles in fuel could boost aircraft efficiency

Improvement of 8% seen in the lab-based ethanol combustion

The post Nanoparticles in fuel could boost aircraft efficiency appeared first on Physics World.

How Do I Get My Audience to Engage With Me During a Kickstarter? [Big Tim Stiles Mastermind Hotseat]

Gorilla of My Dreams writer Big Tim Stiles latest attempt to get some backer engagement and interaction during his Kickstarter flopped big time. In this mastermind style session, a round table of ComixLaunch Pros facilitated by Tyler James breakdown what went wrong with Tim's engagement strategy, and brainstorm ways to improve it, as well as share what's worked for backer engagement during their launches. Mastermind season is BACK on ComixLaunch!

How to Launch your Blockchain Career Today!

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain careers are trending at all-time highs and the industry is growing at a rate so quickly that hundreds of jobs are being advertised faster than you can type up your resume. In fact, a survey performed by LinkedIn in 2020 found that Blockchain skills were the most in-demand skills in the United […]

The post How to Launch your Blockchain Career Today! appeared first on Coin Bureau.

Carbon neutrality and the role of business on the path to net zero emissions

1. Introduction Climate change is a global problem caused by increased levels of greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions accelerated after the middle of the last...

3air Ready to Solve Telecommunications Problems in Africa with Upcoming Public Sale

3air will kick off its public sale on November 26, as seen on the presale page.

3air Token Public Sale Details

The platform is building its upcoming public sale on the successful private sale rounds, which saw numerous participants joining. Currently, users register for the public sale and are awaiting Know Your Customer (KYC) and AML verifications.

The platform will sell the token at $0.06 at the public sale, which will offer the initial and final supply of tokens in presale rounds. To enter, you will need a minimum ticket of $600, while the maximum investment opportunity stands at $49,800.

The team securely developed the token on Cardano, utilizing the blockchain's IOHK Atala Prism Identity Management solution.

The platform will dedicate 20% of the 1 billion maximum token supply to the public sale. This allocation differs from the seed sale and private rounds, which represented 1% and 11% of total supply, respectively.

3air provides a detailed breakdown of its token sales. Also, the company believes that the disclosure of the token's distribution is crucial to prevent future supply changes.

The platform reassures its user base that all token distributions run on smart contracts. Therefore, you will receive your tokens once the sale closes automatically through an app on your ADA wallet.

Unfortunately, some countries will not be able to participate in token sales. The US, North Korea, Zambia, Central African Republic, British Virgin Islands, China, Venezuela, Iran and Iraq.

Tapping into Untapped African Markets

Investors have long recognized the African continent as a region full of potential and talent. However, the current lack of broadband internet and its supporting infrastructure causes a digital divide that slows down economic growth.

African cities can grow faster and thrive with more reliable internet connectivity. However, building telecommunication lines and burying fiber network cables requires substantial investments in infrastructure. Currently, internet providers focus primarily on business districts only, and Internet connections are limited and unreliable. A report by the World Bank estimates that it would take over $100 billion of investment and 10 years to achieve widespread broadband connectivity using traditional means.

3air recognizes this need for high speed internet and aims to close the digital divide faster and at lower costs. In a simulation of market potential using Nigeria as an example, 3air estimates that the value of the Nigerian markets' untapped annual revenue for Internet services is worth $60 billion. Establishing more affordable and faster internet connectivity would therefore not only benefit local populations, but token holders as well.

3air uses all these factors as motivation to provide broad premium bandwidth in African cities to previously underserved areas. In this regard, the platform relies on a talented and experienced team of specialists in IT, blockchain, marketing, and telecommunication.

Blockchain technology is leveraged by 3air to provide a trustless, decentralized environment that maintains security and user data protection. Users will be able to create digital identities, enabling access to bankless payments, health, work and education. Internet, TV and IP Telephony subscriptions will be paid for using the 3air token. The token will also be used for bandwidth sharing, HW insurance and maintenance, rewards, referrals, staking and community governance.

Fruitful Partnerships

Besides developing on Cardano, 3air is acquiring more partnerships to drive its vision to completion. One of these strategic collaborations is with the telecom service provider K3 Telecom. The Swiss company's patented technology will develop the broadband connection for 3air using innovative wireless technology that is able to set up high speed internet connectivity in a new region in a matter of months. 

Its optic grade air connectivity can provide 1Gbps internet speed and over 150 television channels. The technology, K3 last mile, is ready for the world, utilizing innovative technology, a functional business plan, and a successful proof of concept in Sierra Leone. Other 3air partnerships include collaborations with IT TIM, CV Labs Global, and iceaddis.

These business and technological joint efforts show 3air's commitment to providing Africa with better internet connectivity. Thanks to its innovative projects and ideas, individuals and businesses in African cities will finally upgrade to fast and cost-effective internet services.

COP 26 Glasgow, Scotland

This month, thousands of scientists, climate change activists, and world leaders descend upon Glasgow, Scotland for the United Nations Climate Change Conference UK 2021...

Innovation Patent System ‘Ends’ not with a Whimper, but a Bang!

Innovation Patent System ‘Ends’ not with a Whimper, but a Bang!

BombThe innovation patent has been Australia’s second tier patent right since 2001, but it is now being phased out.  Just over two months have now passed since the final day on which new, original (i.e. not derived from an existing application) innovation patents could be filed.  As of 26 August 2021, the only way to obtain an innovation patent application is by division or conversion from an application that itself has a filing date on or before 25 August 2021.  Innovation patents have a maximum term of eight years from the initial filing date, and thus after 25 August 2029, at the latest, there will be no more innovation patents.  Predictably, the number of innovation patent applications being filed grew significantly during the weeks and months leading up to the final deadline, driven in large part by applications of dubious merit originating in China and India.

So how did filing numbers end up?  And why has it taken two months for me to get around to this analysis?  Well, to answer the second question first, the huge deluge of applications – nearly 2,800 over 25 days in August, over half of which were filed in the final six days – created a backlog that IP Australia is still clearing.  As at the time of writing, there remain around 300 innovation patent applications that are yet to be processed in any way, meaning that details of who filed them, and who the applicants are (and where they are from) remain unavailable.  At this point, however, a clear picture is emerging.  Furthermore, there is some evidence that IP Australia has been prioritising the order in which the remaining applications are being processed according to the workload involved, such that almost all unprocessed applications were filed by Indian applicants.

In the final days, Australian resident applicants filed innovation patent applications in unprecedented numbers, apparently driven primarily by those who had received advice from patent attorneys about the final deadline and the implications of the phase out of the innovation patent.  Indian and Chinese applicants continued to fleece the system for cheap patent certificates, accounting for over half of the applications filed in August.  Filings originating elsewhere in the world increased only modestly, suggesting that genuine demand for innovation patents by foreign applicants remained relatively low until the end.

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Argos: Making Good Course Design Easy and Fun

How courseware could work with real product/market fit in mind.

The post Argos: Making Good Course Design Easy and Fun appeared first on e-Literate.

Showell Review 2023: Features, Pricing & More

Today, we are going to review Showell, a sales enablement and collaboration solution for modern businesses. Showell allows Sales teams to:Have access to their...

What You Need to Know About Climate Friendly Investing vs. ESG

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