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Tag: brands

5 Tips For Dominating Today’s Retail Execution

Customers love new and exciting things that spark interest and engagement. That is why stores should adopt the habit of frequently switching...

Brand Strategies for Conversational Interfaces

At Dashbot, we recently hosted a meetup in NYC to discuss brand strategies in conversational interfaces. As the space continues to mature, more...

Conversational Commerce: if you’re not buying, then our algorithms are just not good enough

To begin with, let’s define what conversational commerce is all about: it’s a kind of commerce that is done via various means of...

How localization increases sales worldwide

Back in 2014, Common Sense Advisory, a research company that focuses on global business and commerce, published a paper on localization and its...

Branding Dilemmas for a Multi-talented Creator – Abrian Curington Hotseat [MasterMind Session]

Abrian Curington is a multi-talented creator who, over the past few years has crowdfunded both fiction and non-fiction projects. Now she’s wrestling with...

Kindhumans Ethical Store Accepts Crypto: Why This Matters

When mass adoption? That’s the question on the minds of so many crypto fans. The short answer is that nobody knows ‘if’ or...

The Best Way To Address On-Shelf Availability Issue In Retail

Even in this digital age when everything is just a button-click away, nothing compares to the experience of going to a store,...

Driving the innovation engine as you scale

We’ve heard the stories. Nokia. General Motors. Kodak. At their peak, they all held very prominent market shares in their respective markets. They...

Customer Experience Trends for 2020: same same, but different

The end of every year usually plays out as follows: either people look back at past 12 months, brooding about what could have...

How eXtended Reality is Redefining Marketing Promotions for Movie Production Houses

Augmented Reality, (AR) is a disruptive technology and while it is been getting adopted by several...

Retail Execution In Traditional Trade: Are You Doing It Right?

“There is only one thing that signifies Order in retail, and that is Retail Execution”. Traditional Trade (a.k.a Kirana Trade) plays...

Malmö, Sweden — Dom har fallit i patent- och marknadsdomstolen i målet mellan Konsumentombudsmannen och Elec Games Ltd gällande måttfull spelreklam (English translation follows)

Dom har fallit i patent- och marknadsdomstolen i målet mellan Konsumentombudsmannen och Elec Games Ltd gällande måttfull spelreklam 22 november 2019 – Global Gamings...

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