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Tag: Bill

What Do the Richest Men in the World Think of Crypto and Blockchain?

For the past decade, blockchain, Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies have disrupted everything they have touched — including banking, hedge funds, law enforcement,...

American Express employees strong-armed small businesses to boost sales, according to former customers and employees

American Express employees misled and coerced scores of small-business owners into signing up for cards, according to a Wall Street Journal report.Former and current...

The ‘retirement savings waterfall’ explains where your money should go to build the most wealth

It can be hard to figure out where to put the money you save for retirement when there are multiple types of accounts...

Hemp CBD Across State Lines: Oregon

The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill) legalized hemp by removing the crop and its derivatives from the definition of marijuana...

Bitcartcc’s Merchant Solution: Developer Builds Self-Hosted Btcpay Alternative Supporting Bitcoin Cash

On February 28, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) proponents were introduced to a new platform called Bitcartcc. The project is a self-hosted...

For a Saas startup, what is better: to bill clients annually or monthly? Why?

  Q: For a Saas startup, what is better: to bill clients annually or monthly? Why? It’s 2020. Bill and charge your customers the way they want...

Boardwalktech Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2020 Financial Results

<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" type="text" content="Continued Growth in Recurring Revenue, and Positive Operating Cash highlight quarter" data-reactid="11">Continued Growth in Recurring Revenue,...

Why Most Chatbots are Annoying and How to Make Sure Yours Isn’t

As conversational language interfaces begin to dominate customer service, so does the backlash against chatbots grow. Forrester predicted last year that 2019 would...

Tax Experts Suggest Gradual Income Tariff Imposition on Bitcoin

Feb 28, 2020 at 09:22 // News Some tax experts in South Korea suggested that they first adopt low-level...

Ordering apps to boost sales for your restaurant

Ordering apps can help to boost sales for your restaurant. Some claim that ordering apps can boost it up to 20% of your...

BREAKING NEWS: FDA and USDA Start Making Sense on Hemp CBD

According to Hemp Industry Daily reporter Laura Drotleff, it  was an eventful week for hemp regulation at the National Association of State Department...

Are Miners Prepared for the Halving of Bitcoin?

Anyone following crypto news has undoubtedly seen numerous articles that forecast Bitcoin’s (BTC) valuation following the upcoming halving slated to take place in...

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