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Tag: beers

Implement exact match with Amazon Lex QnAIntent | Amazon Web Services

This post is a continuation of Creating Natural Conversations with Amazon Lex QnAIntent and Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Base. In summary, we explored new capabilities...

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Overexposure Distorted the Science of Mirror Neurons | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn the summer of 1991, the neuroscientist Vittorio Gallese was studying how movement is represented in the brain when he noticed something odd. He...

Using AI to Make Beer Better

While you may already have your beer of choice sitting in the fridge (no shame, I keep a case ready for Knicks and Yankees...

Belgian beer study acquires taste for machine learning

Joining the list of things that probably don't need improving by machine learning but people are going to try anyway is Belgian beer. The ale...

Researchers use machine learning to improve the taste of Belgian beers – Physics World

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are finding applications in many different areas but scientists from Belgium have now raised the, er, bar somewhat. They have...

What If You No Longer Find Joy in Smoking Weed? – Understanding the Seasons in One’s Life

Understanding Seasons in one’s life WHAT TO DO IF YOU NO LONGER FIND JOY IN SMOKING WEED As human beings, we are constantly evolving and growing,...

Why You Should Try a Cannabis Drink If You Consume Alcohol

In recent years, the landscape of recreational substances has expanded beyond traditional boundaries. As society's understanding of cannabis evolves and legalization spreads, a fascinating...

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