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Tag: Block explorer

Bitcoin Can Be Super Collateral If Lenders Understand Its Value

This is an opinion editorial by Max Keidun, the CEO of peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange Hodl Hodl.The bitcoin lending space has suffered from several major...

ETH Price Prediction for 2023 and Vitalik Buterin’s Adoption of Ethereum Improvement Proposal

Jan 06, 2023 at 12:30 // News Ethereum (ETH) price forecast is bullish, but $1,260 is a strong resistance level...

Developers Burn 5 Trillion BONK as Solana-Based Meme Coin Slides

The developers behind Solana-based meme coin BONK burned their allocation of 5 trillion BONK tokens early Friday, in a bid to stem the token’s...

What Is Counterparty? Historical NFTs Built on Bitcoin

Long before collections like CryptoPunks and CryptoKitties and the OpenSea marketplace helped popularize non-fungible tokens on Ethereum—even before the term "NFT" ever existed—an ecosystem...

Deso Blockchain Crosses 2 Million Accounts Amid Elon Musk’s Twitter Revamp

Los Angeles, California, 21st December, 2022, ChainwireTakeawaysElon Musk posted a poll asking if he should step down as CEO due to backlash from a...

The Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act: An Unconstitutional Bill For An Unconstitutional World

This is an opinion editorial by L0la L33tz, a privacy and security researcher and hacking advocate.Yesterday, the U.S. Senate proposed the Digital Asset Anti-Money...

An Explanatory Guide To ZkSync

Read Time: 5 minutes The most popular blockchain- Ethereum, certainly has some drawbacks, such as high gas fees and slow processing of transactions.  However, the...

Bitcoin’s Third Largest Wallet Changed Hands, but Onchain Data Shows It’s Likely the Same Owner

Last year and during the first half of 2022, speculators assumed the third-largest bitcoin address was a ‘mysterious whale,’ even though the wallet had...

Dapp Deployment Using Quick Node RPC

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Let’s say you want to build Dapp on top of the blockchain. So...

What is WAX Blockchain? $WAXP & $WAXE

From decentralized apps or dApps to games and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), if a brand wants to launch a successful digital marketplace exchange,...

Decentralized Social Names Former Meta Exec as COO

Los Angeles, California, 22nd November, 2022, Chainwire Salil Shah joins DeSo after holding exec roles at Meta and Pinterest, most recently leading global go-to-market...

Hidden in Plain Sight: A Sneaky Solidity Implementation of a Sealed-Bid Auction

November 16, 2022 Michael Zhu Editor’s note: This piece is part of our ongoing series on all things auctions for web3. Part...

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