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Tag: barriers

Human Augmentation & Powerful Problem Solving

16 Dec Human Augmentation & Powerful Problem Solving by Stambol If you could solve any problem in...

Whitepaper: How to solve the big hardware/software challenges in automotive

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What are the current business barriers to AR adoption & what is being done to overcome them?

In this AREA editorial, we take a look at some of the reasons why some companies are not yet fully embracing the potential...

Create a predictive system for image classification using Deep Learning as a Service

Learn how to perform multiclass classification using Watson Studio and IBM Deep Learning as a Service.

Dealing with AI’s energy problem

We’re no strangers to AI, and a lot of the technologies we use on a daily basis lean on it to provide us...

Biological engineer Paul Blainey creates new tools to advance biomedical research

Microfluidics — the science of manipulating tiny amounts of fluid through channels — has been widely used in fields such...

AugRay Brings First Video XR- enabled Movie Promotion for Jio Studio’s ‘Made in China’

‘Made in China’, an upcoming Bollywood movie produced by Jio Studios is creating a tremendous pre-release...

Technology in Cardiometabolic Health • Medtech Impact On Wellness

This partner blog is from The Cardiometabolic Health Congress (CMHC). In collaboration with MedTech, CMHC will host the Cardiometabolic Tech Summit on October 10th to...

The internet changed gaming forever. How’s player support keeping up?

“Gaming has changed,” I thought to myself as I slowly maneuvered past the young cosplayers crowding the halls at Gamescom, the largest gaming...

Bitcoin’s blockchain tainted with links to child abuse imagery

by Mark Stockley Researchers from Germany’s RWTH Aachen and Goethe universities claim to have discovered links to child abuse images embedded...

EZ365 reveals blockchain for digital asset trading, gambling, esports betting, and education

EZ365 today announced its plan to launch the world’s first blockchain-based ecosystem that combines a digital asset exchange, a cryptocurrency casino,...

The blockchain network effect of familiarity and a prediction of future value

I haven't logged into Bittrex, Binance for about a month I think as I decided that instead of trading or concerning myself with...

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